Camp and tunnel more. Use the most overpowered perks and addons. Face camp every survior who uses dead hard, decisive strike, unbreakable or any perk that annoys you. Run whatever perks you want, use noed, scourge hooks, ruin, undying, currupt, lethal pursuer and whatever perks help whatever killer you use. Use Blight, nurse, spirit, artist, endgame trapper, impossible skill check doctor, legion with 4 slowdowns and long duration frenzy.
Play how YOU want to play, you paid for the game, you are the killer and not the babysitter. You're mission is to give survivors to the entity and forget that stupid fake rulebook survivors try to bash into your head. 12 hooking doesn't belong in this game when survivors want to be split on gens, hide with spine chill and iron will, wear the darkest cosmetics and exploits.
How many bully squads have you faced? They want to see you suffer to laugh and say ez. Bring lightborn against the flashlight squad. 99% everyone's stalk as ghostface and slug near your first hook.
Survivors wanna bring brand new parts, septic agents and sabo boxes? Bring the forbidden addons of your killer. Pinkie finger with extra bottles, bloody coil with iri stone or honing stone, 3 blink nurse, any addon above brown for blight, permanent teir 3 myers.
Survivors if you think about saying how toxic this post is and how I'm horrible for encouraging this behavior. I don't care. This post was meant for killers and if you are a killer who still doesn't agree that you can play however you want in this game I don't consider you a killer, I consider you a brainwashed subject of survivors. Forget survivor fun, focus on your fun. SLUG FOR THE 4K, slug at 5 gens and camp them with insidious behind a corner with nurses calling and sloppy butcher.
You paid for the game right? You own the game because it was a gift? You HAVE OBTAINED A COPY IN SOEM FORM. Play for your fun, punish survivors for thinking they can bully you. Don't wanna go to the map they wanna send you too? Exit during loading screen and find a new lobby. You get called horrible things during endgame? Tell them you don't care about their opinion, you're the killer your job is to kill.
The devs want more killers in the game but why haven't they looked at the most USED AND POWERFUL PERKS that are in the survivor meta? Guess they don't want more killers. This is a game play how you want to but I'm encouraging that you don't follow survivor rulebooks. They don't care about you or your fun so make your own fun.
Sorry I can’t read this huge wall of words. Please split your paragraphs.
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An actual quick word
Play how you want
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Nah, I will play resident evil 8 , village of shadows aint gonna finish itself.
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Look, another facecamping with 5 gens left NOED Trapper.
Don't forget your frosty eyes skin.
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Yup, play to win.
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Quick word
*writes a ######### novel
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People already play how they want and no one can force them to change lol... literally no ones play nice bc survivors (or killers) tell them to, some people just like going for 12 hooks or don't have fun sweating or whatever else.
(Also this entire post sounds a lot like "killers play however you want bc survivors don't play how i want them to", which I'm hoping isn't on purpose bc it would obviously be silly.)
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I enjoyed reading this because I pictured this image through the whole thing
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Average frosty eyes connoisseur
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With that logic, every tbagger, every Bully squad etc is playing to win and is a valiable tactic to play. Thx for clarifying.
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I have better advice. If the game is unfun or makes you miserable, it’s better to just stop playing. This goes for both sides. It’s a video game and it’s supposed to be fun. When it’s no longer fun, it’s time to leave.
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That's the funny part.
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i swear like half the people on this forum have a victim complex
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brainwashed subject of survivors
Alright buddy, calm down. It's just a game. It really isn't that deep.
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really tho 🤭 so many posts around here are "survivors don't play how i want them to so i hate them and im gonna play how i want now!" as if they weren't already... like ppl talking about the ✨survivor rule book✨ are always killer mains who want to be applauded by other killer mains for playing toxic
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I'm by far not a killer main.
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Well this is different. I'm kind of curious what triggered this post 🤔
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Like I said in the post. I don't care. I don't care what survivors think of this post. This is meant for killers. Say whatever you want. I've spoken what I wanted to get out. If you agree great, if you don't that's fine.
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I love that picture and I love a fellow clown picture user.
