Is this really Fair?
Saw my Streamer SWF Friends run this build. This Zone gives so much value while set upped in an area where a Gen was done.
Like sure you can say Killer could snuff it out, but going to an area and commiting to kick this thing just gives more time for the Survivor to do Gens on the other side of Map. Plus This can be set upped multiple Times.
I guess this is fair if this is used on Solo queue but on a coordinated SWF where everyone has Comms... this is just disgustingly powerful.
So what do you want to do about it if it's "unfair"? Nerfing it so it can still be used by SWF and be completely useless in solo q or?
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3 crap perks and one good one.
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-There aren't loops or walls around, so Dark Theory and Shadow Step are kinda useless there, as half of the totem spots in the game realms
-Exponential is the easiest boon to counter: don't slug, and if the sound is near killer can snuff it out easily hearing it and continue slugging if needed
-The only problem would be Circle of Healing, but the cost of this build loses other 3 perk slots which could have been used for something else
-You're basically perkless if you don't find a totem or the killer snuffs it and you have to get back and spend time again to allow self care replica
Conclusion: yes, it is
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Who cares, its in the game so use it
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To be fair, I think they’re more asking if people think this combo should be nerfed as being overpowered. I don’t think it necessarily is personally for reasons other people mentioned above, just my opinion though.
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How about we assume 100% of the survivor players are sweaty tryhard thousands of hours 4-man SWF, and buff every killer to the ridiculous broken point of Nurse for example? That way, those solo queue pesky survivors, can finally leave the game.
We don't need t... oh wait
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What is unfair here? Yeah there is so much effects for this area but you are using only one? For other effects, killer should be in area but they are not? So what? Let's nuke all boons while they don't deserve it (except CoH)?
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So at least two of those perks are useless, one is debatable and one is fine. Though its still effective to snuff it out if someone is going to heal there, you even know there is a target to chase. Its by far not unfair or anything else.
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I mean, the boon perks arent THAT good. Rarely have I had to go extremely far out of my way to kick one. And if I have to, they have to go just as far to use them. If they're in an area with no gen or a completed gen then they're wasting their time too.
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Everything is fair as long as you don't cheat.
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It's unfair. 3 perk slots were wasted.
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No. This isn't Fair. This is Flair
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Dark Theory and Shadow Step are useless that far from a gen / killer. They're only beneficial around an active gen where survivors are likely to be chased. Exponential too generally since, again, you're likely to be chased and downed near a gen. CoH is really the only useful one there.
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the only "unfair" thing is the free medkit for everyone, but at least they seem to be monitoring its performance and weren't afraid to nerf it. Bootleg lucky break/distortion, wannabe hope and boon: ultimate twins counter are pretty niche perks
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They're essentially running perkless because you can't guarantee that the killer doesn't snuff it, not only that but only a really bad killer will commit to an area where there are no gens left, the best move would be to focus gen pressure in that situation and force the survivors to waste time finding and blessing another totem, meanwhile you've probably already caught a different survivor who was actually trying to do gens instead of frolicking around the map looking for a totem to have perks for the game since they have nothing else.
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Quadboon is a meme build, if they manage to get value out of anything other than circle of healing (maybe also shadowstep on some maps) then good for them
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The Build is very bad. Yes, Circle of Healing. And 3 really bad Perks. This Survivor cannot unhook people safely, you can tunnel everyone who gets unhooked by that Survivor. And you can tunnel that Survivor, since they dont have DS.
Let alone, if they set up a Boon far away from the area where Gens have to be done, they are also wasting quite a lot of time to heal.
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Honestly it looks more like a meme build. Maybe they are trying to see how many status effects they stack? XD
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This person doesn't have DH, BT, Windows, Unbreakable, DS, Deliverance, etc, etc. This build is totally inoffensive. Hell, I once had a teammate rage quit (I'm assuming) because I used this build.
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Putting all your perks as boon perks, while fun, is a strategically questionable move. What if you go to a map where boons are really hard to find? What if you're constantly being chased with no time to put up boons? In both these scenarios, you may as well be playing as a perkless survivor.
And then there's scenarios where you're going against killers with strong slowdown abilities. In those instances, you should really be spending your time working on gens as best as you can instead of spending time on an optional objective.
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I love having 0 perks outside of a 24m radius. It really does wonders for my gameplay.
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I’ve done this with friends, and it’s kinda dumb. I don’t think it’s op but if people bring toolboxes for sabo’ing it’s really hard to get hooks. Survivors can just get downed with no care since you get healed fast from CoH or just get yourself up with exponential. Definitely a strong build that can be very annoying.
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4 boons is just an awful build no idea why someone would run it memes I guess?
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It's a great niche build, but you're removing 4 powerful perks from yourself and giving them to your team.
The majority of the perks are not even that strong.
The annoying factor is how the killer can't really do much about it other than tunnel you out of the game.
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There's plenty of other things SWF can do that are grossly unfair. This isn't one of them. Making hooks physically impossible on the other hand?
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It's a pretty big disadvantage to you.
To get the most value out of CoH, you need to set it up far away from the gens. To get value out of all the other perks, you'll need to set them up somewhere that the killer will be chasing often, so this build is really counterintuitive.