Removing Hug Teching

cluxdx Member Posts: 168
edited May 2022 in General Discussions

One question: Why?

Hug techs are an incredibly essential part of Blight's kit as it stands and removing them just seems ridiculous to me. Hug teching has more counterplay than literally any of his other abilities as it is predominantly a mindgame-reliant trick. If the survivor reads you effectively they can swing outward and force a miss every single time, so it's a trick reliant on who reads who better in the moment. What's next, removing Oni flicks? It's just a terrible idea to just randomly decide to remove a mechanic that has defined the entire killer's playstyle for so long.

The problem with Blight has always been (and still is) his add-ons. His speed add-ons need toned down slightly, and Alchemist's Ring and Compound 33 are wildly OP as it stands, and deciding hug techs are the problem is incredibly ignorant of the real issue. If this actually gets patched out expect to see nothing but Adrenaline Vial Alchemist's Blights, because all this would serve to do is to remove depth from his kit. One-dimensional killers/abilities are just nowhere near as fun to play, and you'd be doing a great disservice to people that enjoy playing him of you remove hug techs.

BHVR, this is exactly why you catch flack for tons of balance changes. CoH got its speed nerfed again when the speed was never the problem, Nemesis was using Marvin's Blood too much so instead of making him less reliant on it they nerfed it, Tampered Timer was OP so instead they nerfed Pig's crouch, and now Blight has OP add-ons so they nerf one of the most essential techs in his kit instead of touching his add-ons. I just don't get it.

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