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True words. Play to win, you are the killer and u have your own rulebook. In this rulebook, there is only 1 rule inside: Do whatever u can to successfully obtain a 4K as often as you can.
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I will not. I will not sink to the level that 'some' players on both sides do. Still the way the 'toxic arms race' is, this is the only inevitable conclusion both sides will reach. Fun for all! Amirite?
Still I obviously can't stop you or anyone on either side if that's how you want to play it but know you are harming the game in the long run. It's easy to see the other players are soulless beings who always replenish and are always there, especially when one group treats you like absolute crap but that just isn't true.
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The game has been toxic for a long time. It's just now gotten worse due to several factors and the build up of almost 7 years. I'm happy you are at peace with how you play. The arms race will however, continue no matter who is playing, what they are playing and where. Not just in dbd but in any game that features pvp
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Yeah. I am fairly new myself but after coming off several online games... well let's just say they all have their problems as you say and a lot of them come down to players preferring a certain gameplay style whether it's balanced or not and doing everything in their power to convince themselves and everyone else that it's 'okay' even if this completely invalidates other playstyles. Something as killer DBD doesn't have. I can use whatever build I want and unless I'm being obnoxious, most people won't care.
Ultimately toxicity is born from passion twisted.
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I rather earn more bp by not ending matches early for a "win". This is a hide and seek game, not a murder simulator. I understand the desire to be a killer from the movies, but you can have more fun and create incredible moments if you reset your expectations.
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Only half?
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i died from cringe reading this
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I love how you tell me I can play however I want to play, but when the way I want to play is 12-hooking and occasionally friendly, that means I'm not a real killer and just a 'brainwashed subject of survivors.' Real only my opinion is valid energy here.
But seriously, I don't find ending games at 5 gens fun and completely outmatching survivors ranges from boring to awkward. If I didn't want interaction, I'd play a singleplayer game.
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do you need a hug?
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Given that one role is literally called "Killer" and their sole task is to kill all the survivors, what makes you think it's not a murder simulator? You may well prefer a hide & seek game (and fair enough!) but that hardly translates to "this is how the game is intended to be played".
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I more or less agree, however, shaming people who want to play by the survivor rulebook is obviously a contradiction and highly unnecessary.
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"The devs want more killers in the game but why haven't they looked at the most USED AND POWERFUL PERKS that are in the survivor meta?"
And the killer meta is untouched and only continues to get stronger while survivor perks constantly nerfed. They've clearly been very biased for killer mains.
At least be honest in your writing.
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"At least be honest in your writing." The irony is strong with this one.
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I play how I want but I don't want to camp or tunnel if I don't need to. If I can win playing for 12 hooks im going to do it. I play for bp so facecamping and slugging won't give me that as much and it's not worth to do especially if I have cake. However if survivor loops me too long or annoys me some other way im going to face camp him. But still most of time im kind of fair killer and it's totally ok way to be if every killer just camp, tunnel and slug it would spread toxicity and survivors experience would be miserable and I think this community is enough toxic already. Im even that fair killer that I let last guy lot of times escape but I quess it's because I play both sides.
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Lot of survivors play killer too. Or is this post for killer mains who play 80% of the time killer? Im dbd main but I probably play more survivors cause I like to play with friends. But if they ever add 2 killer mode I will become killer main.
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this game is a hide and seek sim? oof. thats part of what makes the game so dull. when people actually do this and get gens done. I'd rather get chased and die then spend half the game in a bush.
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I agree with this to an extent, however this is a little extreme. I play how I want regardless, but if I want to be a friendly killer or if I "play by the survivors rules", that makes me a "brainwashed subject of survivors"? Come on. 🙄
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- Reloading my flashlight batteries *
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Good game.
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6 Batteries addon ready
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U gud?
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Jokes on you
I'm gonna let the survivors win to inflate escape rates so killers get buffed even more! Then we'll be unstoppable...
Has to be someone out there who actually thinks this/does this right?
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A true killer need not resort to such angsty methods. Tis far better to watch the final glimmer of hope drain from their eyes as they dead hard to the sweet embrace of a pallet, only to realize that i am already there.
-Dr Hannibal Lecter
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What are you playing as the nurse? Lol good one though.