Congratulations BHVR for 1 year achievement

steam charts - 1 year - 50% drop
Thanks for all the innovativions and additions that made the game better. /chefs /kiss
2 million logins a day = dead game?
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I don't think he said that, and you gotta admit, being able to stunt a game that hard is pretty impressive.
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I mean, part of me is curious how many players left at the end of August, cause chances are player counts are just gonna be naturally higher in the summer.
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regarding the queue times i remember from days. Definetly
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Why should it? The topic is not under suggestions part of the forum?
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sharing funfact of steam charts.
Anything else you might wonder ?
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DBD forums understand Steam players is just one portion of the community challenge (very hard)
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Might even be an impossible challenge
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This was done multiple times already.
Why do you think that YOUR Thread was special and deserved to be posted?
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Look at the steam charts again and look when the explosive growth happened and see if you can figure out why what you said was extremely ignorant.
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There's no reason to assume that other platforms are fairing better.
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Can we stop using steam charts as the end all be all?
Fact of the matter is, Dbd could drop dead on steam and possibly still do fine with just consoles and Epic.
The numbers dont necessarily mean anything.
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Where did this stat come from?
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Steam is still their biggest playerbase I'm sure sooo....
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DBD forums stop assuming things without evidence (impossible)
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login play one game and log off lol.
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The two milion login was around a login bonus event, also is very weird that bhvr shared this data randomly, also all the bloodhunt we had lately, when they are used to do them 1-2 times a year.
They are ready to do anything instead of say sbmm is a mistake
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You're the one making illogical assumptions based off of no evidence.
The only evidence we have says that the game is not doing well on the largest, most accessible and most well-optimized platform. Why would you EVER assume that DBD is doing better on more restricted, less optimized and smaller platforms?
DBD Forums stop pushing an illogical narrative without evidence (impossible)
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You have no way of knowing that.
What has lead you to the conclusion consoles are the smaller platform?
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Consoles being larger or smaller is largely irrelevant. The fact is that the steam charts are a large enough sample size that we can more or less assume similar growth and decay on other platforms relative to their sizes. And that is what this topic is about, albeit, as someone else pointed out, it is quite disingenuous given the Anniversary has yet to happen.
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for those asking about the "2 Million per day" thing it was a foot note in a blog post BHVR made, they didn't even make a big deal about it, someone ELSE wrote an entire article about it, though..
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Pretty good job so far!
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Together, i do not doubt they outnumber Steam.
Individually though, I do not believe they can.
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To one more horrible year that we're all going to stick through anyway.
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Wdym we have no way of knowing that its been a fact for years now its literally common knowledge
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No No!
Congratulations to you, Smuk. For hate posting about Dead By Daylight when you could literally move on and play something else instead of wasting time with these posts when you could be enjoying literally any other game!
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Gotta love how 1 joke has turned into a bunch of people who never took a Statistics class in their life making a bunch of sweeping, misguided counterclaims.
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Note that there is a difference between steam charts and daily logins. Steam chart shows the number of players at any moment. Daily logins is how many people turned in the game that day. So if the average number of players on a day was 30k based on steam charts and we assume that an average player plays 1hour, then it results in 24*30k=720k daily logins.
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The day they shut down the servers, someone will be screaming at the top of their lungs: but what about that huge, hidden console playerbase?!
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Thank you!
To be fair, I havent touched the game since last update. I prefer watching stream here and there and I also like numbers. So I shared them. Just as BHVR loves observing their stats and looking into <insert topic>.
Are the numbers related to the game changes or is it something else ?
Console controller QoL and old gen performance its such garbage that I highly doubt that there is more active players compared to steam (epic no need to even include).
Lets go team hockey!
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No, it's been used as a claim for years. I've never yet seen anyone back that claim with actual data.
From what I can find PC players makeup about 35% of total gamers. This being for gaming in general. So the combined player base dwarfs PC. Add to this I've noticed PC players are much quicker to dismiss games than console player (granted that is anecdotal). A perfect example of this would have been F13. The PC community basically dropped it within a month. Consoles had a strong player base for years.
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If console would be the highest player base, then they would shift their priorities on improving performance and QoL on a controller.
The fact that playing as blight requires you to change sensitivity to 100% so you can even flick (not to mention, that spinning survivor can EASILY dodge controller blight flick due to acceleration speed of movement, so as console blight you do not react but anticipate in 90% cases.
To play any other m2 you have to reduce ur sensitivity that you can even aim without trying to flick for an inch and result in 90 degree turn.
The fact that the brightness is so horrible on darker maps, that you can even see the silhouette of dark clothing, especially claudette is a ninja
And then older generation on 30fps, blight bumps freezes the whole game, but the price tag on console is equal to the PCs.
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The problem with your theory is it hinges on them being competent enough to fix these this. This is the same company that promised console optimization what 3 years ago? I very much doubt they can make it happen with their spaghetti code. All of this being fairly unsurprising when you remember this was a PC game ported to console. I'm sure they never expected it to last more than a year or two. Certainly not six.
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We are talking about the least complex game.
They are not some startup group of enthusiasts that would like to succeed in the world of gaming.
Everybody and even as it sounds as cpt hindsight; If a hobby game seems to show so much interest and potential to have a long life cycle between the gamers, then the first thing you plan is to invest into the development and achieve better base for a development. Look at licensed killers, incredible marketing idea, as people can actually play as a killer/survivor from some great movie/book that they have watched or read.
Look at the hell let loose which was released on oct for new gen.
In less then a quarter of a year, with collected feedback, they have released two major updates that have totally changed the QoL of the game. Next week, after half a year from a release, they are updating the game to almost a “full” parity or comparison to a game content on PC version.
At the end of the day, with new games, titles even now an evil dead…Why would console community stick with dbd or be the major representative of DbD community.
I trust steam charts, and we can relate to the same trend over all platforms.
Queue times and charts are self explanatory
edit: ps: playstation, xplay off, tried during whole weekend. Long queue, always the same faces(<10) Thats something aswell isnt it?