Why does Sadako exist again?

I thought I was okay with Sadako, and then they release The Drudge who basically just does everything Sadako does, but better.
Actual ani-loop. Map-wide teleports on a short cooldown. Scouting. A passive power that actually happens consistently.
The only thing he doesn't have is on-demand stealth and an instant kill.. but she basically never got the latter anyway, and the Drudge's Nightfall might actually be better stealth since it lasts a full minute and he doesn't have to spend a second getting ready to attack.
Literally the next killer that comes out completely invalidates Sadako.
I hope they do something with her soon-- I really like her as a character.
Pretty sure I heard they were going to look at her. I'm not against her as is, especially sense her power can potentially knock anyone out of the game without even a single hook, so I hope they don't touch anything to do with the Condem build up. Definitely agree she's about to be overshadowed by Dredge though.
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Yeah Dredge once they fix the Nightfall bugs is looking to be a solid killer but unfortunately he pretty much completely overshadows Sadako. Hopefully they will look at her again.
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That IS her purpose. To make us say, "huh, Dredge is not THAT bad!"
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For your immediate headline question: Money from a popular license.
And yeah just from watching a few videos of dredge and Sadako, hell there is no way i would put out cash when i can get the shard variant that looks a thousand times better and really more fun to play. I love the optic out of lockers, so much jumpscare potential.
Her condemn is a joke when survivor can cleanse it with a tape, that has no real downside while being carried, mid chase.
I would call it "the stars aligning" if she gets to use her condemn Mori.
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Thats why original chapters are so much better then license. The devs can do and design whatever they want and have any freedome they want with it, with license Killers like Sadako they have to stick with the "lore" and style of the character, Tvs, the condemned beeing 7 because of 7 days till you die (many ppl seem to missed that one) and her having just a normal stealth ability to "jump scare" survivors.
And dont you dare saying anything against my new waifu! Dredgy is the best thing that happened to dbd, by far the best Killer ever made <3
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I feel like the devs are too scared of condemn to ever buff her teleport as making her teleport better makes her condemn better.
She is fundamentally flawed as they tied condemn too much into her base mechanics to ever safely buff her without just outright reworking her.
I am still confused that condemn insta mori even exists in the game at all given that they have been moving away from 0 hook kills for years now.
If they'd want to fix her then her condemn should just be an aura reveal/expose that lets you mori people who are on death hook. As there is no balancing a base kit 0 hook mori(Add-ons doing it with large downsides like the full tombstone is ok though).
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Do you know what Sadako stands for?
Sad-a-ko: A sad child
What if...
- TV is always on.
- Sadako can teleport once perk 1min. Each time she teleport, all survivors gain 1 condem stack.
- Survivors take a tape will have to move to the furthest TV. 2 TVs that the survivor interact will be blocked for 1min to other survivors
- At 7 stacks, survivors can not lose stack anymore.
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I'm not sure how they could even buff her to compete with Dredge,he's better in every meaningful way.
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They basically need to forget about the Wraith / Freddy combo alone and infuse her with a metric ton of Doctor gameplay.
Condemnation should be a real threat, and her TVs should be a threat, so survivors should be encouraged to take and deposit TVs to stave off condemnation and remove the Onryo's power from the area for an extended period of time.
Onryo should have a bit more to play with in terms of phasing. It should be made MUCH clearer when she's demanifested or not - and let her phase through pallets and be rendered immune to their stuns while outside of manifestation.
The biggest draw would be to supremely mess with survivors and fill them with dread and uncertainty. Condemnation should act as a cumulative Doctor Madness and creep survivors out - making them see film grain and illusory Onryo's approaching them - hearing lullaby randomly and directionally with random variation - seeing strange occurrences on the hud (like warped faces).
This would make the Onryo two things that no other killer truly does:
1.) Instill a sense of pure paranoia in survivors as the match draws on - as several visual and audio cues will betray their senses and open them up to misdirection.
2.) Actually be interesting to play against.
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Start by having all tvs facing generators if they are nearby one. Please, the animation when she walks out is so cool, why waste it.
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So I watched the crossover movie (Sadako vs Kayako) not so long ago and according to that Sadako's curse kills people after two days, not seven. I assume the seven days are just for the western adaption of these movies? Why restrict her to seven stacks of condemnation then?
