Adept requirements for killer
Its 2022 and killers still need merciless to earn adept achievement
Meaning 10 hooks, 4 kills, not using some killers powers (myers, bubba, billy, plague,,...) no hatch escape, not getting gen"rushed" and doing so with sometimes horrible and useless perk
As survivor : escape
At high mmr and iri ranks, even tho being possible, absurdly hard in comparison of the survivors requirements
WIll bhvr EVER change this ?
Nope, me and other have been complaining about this for years and it won't get changed.
The only saving grace is that pips are also dependent on grades now and they reset every month. So your best bet is to go for adepts around the 13th/14th and hope that the non existent matchmaking gives you easy survivor that you can push around long enough that you get all your emblems.
The MOST aggregating point remains that's survivor dcing can ruin any attempt. You don't necessarily need 4k, i have gotten merciless even when letting survivor intentionally go at ash grade (back than still ranks).
But the ludicrous gap in requirements is still mindboggling hilarious to this day.
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I honestly don't think it is such a big deal to get adept killers nowadays. Before it was much harder because if you were in Iri rank the requirements were as strict as you said, but now since the grades reset, it's actually much easier to get the adept. You no longer need the "perfect" game, but can get 2 iri and 2 gold emblems and still achieve adept. Most killers I have reached adept under 10 tries, and a lot of them were my first or second try. It is much harder to get adept killers over adept survivor, but I don't think this achievement is top priority for BHVR to fix and the challenge definitely isn't impossible.
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Survivors adepts: Lol just escape.
Killer adepts: Totaly destroy Survivors BUT don't destroy them too quickly otherwise you will have to try again. Bring good stuff but not too good otherwise it will not work.
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Sums up the game entirely some would say.
Really 4k or 3k with hatch escape should suffice.
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People love to meme on the whole idea of the devs not playing their own game, but in all seriousness issues like these showcase just how badly disconnected they are from the players of the game.
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The gap is funny yeah but if you're never ever getting merciless killer seems like a skill issue.
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It’s not that bad, I’ve got all the adepts and I’m not some god gamer. You just need to know how the system works, then manipulate it and it’s pretty easy. It’s easier at rank reset since the you need less pips at lower grades to get merciless. Also you don’t need a 4K, I’ve got an 11 hook 3k and got merciless, so again it’s about knowing the grading system.
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I said it was possible but hard
I do get merciless with good build, i dont have a skill issue
I could grind adepts eventually but its not really fun to go out of your way this much to aachieve that
A minor issue, sure, but reducing the gap could be done
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I mean, they're called achievements for a reason. In theory they shouldn't just be easy to get passively. If anything, they should just add some more side conditions for survivor adepts, so the gap isn't as big between the two.
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It is fair, same requirements for everyone, Killer mains, Survivor mains and 50%ers have the same requirements for adepts on both roles or do you think a Survivor main will have a much easier Killer adept? or a Killer main a much harder Survivor adept?. Unfair would be if Survivor mains would have much easier Killer adepts because they play Survivor more.
Whats next? complaining a side gets more BPs than the other so they should be reduced? Demanding the other side characters to be more expensive?.
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Fully repair 1 generator, unhook 1 survivor safely, take a protection hit, cleanse a dull or hex totem and escape the trial through the exit gate.
Even then, all of that seems much less of a hassle than the killer score requirements. Because you can't just get a 4k, you have to get a 4k while dragging it out long enough to score high enough in every area.
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I think the reason why survivor adept is inherently easier is that it can be done in a swf easily, but doing adept survivor soloq can actually be quite tough. I think on average I've gotten my adept killers quicker than my adept survivors. It can come down to luck sometimes when it comes to survivor. I think if they made it cleanse 2 totems, get 2 unhooks, finish 2 gens, and escape, then the adept would be much harder and not equal to adept killer, but a small challenge to accomplish. There's a tome challenge that's like that and I was having real trouble getting all that stuff done in soloq.
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As a killer main, i can assure you that i would have much easier time with survivor adept
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You dont understand me. What Im trying to say is adepts are the exact same for everyone, Killer adepts are harder? yes they are, but they are harder for every single player out there, nobody is stopping you as Killer main to do Survivor adepts and nobody is stopping Survivor mains to do Killer adepts either.
Achievements are for everyone, no matter the role.
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honestly it should just be a ruthless win. merciless is impossible with some killers with bad perks AND weak powers like Sadako
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They probably will never change it, because it is so easy to do at Rank Reset. When in Ash you can get Merciless as low as a 2-3 Sacrifice.
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Just go to your favorite map bro
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I've gotten it with 3 kills and a hatch escape before. Trying to do it makes it much harder to get rather then just playing and just getting it
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Every time a new killer comes out I force myself to use only their perks until I get adept. I then reward myself by being able to use all perks. I find it a fun challenge. If you just equip the perks and play normally it will eventually happen.