Cross Play needs to go ASAP.

Batman781 Member Posts: 93

Years ago when I bought my xbox 360 i made the decision based on PC and Playstation being absolutely plagued with hackers and cheaters. Iv invested thousands of dollars and tens of thousands of hours into my xbox account to date. All has been well for years until i invested 3,500 hours into Dead By Daylight then cross play was introduced. I chose the xbox platform so i could play games and enjoy the strict no-cheat multiplayer aspect that came with it. Now DbD has cross play and I cant play a game(literally not a single one) without having PC cheaters in my game. Survivors that run faster than my killers and vault at boosted speed, people being able to use as many perks as they want at the same time, killers who know exactly where every survivor is at all times, and the list goes on. I know everyone will say that I have the option to turn cross play off but the reality is that during prime hours in the evening and the weekend it takes over an hour to get into a match with cross play turned off. And if its not peak hours it is impossible. I have started the killer que around midnight during the week and left my home to go out and do something and when i get home multiple hours later my killer is still waiting in the same que. Its absurd. I realize that the only reason cross play was introduced was due to low player count and the need to improve que wait times but having to play against cheaters every match makes waiting 20 mins for a match not so bad. Something has to give. If u need to add a game function that monitors random matches to check things like character movement speed and action times in order to ban cheaters mid match then get on your horses and make it happen. Dead By Daylight is turning into how GTA5 used to be when online first came out and its a shame.


  • duygu
    duygu Member Posts: 318
    edited May 2022

    i doubt there are that many hackers. i play on pc with crossplay and they are uncommon. i'm not going to deny they exist, i've had a bunch over the years, but it's not literally every game.

    regardless i can believe that your queue times are horrible without crossplay so you're stuck in a lose-lose situation. i believe that's because when you turn crossplay off, you are only matched with people who also have crossplay off on the same platform.

    besides all that, the main issue in this case is cheating and disabling crossplay wouldn't fix that issue for everyone. cheaters will still remain; it's the anti-cheat's shortcomings, not crossplay.

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    Don't forget the Flashlightsaber Proton Pack that hits you when they aim down and when your back is turned. That's always a fun one.

  • Klavatoo
    Klavatoo Member Posts: 61

    I can count on one hand how many cheaters i've encountered. lol.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,280

    You're either the worlds unluckiest person or cappin'

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Just turn it off.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,105
    edited May 2022

    Might as well play with it off even with long queue times. I wish they'd improve the system on it so other players on the same device can pair up regardless of cross-play selection.

  • BreadLord
    BreadLord Member Posts: 274
    edited May 2022

    Uhhhh. Just turn it off, it's literally in the settings (ignore this comment,I saw that u know you can turn it off)

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,205

    Turning crossplay off on XSX and PS5 is NOT an option.

    You will only get matched with other XSX or PS5 players and queue times take ages (30 mins +).

  • Batman781
    Batman781 Member Posts: 93

    if i turn it off it renders the game unplayable because i will literally never get into a match. with crossplay off the game needs to find other players on my platform with the same MMR as me that all have crossplay turned off. its impossible. i could stay in que for weeks without shutting off my console and i wouldnt get into a single match.

  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,353

    It's no better on pc. Having to record matches to prove hacking is just stupid, no other online game i've played in 20+ years of online gaming (gg Counterstrike 1.5 on dialup) etc requires you to record matches.

  • Batman781
    Batman781 Member Posts: 93

    i dont know why you think crossplay matters to PC players? PC players are the ones who cheat. its literally impossible to cheat on console. iv never faced a single, solitary cheater until crossplay was added. go look at the websites that sell cheat services and software as well as the forum sights that post cheats for people. every single one of them will tell you that console cheats for any game dont even exist. Since i posted this i turned on a movie and left my survivor in que with crossplay off. a match still hasnt popped. its been like 4 hours. Stopping cheaters on PC would cost the developers a lot of money so they wont go that route. If they wont remove crossplay then i think Behaviour should give me a refund for my game and DLC purchases as well as all the money i spent on cosmetics and rifts. Befor you jump the gun and say they shouldnt have to, remember, they added crossplay and ruined my ability to play their game in the name of making revenue. If they arent going to give me the service i paid for when i bought the game then they should give me my money back.