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We'll...see. She's in an utterly miserable state is as.
Condemn definitely needs a buff. As it stands, it's both incredibly rare to ever have it become a threat and extremely easy to deal with if it does.
The bigger issues though are that her stealth is mostly pointless and her traversal ability is on a long CD and based entirely on RNG.
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I wouldn't mind a bit of passive when around a TV set either. Whenever a survivor is around a TV they slowly get a bit of condemn.
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Lmao without a hook, but requiring more than the effective time to get a 3 hook on any survivor. She might as well not have hooks and depend solely on Mori for how much a struggle it is to even get a single one during any game. It's a poor excuse to keep her in a weakend state
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That's a diss to dredge at that point, he is good enough not to be considered Sadako 2.0, but she could be considered Dredge 0.5
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And remove all sense of fun from her.
You might as well play dredge at that point because an expose mechanic that happens once every 7 years is not much better than a straight up Mori.
The fact no one even complains about her Mori like they complain about Myers' counterpart says they probably have enough liberty to buff that at base (especially since Myers add on is 1000% more egregious than a once in a blue moon Mori that only targets someone who was wildly irresponsible).
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I’d put all her TV’s next to generators and one at the top of the basement stairs.
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Idk, but I know the devs sure aren't gonna do anything about it knowing they only care for praise. They really do dread actually buffing killers to make them good.
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Basically this.
And yeah I'm yet to get a condemned kill off at all in regular play. We did a bit of KYF when she first came out and got a couple there just because we were mucking about but in actual play good luck. Maybe I'm just not very good with her.
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Because we must have every license and every franchise, so they can continue to drag players in without actually addressing the issues it has.
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They need to scrap the mori entirely. As others have said they will never be able to give her anything as long as "0 hook kill" exists in her kit in any way shape or form. They absolutely are scared(and rightfully so) of brand new player A hopping on, going through the tutorial, understanding hook states and the general gist of the game and then going up against sadako, thinking they're doing great knocking gens out and being kinda confused on whats going on and then getting deleted out of the game after not being hooked once. As silly/niche as it sounds it is a genuine concern. Just make condemended give out various debuffs at various tiers and suddenly she can be given pretty substantial buffs
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Because let's a license. Isn't it obvious? Why is Bubba in the game he also has a chainsaw? Because they are iconic licenses.
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I agree. And it's not like we can't have the iconic eyeball death stare animation, maybe once survivors are fully condemned that animation plays and sadako receives some kind of buff. Sure, maybe it's not truly faithful to the lore but this is a game we're speaking of
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I would like to see Sadako's power work more like the Dredge or at least a shorter cool down to TVs.
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Isn't that already the case? Not the basement stairs part, but every Sadako game I've played or versed, TVs were parked next to gens.
Not denying she needs love, though. You've never going to apply 7 stacks of Condemned unless the survivors are potatoes, and they can get rid of it so easily that they can literally un-Condemn themselves mid-chase. And everything else she has is just a worse version of something else another killer can do.
I like the idea of turned-on TVs slowly applying Condemned to survivors in their radius, which would force survivors to actually engage with the TVs and get videotapes in the average game. Currently you only need to bother with TVs if she's running the purple that makes you start out with a tape or if you get a particularly drawn-out match.
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I love The Ring and Sadako but in DBD she's really bad. The problem is she just doesnt do anything good enough:
- Poor Stealth (She has an obvious short range lullaby) which no other stealth killer has
- No anti-loop or chase assistance
- Her teleports are very poor and situational. Survivors always know where she will teleport to and unlike Freddy she cannot TP directly to gens. The cooldown of TPing is also very punishing for no reason and survivors can directly stop her from using her power (which I actually like as a mechanic but its still very punishing I think it should be tweaked somehow). The movement speed boost out of TPing is also practically useless even with the fingernails add on.
- Condemned is useless. Its very difficult to build up the bar effectively, often survivors dont even need to remove condemned in a game and when they do they probably dont need to worry about it any more after removing once.
The problem is she tries to do one too many things but fails to do any of them well. Her best add on is the iri tape which only slightly makes playing her more bareable. Please give some love to this queen BHVR </3
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Sadako likely needs a complete overhaul.
Just buff not enough , she should get reworked.
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Hung out to dry by the very next killer. They slipped up on that one.