Apparently Selfcare is Meta
Self Care OP
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Memes aside, SC has always been a good perk, but one often misused.
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As a killer who runs Nurse's Calling, I encourage SC to become even more meta! Everyone should run it.
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It's meta in the sense that people find it really comfortable to run in solo queue, where being able to find someone or get a heal is not always reliably possible.
I barely ever run it, but I definitely understand the mindset.
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It is a decent Perk. And used A LOT.
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Yeah... this one in particular feels like looking at numbers and not connecting them to logic. I'd be willing to bet Self Care is also attached to newer/inexperienced players and has a higher 'death rate' when used.
It's a decent perk but not amazing and it is very easy to misuse.
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They talked about it in the context of high MMR if I understood correctly, so newer / inexperienced players shouldn't be a factor in this context.
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I laughed when I heard that . I said who on earth uses self care…..
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As a Killer I see it all the time and it always makes me head-scratch.
Edit: As a survivor I see it all the time and it makes me head-scratch, too.
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They don't know the definition of META?
Don't get me wrong, SC is a decent perk when you're in SoloQ but usually is a waste of time.
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I use SC/BK in my solo build and find gameplay pretty chill with a decent escape rate.
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It’s a decent perk if used properly but it’s not better than coh