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    mb I was confused because you said 360 in the post but didn't ever mention buying a new console lol

  • Sepex
    Sepex Member Posts: 1,408

    There's no way you're running into hackers every single match. Perhaps your calling PC hacks when you're being outplayed.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,181

    I play on ps4 seen one cheater with crossplay on

    it was a nea in dying state crawl really fast around killer shack.

    that was like 2 years ago

  • VaJaybles
    VaJaybles Member Posts: 658

    Hello! Fellow Xbox user here. It is not impossible for console players to cheat. Before the devs did their most recent ban hammer round I had a Pyramid head (Xbox) with speed hacks. After the Ban hammer I ran into another Xbox killer who once hooked you, immediate death. You had 3 seconds to unhook or it skipped struggle completely and boom you're out of the game.

    While cheating is more common (like killer bots who I've had several times) on PC, no one is safe with cross play on or off.

    If you're encountering them as often as you say you have, unfortunately the only way to avoid them is not play. I went against 5 bots in 2 days, decided it was Stardew Valley time and took a break from dbd. Luckily since leaving my farm for the fog I haven't gotten a cheater.....yet.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Obviously. PC clearly stands for "Probably Cheating." ;)

  • toxik_survivor
    toxik_survivor Member Posts: 1,181

    Cross play is fine. It helps que time and it allows playing with friends on differnt platforms. Pc does not have an advantage to console. Only huntress has a small advantage. The hacking aspect of the game isn't cross plays fault its the anti cheat. Every game will have cheaters buddy. You do know you can turn off crossplay right lmao

  • Tiufal
    Tiufal Member Posts: 1,252

    Cheater arent that common as you want to make it look like.

  • KrazyKatFTW
    KrazyKatFTW Member Posts: 203

    I really like cross play ,the devs actually implemented it without to much fuss or bother, one thing that really need to happen is console players should be able to communicate in pre/post game chat if they choose to, there certainly can be a a lot of salt in these chats but there is also some really good camaraderie between the players and wholesomeness that doesn't get mentioned as much

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967
  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    Again, it helps que times for PC players but makes console que times longer.

  • toxik_survivor
    toxik_survivor Member Posts: 1,181

    Where are you getting this from. It def does not make que times longer for console. It takes about 20 seconds to get into a lobby on ps4

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    I am getting this from experience. I play on every platform except mobile.

    I was quite happy on my xbox until they implemented cross play. Ever since crossplay, xbox que times got long, equivalent to other platforms.

    It especially helped the PC community. PC players like cross play.

    PC players also have a advantage over console players. I can take one look at someone's gameplay and tell u if it's a console or PC.

    I like consoles better, but it just sucks to deal w cross play.

  • toxik_survivor
    toxik_survivor Member Posts: 1,181

    Alright I respect your opinion. I just believe it go better from my own experience. It used to be 5-10 minute que times before cross play.

  • KrazyKatFTW
    KrazyKatFTW Member Posts: 203

    Queue time are highly variable no matter what platform you are on, some of the variables that affect MM time for all players are MMR rank and time of day played amongst other factors

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    Thank u for respecting my opinion.

    Ur opinion matters too, while we do have conflicting opinions, I hope ur day goes well and have a great dbd weekend.

    Hopefully we can meet in the fog.

  • Chaos999
    Chaos999 Member Posts: 869

    Kinda misleading title. You claim that crossplay has to go, but to also be aware of the turn off option, which increases your wait times.

    Do you expect that the complete removal of crossP via development decision will have any different results? It won't make more players magically appear to play in the same system you use.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,006

    I honestly don't get this narrative that it's impossible to cheat on consoles. Gamesharks were a big thing and consoles are just very specialized pcs.

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    Also, you say that most PC players are cheaters. So if crossplay got turned off, wouldn’t PC matches be infested with cheaters? Dbd getting better anti-cheat would be a simpler and better way to go.

  • VaJaybles
    VaJaybles Member Posts: 658

    I think it's because it is rare and perhaps more difficult (I dunno im guessing lol) but not impossible.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,533

    Yes the anti-cheat is a joke

    It doesn't matter what system you're playing on

  • legacycolt
    legacycolt Member Posts: 1,684

    I’ve been playing with/against many cheaters but since a few patches it actually got way better. They’re working on the anti cheat

  • Klavatoo
    Klavatoo Member Posts: 61
    edited May 2022

    No i'm dead serious. you can look up my psn account. I have 1100 hrs on ps4 and about 800 hours on steam. I rarely encounter cheaters despite having a significant amount of hours.

