Survivors, let's make a deal.
As a Nurse player, I propose 1 simple trade: Nurse can no longer go to Midwich or Dead Dawg, but she also can't go to Lery's or RPD, deal?
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Lery's and RPD make it hard for Nurse to track, but Dead Dawg and Midwich are both amazing maps for her, so you give up her best and worst maps, deal?
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I have a better deal, RPD gets deleted entirely
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Idk, man. I'm not survivor main. I play both.
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No. These people called devs worked hard for this map. Why can't you appreciate it?
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Even i say "Yes", what will change
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Because the Map wasn't made for DbD and no matter the changes they do to it, it'll never work? I'm sure they worked hard importing the Map and it looks gorgeous, but it's not good for gameplay, at least not for DbD gameplay
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Counteroffer: the complete annihilation of map offerings (or "reversing" them, so they let you pick a map to NOT get)
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Well if Nurse is deleted the that would fix both problems
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We all agree it's not suiting for this game, but it doesn't mean it should be deleted.
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It should
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Lol ok
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Why you gotta hate Sally? How often do you face Nurse?
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I cant tell if your joking? you think I was being serious. I hate nurse but i dont want her deleted
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No, she can keep her best maps and lose her worst maps. Survivor main, BTW.
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I'm sure pressing Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V, and making some minor edits was incredibly taxing on them.
It wasn't made for a multiplayer game, it plays like ass on the majority of killers, and is exceedingly, unnaturally difficult to navigate for new players. That's why.
Bottom line, I don't care how hard someone worked on something if they did a bad job.
To be very clear: it looks visually fantastic; great job art team. But using a map from a single player game as a map for a multiplayer game was an incredibly idiotic decision that never should have passed the "fanboy's idea" stage of implementation and makes me question the professional competence of whoever okayed that and whoever worked on it and didn't raise this issue.
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Ok. How are you btw?
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How about she keeps all the maps, but just no 3 chain-blinks.
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I'd be fine if that change came with the changes I suggested.
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Swamps are much worser in my opinion and should all be deleted. I hate them as killer or survivor and want to dc if I get in those maps.
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I love rpd as nurse. use aura perks
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i approve
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Because it's a garbage map, you can't appreciate something if it's garbage
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K. Nobody asked you others though so others should stop replying. You are like the second or third that is replying and I'm really not interested.
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I can't appreciate it because the map makes some killers literally unplayable. Specifically Billy and Blight. Not to mention the many god pallets and the library.
I also can't appreciate it because the it's a claustrophobic maze that makes finding gens difficult, and makes it impossible to gather information from a distance. I especially hate dying on first hook because the other survivors literally cannot get to me in time because they keep getting lost or the killer brought Third Seal.
I pretty much never play on that map, my computer always mysteriously crashes when I see an offering for it or I load into it.
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...Did they?
The map was basically already there. They just recreated it, slapped some blight over some parts and stitched a few bits together differently.
RPD sucks, and fortunately is getting reworked.
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Not interested. See ya
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I don't know about that one chief
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I've always said map offerings should deny a realm
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Well if more people agree it's garbage.... don't you think that it's considered garbage? Lol
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It would also fix 20-30 bugs
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Counter offer: you removed nurse and all those maps
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Ok 👍 let us survivors know before the match your playing Nurse
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Dude, I won't change my opinion just to suit with other's mentality. This is my opinion. Accept it or ignore it.