Upcoming Boon Destruction Perk

Thinking about it, one of the reasons they said it was a perk/used a slot was to allow players the choice to break totems or not.
Wouldn't making Smash or Snuff two different basekit options (IE Snuff - Space....Smash - E) when facing a totem be a better option?
It also eliminates any potential 3v16 perk scenarios.
I think this new perk will be worth using it with Pentimento
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Cause Boons arent hexes. Stop comparing them as equal.
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At the same time of you're going to encounter a Boon, it's most likely going to be Circle of Healing.
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Giving the reason they gave of wanting to give the option of breaking or snuffing quite literally make no sense. It is almost always a net negative on the killers time to snuff totems, meaning you want killers to waste time snuffing totems. It isn't worth it for the killers to snuff them.
The only way this reason makes sense is if the person just literally doesn't understand the game very well and they just think it's worth snuffing. Think being the emphasis here, not reality.
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They already created the Perk, so making is basekit is out of the question now.
Instead i think the Perk needs to be changed to have another effect, with the totem breaking only being a secondary bonus, so you get to have usage from the Perk no matter what.
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I feel like it would be more balanced to just make smash the default, and snuff should be the perk.
In most cases (except Pentimento which feels like it was added JUST to make this discussion more complicated) it benefits the killer a lot more to have totems available. Perks like Plaything and most notably NOED require unlit totems to activate.
By making it smashing the totem, it makes the killer trade off a chance to activate strong perks in return for crushing survivors' strong perks. Then it makes killers who want to use lower skill perks like NOED bring something like a snuff-instead-of-break perk if they want the security to think they can trigger their perk.
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You think the one perk you're probably never gonna see is going to kill the less-used boons? How?
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They think if the survivors waste time on Boons it means they're not on gens which yeah true I guess but that doesn't outweigh the massive benefit a COH adds since it'll basically cut all heals in half and delete entire killers from using their ability/power.
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Not that you can reply (expected), but I don't recall comparing the two in my post.
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It does give aura reading if a survivor was in the Boon's range when you snuffed it
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Honestly, I think it's a good Perk for Killers. Survivors can kill a Hex, why not vice versa? If you don't like it, just don't run the perk. But as a Booner, it makes my heart cry.
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That doesnt help me if there are no Boons in the first place though.
It needs to have an effect that the Killer can get to work even if no Boons are in play, thats the poing I was making.
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I thought this was an obvious flaw, as well.
It's why I mentioned the 3v16 bit.
Would this be the first perk ever added that could have 0% chance to activate from the Lobby screen onwards?
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Why would people not break the totem? The idea here is that if you have such a problem with Boons, you can equip this perk to have the option to break boon totems.
Adding that option to the basekit would just wreck boon perks, even CoH. The perk could probably need another effect though.
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NOED would likely be the main reason to want to preserve Totems on the field, as well as similar perks like Plaything.
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Why shouldn't they be?
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Boons are way better than hexes. They are quite strong and can be relit as often as you want. You can also override a hex.
Many hexes never even come into play before being destroyed, or blessed by a boon. There are less than 4 hexes useful from the very beginning and they are usually gone within 90 seconds. I can't tell you the last time I saw Devour Hope trigger.
Boons are much more reliable.
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yeah, hexes are clearly weaker.
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Not quite, there are some Perks that can be 100% useless to you throughout the trial, such as Franklyns Demise or Lightborn.
However, it is the first Perk that can be 100% useless to you based on a gamble that you have to take. Perks such as Lightborn are based on Items, which can be seen by the Killer prior to the game starting, so they can be used as a counter tool by the Killer when they know the Survivors have certain equipment (and be useless outside of those scenarios), but the Killer can not see their Perks, meaning they can not know if the Survivors have a Boon or not, which makes equipping the Perk not a counter to something they have, but a gamble on something they might have.
And this is problematic for the Killer, as, like you said, we have a 4 VS 16 Perks scenario, meaning the Killer does not have enough ressources to waste on weak things / to take a gamble like this.
Now some might point to Hex: No One Escapes Death as another example of the Killer taking a gamble - and that is true, but even if NOED never activates, the Killer still got some usage out of it with the Survivors wasting at least a bit of their time throughout the early- to midgame cleansing Dull Totems.
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With FD or LB they can always get an item/light in a chest.
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I guess so, but that seems like we're stretching it a bit there.
It's very unrealistic at the very least, so you're going to have a lot more games where the Perk would end up being 100% useless than games where you do get usage from it.
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Not disagreeing that the odds are low for getting LB value if there are no Flashlights in the lobby are low, but they're infinitely more than 0%.
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I think we both have a bit of a different understanding of what those 0% refer to, so we're kinda arguing over two different things as if they were the same.
When i talk about them having 0% usage in games, I look at an individual trial and say that it is entirely possible to get one where the Perk has literally no usage whatsoever in it.
But from what I read out of your messages, you are refering to the overall amount of trials you play with the Perks, meaning that their usage will never be 0% even when no one brings a flashlight / item with them, as there is always the chance someone might go and find one in a chest, even if that only happens once in every, lets say, 10th game.
So I think we are both correct in our own way - while the Perks can definitely have games where you get 0% usage from them, the overall usage of them will never actually be 0% due to chests existing and there being the possibility of someone getting an item from those that the Perk can work around.
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They also don't realize that when you take into account the time the killer spends snuffing a totem you multiply that by 4 since by doing that you are actively not pressuring a single person. So even though the snuff is quick, when you realize you're giving that much time to 4 people it actually takes longer than the time the single survivor spent putting it up.
It's basically a regular issue they have of balancing the game as if it's a 1v1 instead of a 1v4.
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The perk just further highlights the issues with the boon system and why it needs to be reworked. Whether breaking totems is the best way to do it or not, I’m not sure, but it needs something.
It’s not just coh that’s the problem, the system also holds back the other boon perks from being any better than they are.
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Post edited by Raccoon on0 -
Should be basekit but nope, you're expected to waste a perk slot for something survs already have. A more effective perk would be to give you the ability to re-curse totems like they can re-boon totems.