Should there be a 90s limitation on IW, the adoption rate is insane 100% No.1 survivor perk

the adoption rate is over 60%, and this perk is so bustard in high rank games - helping a lot in chase or stay stealth
Iron Will just needs to not be 100% injured sound removal. There's other conditional perks that do that.
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that would just be off the record electric boogaloo
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I would rather it make it suppress only injured noises instead of all noises. Like it did prior to the 1.4 update.
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Iron Will is broken right now.
It needs two major nerfs.
1.) It should not be 100%. 90% at most. This at least allows Stridor to do SOMETHING.
2.) It needs to stop silencing things like footsteps.
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It still needs to be 100%
Either the sound is off, or it isn't. There's no point in halfway. Stridor needs to be able to counter it again though.
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Iron Will is fine. Just fix it so that buggy stuff doesn't happen like survivors making absolutely no sounds at all whatsoever.
Iron Will should only suppress grunts of pain (By 100%), nothing less and nothing more.
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that is too much. even if its just 100% grunt of pain
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That'd be a good change. You can still use it to hide, but it doesn't silence you while you're moving around.
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I think this is not bad idea for IW. It should be stealth perk, not chase.
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Iron Will being "buggy" means it's not fine.
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This. It’s a perk that only gives value while being - and remaining - injured. Survivors just need to make their normal breathing noises when Iron Will is active.
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I think iron will would be trash tier if under 95% percent
only reason its so good is because its 100%
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I think it just needs to be that injured survivors still have regular breathing instead and then it would probably be fine.
If you don't want to go that route then you could make it only work while not moving as some others above have already suggested.
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Change it so that it only works while standing still/crouching.
Idc who you are, if you have your insides spilling out and you are being chased, you are going to whine and cry in pain.
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I dont think thats really a valid argument.
The "Does not make sense in real life" argument is DUMB
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It makes sense and makes a broken perk balanced, so ignored.
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Do all ur injures go away with a 20 second back rub. Are you still alive after beaing pierced through the heart by a meat hook.
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Make it a boon or something idk
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IW should be used for defensive purpose.
IW slowly decrease sound of grunting by 50% per sec if not running for 3sec (mute after 5sec not running)
If survivor runs, their grunting volume increased by 50% per sec (grunting normal after 2sec)
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Just a slight correction, it's actually not the #1 used survivor perk. That would go to Dead Hard.
Iron Will never actually peaks above 25% usage, and drops off the higher MMR you're playing at. Not that that second part means much since MMR is intrinsically flawed but I digress; it's nowhere near the most used survivor perk.
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we cant have good perks in this game though, everything that is good needs to be reduced to trash according to these forums, and now to the devs though since they decided to hear the cry babies on here who want free 4ks and free escapes.
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I don't mind iron will that much honestly
I can always track with blood or scratch marks
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It just needs a reduction from 100% to 90%
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Wanting to nerf perks that just win games for you is the same as wanting an easy mode? I'm not seeing the logic there.
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The only thing iron will needs is a bugfix
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Sense? on a game where a magical eldritch thing kidnaps mass murderers, juices them up and makes them chase other kidnaped people so they can hang them on hooks? where a ~18 year scrawny old girl can lift a ~90 kg person with one arm and carry them around like it was made of thin air? on a game where some guy has his arms and face seared with third degree burns with electrical cables inserted on his flesh? I could go on for hours about stuff that makes absolute 0 real world sense in this game.
You shouldnt use real world logic as argument, I believe Killers would stand to lose way more than Survivors, a match of any Legion member against Jeff, David, Adam and Felix wouldnt end well for the Legion, it wouldnt even be a fair fight, it would be a massacre.
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Scratch marks, Blood.
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I was talking more meta perks in general as the person I'm responding to was
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No, in this forum they only complaint about survs perks
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If the only reason you're losing games is because of iron will I think you should invest in some new glasses.
I have terrible sight and iron will is still not an issue for me.
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Just because something is meta, doesn't mean there's a problem with it and it needs to be nerfed. A good example of this for both sides is ruin and iron will.
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I was talking about meta perks in general since your complaint-
"we cant have good perks in this game though, everything that is good needs to be reduced to trash according to these forums"
-also addressed the upcoming nerfs to meta perks in general.
I don't particularly have a problem with iron will personally.
If you don't want meta perks nerfed that's fine, although it's not that opinion that I was taking issue with but rather "since they decided to hear the cry babies on here who want free 4ks and free escapes"
How is nerfing slowdowns going to get us easier 4ks and nerfing second chances easier escapes? That's the part that seems nonsensical.
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Hope they surprise us with an iron will nerf anyway when they do their 40 perks
Dont really care if they nerf ruin as well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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iron will was actually confirmed to be on the list
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I think ruin is overrated as hell. It can only be used effectively by killers who can get downs quickly or have good map traversal
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Heh, that makes me really happy : D
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Ruin is a perk that got dethroned imo. PR, DMS feels way better than ruin and despite the obvious counterplay most survivors at decent mmrs for some reason cant do something as simple as letting go of m1 for 1 second or pay attention to the game so it works perfectly. Not to mention gives decent info.
Still ruin is really good on killers that can put an immense pressure or like you said, has good map presence. Still too risky of a perk imo, i dont like using it at all.
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Another "survivors shouldnt have good perks" thread. Pretty good job so far.
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Oh do you consider 90% noise reduction to be bad? Your expectation of what perks should be able to do is whats wrong imo. There is strong and there is busted. Which is why its on the chopping block anyway apparently so there is that <3
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Thankfully they also put Pain Resonance on that chopping block <3
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Yup i was starting to think it becomes too good in combination with some perks. Glad to see it get nerfed <3
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I play both sides like survivor 60% (cuz I just chilling out) and I can not play any new character without this perk (just like the old DS, free 60s gen-rush time)
And btw, why people are so mean in this forum? It's just a game :p