wait your gonna nerf barbecue and chilli?

May i ask why exactly?
like what problems does it currently create?
I doubt and can't see any changes they can make to the base game to make bbq & chilli less used. So it will be a direct nerf.
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I am torn, in one way I love BBQ but I also hate running builds without it because of the BP.
In a way this will ween us off if they get rid of the BP aspect of BBQ. Usually it just lets you know Bill is on that gen 20 miles from you across map and you cant get there in time anyway
Sad to see it nerfed its mostly used for BP despite what survivors/devs think.
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I'm pretty sure they just want to keep the build variety changing
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More BP gains across the board?
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That would work. Can't see it though. But I'd be good with that.
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So they going to make double XP base?
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we cant even get a weekend bloodhunt with double BP
edit: noticed you said XP after I replied
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It would need to be equal to the 64k that bbq offers or it is a hard nerf.
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Genuine question. Do people really think bbq is so "meta" for the BP?
Personally I think it's mainly for the aura reading ability.
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Yeah, I think it will be a hard nerf to the aura reading.
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high chance their rework will result in a nerf.
maybe they'll surprise me and its good but till then ill see it as a nerf.
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I'm surprised whenever I see people write they don't care about the aura reading part or they only use BBQ for the double bp. Like I use the perk for the aura reading and with the double BP as a bonus. It's always nice to know where to go after hooking someone.
Though, they did say there were gonna look at why these meta perks were being used this much and make some changes to the base game. I could easily see them making BBQ basekit, since one of their goals is to encourage killers to camp and tunnel less and BBQ is perfect at that.
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even then the aura reading, encourages the player to leave the hook, so i dont see why thats a problem, after all there are ways to counter it.
but i think people think its meta due to how much of a difference it makes in bp gains, which is where i sense a nerf will be done.
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Yeah, I wonder if that would make a difference to how selected it is.
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isn't this the words they used to nerf killer perks (overused)
but survivors overuse a perk it fine wow.
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Yeah. Any killer who wastes a perk slot just for BP cannot complain about the game being survivor sided lol.
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Because some of us use it on killers that literally have no way of getting across the map in time.
I run BBQ on Clown, Hag etc,.. I told myself I will stop running BBQ when I p3 all killers. However I am almost there just a few to go so I guess they can reduce the BP now LOL
only survs think BBQ is meta, its basically a handicap on some killers just like I run WGLF on survs, which gives more than just BP
"they did say there were gonna look at why these meta perks were being used"
so devs dont really know why we run it, but every surv main does?
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I would use the perk even if it only gave double bp and did nothing else. That's how desperate I am for bp
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Fair enough. You must be one heck of a killer to only "need" 3 Perks in the game to aid you. Respect.
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Notice the killer perks are all gen slowdown in that BTW except BBQ LOL
that image says a lot about the game right now.
Also deadhard at the top on surv side so I guess its getting nerfed with BBQ??
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For a long time it has been obvious why the killer meta exists. Gen speeds. Its also a big reason (alongside looping ease) Why killers tunnel and camp. Increasing gen repair time is an easy, no brainer way to make the game more fun and engaging for everyone. And to shake up the current meta.
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Its still nice to have the aura so it isn't just 100% wasting a slot for bp.
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Lots of constant negative feedback from players around the same perks being used and there being no variety. So I'm not surprised this is happening. BBQ&C is a frequently used perk, so they're trying to get players to vary it up a bit. I think that's pretty much all it comes down to
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From a design perspective, it's really time for BP gains to be removed from all perks. Well overdue.
This is just going to be the most high profile casualty (out of the 7) but it's time.
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If they nerf the aura reading I don't mind, I'm still equiping it for grinding, but don't nerf the BP bonus please!
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I no longer play to win. 4 bbq stacks and 2 hooks on everyone is my goal. After that I try and max out the bp categories for maximum bp gains per trial and do some tome challenges
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they won't believe you, they think every killer camps and slugs for 4k every match.
I too play for stacks.
killers feel the need to run BBQ for BP because wwe cannot play the killers in roster without upgrading them.
lets be honest, almost everytime BBQ procs in a nice higher level match, you only get 1 aura, and its Bill on the other side of the map, the other two are within your terror radius rushing the hook.
don't be a camper boys, take 10 mins to walk across map to BBQ aura and let them unhook!
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Take off the aura reading but I want my BP
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Fair play to you then. Good luck in the fog friend.
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Wish I could think like that. I want my wins lol
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To be fair I never saw anything on specific perks. and they vaguely said 40+ perks. I hope they just do minor tweaks to put them in line with the rest of the B tier list of perks which are good but overshadowed by the REAL good ones. That is all that really needs to be done (well also buff a few really poor ones).... but i guess we will see what they want the game to be... current Power creep of new perks just countering playstyles (cough shattered hope - Anti-boon, cough Starstruck -Anti bodyblock/saba, cough Decisive Strike - Anti tunnel with an long stun duration for some reason)
But yeah guess we will find out.
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You're correct with my intent. I should of said BP.
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They've made it clear they do not want it to take no more than 80sec at base for a surv to finish a gen. The have resisted changing that for a good long while now. Heck one of the upcoming new perks takes some seconds off popping of a gen if the surv does a totem first.
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There isn't going to be a grind anymore once the prestige update drops.
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Main reason I use it sometimes is bp, but aura reading is not as useless as some make it out to be.
Still, without bp bonus I would never use it honestly because I can use better perks instead.
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Yeah, I have no doubt they won't touch gen speeds. No way.
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If they nerf the aura reading (again), then we might end up with more campers than we already have.
If they nerf the bloodpoint bonus, then people will instantly drop it for a different perk.
I doubt, that they´ll make the bonus bloodpoints basekit. Even more, if they nerf the bonus bloodpoints on BBQ, but don´t touch the bonus of WGLF, then survivors better prepare for some loooooong queues.
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It will only hurt new players as the new grind reduction will mitigate the need for the perk for veterans.
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Yes, but when a new killer is released I still want to prestige it as quickly as possible for unlocking his perks to the other ones. xD