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,660
    edited May 2022

    I don't know if xbox does it but does it have two versions? On PS5 you can play both the PS5 and PS4 version and if you do crossplay off on the PS5 version it takes a lot longer since it only matches with PS5 while running the PS4 version will match with other ps4 players even though you're on the PS5

    If Xbox is the same way then I'd try running the older version as that may help your queue times, if you're not already that is.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,851

    One thing I never understood about game development & crossplay is, why doesn’t the game pull players from the cross play ON pool, to match with those on the same platform, playing with cross play OFF??

    For example, OP and I are both on Xbox. He has his crossplay OFF, I have mine ON. If we Que up and are in the same MMR range, as an option the game should be able to put me into his lobby. I agree with him, we are forced to play with it on when I’d rather have it off because of the PC cheaters and MnK advantages PC players have.

    I see a lot of PC survivor players lobby dodge when there are too many console players anyway, so that tells you something.

  • MrJack20252
    MrJack20252 Member Posts: 386

    750 h on PC and i have only found 3 cheaters (i know because everytime i record the game and i open a ticket to get them banned, then i upload the clip on my YT channel) there is no way you find so many cheaters in your games.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 5,997

    No , i def can say the same thing. only 3 cheaters ive gone across since i started playing

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Okay...let's go through this, because a lot of stuff is, well...

    • DbD has never been released on the X360.
    • There are no hackers on PlayStation.
    • You didn't spend 1000 dollars on DbD.
    • You can turn Crossplay off yourself.
    • If they removed Crossplay, you'd have long queues anyway.
    • You aren't seeing cheaters every game.
    • The queue would have found you a game by then.
    • If, for some reason it didn't, the queue would have manually ended with an error long before then.

    Also, this made me laugh.


    Tell us more about that X360 release, your queues taking multiple hours, those PlayStation hackers, you spending a thousand dollars on the game, you seeing cheaters every game and probably more I'm missing.

    No, seriously, this is the pot calling the Mariana Trench black.

    Just tried this. Booted the game up on my dusty PS4 Pro, with Crossplay off. Got a match after 3 minutes - and this is early, early morning here.

    Yes, there are cheats in DbD. There are cheats in basically every popular mainstream PvP game, because it's a multi-million dollar industry at present, and nearly impossible to prevent, due to how sophisticated obfuscation has become.

    That said - again:

    • You aren't being truthful about the queue times. Yes, they can be long with crossplay off. But it's not physically possible for a multi-hour queue to occur, because if it literally can't find players for you, it boots you back with an error.
    • You're exaggerating about the number of cheaters you face. In the last month, I've seen 1 blatant cheater and 3 suspicious survivors. I also watch some big streamers who play at absurdly high MMR, and while they face slightly more cheaters than I do - it's not much more.


    • Cheaters suck, but you're never going to get rid of all of them. DbD does ban waves like most games do, and it looks like the bans are as harsh as they come (permanent MAC bans). There isn't that much more the devs can do.
    • I'm going to be generous and say 'exaggerated for effect', but a lot of your posts don't have much resemblance to reality.
  • Triplehoo
    Triplehoo Member Posts: 562
    edited May 2022

    You know... You can just turn it off

    And also, you're lying... DbD hasn't been released to X360

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    I have 1300 hours in the game and I also can count on one hand the number of cheaters I have encountered - and yes, I am on PC.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,158

    I have over 2000 hours in the game and ive seen 3-5 cheaters. So yeah you don't see them in every game.

    You can also cheat on console.

  • neb
    neb Member Posts: 790

    It's not that common, stop overexaggerating. I'm almost at 1k hours, and I havent even encountered a single hacker. Sure, there could be subtle hackers, but you seem to act like almost every game is blatant cheaters who mess around and spam hook stages across the map.

  • SpaghettiYOLO
    SpaghettiYOLO Member Posts: 234

    Lucky you. I definitely don't experience it every match as OP described, but always once per session, especially when the VPNs start funneling in during the wee hours of the morning.