Theory on what project w will be/bring?
I was just thinking about the exciting news from the DBD stream, all the things changing and coming soon. One of the most excited ng was obviously the revisit of RE, project W.
I think we all assume it is quite obviously wesker given the... Information we've been getting lately (and W is kind of on the nose too) so how could someone like him work exactly? Well, there's tons of possibilities. He could have some form of super speed/ TP, he could maybe do something with injections (like some debuff/buff stuff), hell, maybe he even gets a gun?
But what came to my mind as an extremely experimental and unique mechanic that they could possibly introduce with him is; a mastemind style. A style similar to what was seen in RE: Resistance. The killer is indirect and can watch over survivors, messing with the game by planting different zombie NPC's around the map at different points. these zombies can be directly controlled by the player, but can actually be killed/remove his control if hit by a pallet or blinded.
The killer has to do some action, such as getting hits, breaking pallets, getting hooks, etc. In order to fill up a guage to either place more zombies or get more powerful ones. Maybe if they reach the highest tokens/progression, Wesker himself can be summoned to the ground with zombies for a short time.
Given the last Resident Evil update probably brought with it one of the most ambitious additions to the game (AI/NPC's), I don't think it would be too far fetched for this addition of mechanics, even as a one off, to be brought in through RE.
What are you guys hoping for with this chapter? Did you have any ideas that would be fun for a potential Wesker killer?
Unless they massively buff the Zombie a.i then i can just see another Sadako.
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Lord, the devs will not live that one down so easily unfortunately. I was once on record as saying she was decently fun and actually good, I regret every thing I said in that period lol I personally believe her the #1 worst killer by far now.
But Yeah, Zombie AI is pretty bad and doesn'take up for what Nem doesn't have, but I would think with the Wesker style I was imagining, you could place more than two at a time and being able to control them could be macro strategy if you just concentrate multiple zombies in specific areas, but that would be down to how fast you are able to switch control of zombies, and this is all just theory anyway. I for instance wouldn't mind seeing a Licker introduced (with different mechanics than regular zombies, of course)
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I wonder if we will get a new map with this chapter and if it will be in the same realm as RPD or another realm? There is obviously also the request by the community to split the current RPD (which is confirmed to get a major update), so we could finally get a licensed realm with multiple maps!
I hope for 2 RPD maps (left wing and right wing separated) and Project W coming with Raccoon City Streets - though I guess it’s unlikely as it wouldn’t be connected to Wesker… maybe Spencer’s Mansion?
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The killer is definitely Wesker, however the survivors are a mystery.
The only possible Survivors really are Rebecca and Ada Wong, as I don't think they would choose someone as recent as Ethan.
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Wouldn’t Jake Muller also make sense (especially with Wesker in mind), as well as Sherry Birkin.
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It will bring new players (hopefully)
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I LOVE the idea for a map. Spencer's mansion would be awesome and we need more indoor maps (not something I ever thought I'd be saying, but I don't hate them anymore.
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Id like Ada Wong in here for sure. I'm just happy Capcom has been so liberal with letting DBD take their characters and enter them into a context where Pinhead is chasing Leon Kennedy. This game is truly the multiverse game
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Watch it be a joke from bhvr and project w really stand for project "hold w".
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I wish they were more liberal with cosmetics though
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On that we agree on for sure
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Hopefully weaker and I want him to say all these iconic lines from the times resi 5 fight.
In the other hand no matter if for resi or as an og I would love a killer concept that goes completely different then every other killer. The one resi game comes to mind or if anyone ever played it heros of the storm has a hero that
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Wesker. Sheva. Wesker will have some sort of anime dash.
He doesn't really have any monstrous aspects for 95% of his presence in the games so I'm pretty sure he won't have zombies or anything. That's not what he's associated with. He's just a generic superhuman with kitty cat eyes.
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They need Sheva for diversity reasons.
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nah. They need Sheva because she is a greatly designed character.
but she was only playable for one game and didn’t really reappear in the series, and she doesn’t have any direct relation to Wesker as far as I remember.
though hopefully she (and Carlos) will find their way into the fog as legendary characters!
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She's cool and I like her, for sure. I'm just saying why behavior will pick her. I sincerely doubt most of their staff has even played re5.
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I saw it should be Ada and Rebecca.
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Don't forget about Billy and Steve!
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It's obviously going to be WLady Dimitrescu.
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more bugs for sure.....😓
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Honestly, if he isn't RE5 Wesker I will be disappointed, but I'm also expecting disappoinment since Capcom loves to recon characters every 2 games
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And the survivor will be the Duke.. for inclusion
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Perhaps a much more hands on approach to Mastermind will be what Wesker gets. CCTV cameras that he looks through where he sets up traps on a point system that is rebuilt passively overtime but also through hurting survivors. I don't think he'll get minions to spawn in unless theres some easy non pallet way to get rid of them because that would be way to OP otherwise. Teleportation to wherever the cameras are looking on a long cooldown similiarish to Sadako to get involved in the fight directly.
Nemesis has punching and I really doubt Behaviour is going to give any killer a Beretta which basically covers Weskers fighting styles. So whats his M1 going to be? I know he does karate and stuff but its dbd. He's not going to be judo throwing the survivors. So I'm not sure where that leaves him.
In the end all I really want is Wesker in his OG Stars outfit.
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Orig PS1 Wesker :-)
Orig PS1 Rebecca