How to make the game killer sided.
The amount of people that say the game is survivor sided absolutely blows my mind, but they are technically right, for the vast majority of the killer roster, the game is tilted in the hand of survivors, however, you can change that if you take action for the following steps:
1: Practice Nurse/Blight
This won't be easy, these killers are pretty difficult to learn, but it's pretty much impossible to not get better with them as long as you're constantly trying to use their powers.
2: Equip either
A: A slugging build with 1 shot perks/add-ons.
B: A full gen slowdown build.
And boom: You can now win pretty much any game, it's really interesting to see the switch from you constantly struggling to consistently 3-4k, to effortlessly destroying teams. This is why I get really iffy when people say the game is one sided, it can be depending on how far you're willing to practice and go full nuclear.
First, it's not effortless, it's never effortless. Second, this is common knowledge. We all know those two killers can compete, we want a roster that can compete and we quite simply don't have one.
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It feels pretty effortless for me, I mean, I'm not really focusing on gens so much as I am downing survivors, there's not much effort in figuring out whether a survivor will double back or hold W.
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Eh. Close enough. Realistically, what makes the game killer sided in practice is that most survivors are throwing for one reason or another. Most are valid, even. Archive challenges, bored of gen rushing, they care more about getting a teammate out than getting themselves out. Add in some salty survivors rage quitting and the game is, as the kids say, ez mode.
That being said, game design wise, you might be on some blighted serum if you think it is literally killer sided.
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I´m honestly not sure what you are trying to tell with this thread.
That survivors are OP? That Nurse and Blight are mastered effortlessly and guarantee a 3-4k every match?
Or that we should forget about the other 25 killers in the roster?
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I literally said "This won't be easy" in reference to learning Blight and Nurse, the point of the thread is to show that the game can be tilted in the killers favor if you put in the effort.
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"This is why I get really iffy when people say the game is one sided, it can be depending on how far you're willing to practice and go full nuclear." Please read the entire post before you comment, the game is unbalanced and it's up to whoever is lamer to tilt the game in their favor.
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In other words, you agree with me with exception to Nurse and Blight? I will take that. It makes you one of the most reasonable survivor mains I have spoken to despite the fact that you feel some compulsion to question my reading comprehension just because I disagree with you. Ha ha ha... The state of things.
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You also said, that it feels effortless to you.
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Playing as Nurse after I learned her, that is, learning her was a pained though tbf.
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I love how everyone instantly labels you as one side or the other on these lovely forums.
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I, personally, do not care if you play killer, survivor, or both. Anyone that believes the game is killer sided is a survivor main by my definition. It is the only way anyone would come to such a conclusion despite evidence to the contrary, after all.
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I don't think the game is killer sided, I don't, I think it's "WhoBringsTheStrongerStuff" sided, if I didn't make that clear enough, then hopefully you get the idea.
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Yeah thats fair. Some killers are so strong that just at their skill floor, game shifts in your favour. A decent nurse with 100 hours will probably get better results than a trapper main with 2k. Its just kinda sad that there are like 7-8 killers that you can pick that actually works vs decent players.
Whats funnier to me is that there is a decent number of people tormenting themselves with those killers on the regular.
Or maybe im just too much of an anti loop slave to understand the beauty of the m1.
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If i was that desperate to win, i would quit the game.
As Nurse, Nemesis main. I don't care that much anymore. If i lose, i lose. I don't need to win all games.
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That's a good mindset to have, sometimes though, I just want to destroy some people, and Nurse is great for that.
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Toxic people gets what they deserve. They can not bully my mains at least.
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The game is already killer sided as you can get a consisten 2k with just camping and tunneling. No skill needed.
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Except Bubba, nobody can do this. You can stop campers with team work and BT.
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If "boom" means after several thousands of hours, then yes.
Otherwise, I'm curious to see you win "pretty much any game". Beside the ones who complain all day long, there are survivors who actually have a clue as how to beat a Nurse and do it most of the time.
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I have 1.5k hours, almost all of it was spent on console, and I win almost every Nurse game I play, most people have no clue how to deal with Nurse.
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Play blight or nurse and run meta perks, check.
That’s basically the whole post, neither of which is really a game balance solution.
The game is neither killer or survivor biased it’s just built around a design which is largely zero sum for the opposing sides.
Player expectation is all over the place too.
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Usually when I get a few wins, the game considers giving me survivors who stand a chance for a while. Usually their tactic, beside using knowing how to make a Nurse chase last, is to cram 3 gens in parallel, then two. (That tactic works pretty much against anything and give good results even if the chases are fast)
On maps like Midwich, the smartest ones play very stealthy which give them another edge.
Full disclaimer : I almost never use any add-ons and I'm almost only doing chase/kill builds. No regression. (2.5k hours btw)
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Thats plainly wrong. Several killer have powers to support that. Also there is a mechanic called grab. Hell, I am Trapper Main (by your guys the worst killer ever) and have an average of 3+k without playing like an ass on a decent enough MMR. And it is just too easy to do if you play dirty on whatever killer.
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Or just play against uncoordinated survivors with any killer.
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This post isn't about game balance solution, it's about showing killers how to give themselves a big edge.
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This is the build I ran yesterday that allowed me to get a pretty long 3-4k streak, a lot of the time I had 5 or 6 hooks before the last gen popped, but I can 3 or 4 man slug them with Noed and keep knocking em down when they pop unbreakable, this build is extremely nasty though so if you don't want to feel like a scumbag, then I don't recommend this one.
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Not every single survivor is good looper lot of them are just average or bad so any killer can relistically win and consistently get 3-4K. You can say survivors are throwing but that just not the case usually. Nurse and blight can win lot more consistently probably 90% matches if they are good. Other killers can't do that but they can still win most matches. So this makes the game more killer sided and with dirty tactics you can still win good looper squad most of the time if they make one mistake and usually they do. If survivors play perfectly and don't do any mistakes they will obviously win almost any killer but that does not happen often.
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Two detections, one stealth that benefits from the range addon. That's a good base IMHO. Instead of NOED, I'm partial to something like Starstruck.
My go-to build is Whispers, Infectious, BBQ and Starstuck (no add-ons). There are stronger builds (e.g. Scourge-based + range) but I'm having more fun with that one.
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Pain Resonance, Agitation, Floods of Rage and Starstruck. Keep the survivors uncomfortable and ride their ass the entire damn match. Don't defend gens, don't patrol - just run down survivors. This is the build I use to maximize my practice without running gen regression nonsense or constantly getting hammered by Dead Hard and other second chance perks.
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I've played a similar build but with Agitation replaced by another ... dead man switch? I don't recall it was a while ago. I'll check tomorrow.
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I used to rock Star Struck + BBQ + No Way Out + Tinkerer, on this account though I only have BBQ and Tinkerer, so I had to improvise.