We don't hate moris, we hate boring games.

When my friends saw that the killer offering didnt switch, they were already in a bad mood, because they asosiate a mori game with tunneling and camping and only playing for the mori even if it isn't that. And even if it was a good game, all had been on a hook, befor the first kill, no tunneling or camping whatsoever, good hook/Gen ratio, they got pissed of getting morid instead of hooked a third time. I didn't get it. And even I got morid. And we ended up having this big conversation about the whole matter.
I just wanted to say with this completely useless story, I really like moris. But boring games always piss everybody off. With moris, it's just a different ending, if the game was #########.
probably the mori daily, I hate doing them but do them for that 60k
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Boredom is subjective.
I find being run for multiple gens because RNGJesus blessed the Survivors with insane tile placement to be 'boring".
A streamer I follow finds it "boring" when a killer runs Lightborn.
Some people find farming "boring".
It all depends on the person's perspective.
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People still have a problem with moris? :/
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well i do usually associate a mori offering with tunneling.
it does make it easier to tunneling with a pink mori (ignoring ds or whatever)
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Sorry I'm a bit confused. Are you saying moris are boring or are you saying that the person who brought the Mori is boring I don't understand.
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I'm saying that moris are better than hooks, some people say they don't like moris, but what we really hate are the ######### games that come with them.
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I've talked about how I feel about moris before here on the forums. I understand how they fit in the game, but I've never liked them. My biggest complaint before was how easy it was for killers to use them before they were changed. I still see them often but at least now I'm not seeing them every match. I also think a lot of survivor mains don't like seeing their favorite survivor mori'd which is understandable. I don't either. Some survivor players actually beg for moris to which I often don't stay in those lobbies. I've been in enough troll matches to know how thats going to play out.
I've also suggested before that survivors need an "equivalent" to moris because I always felt like the killers have a unique aspect in this regard and survivors don't. I've mentioned the idea of survivors being able to kill the killers which also would go in line with the horror theme. Maybe it could only happen if the killer plays a mori and it certainly would require a team effort to do. I've also recently thought of the idea of "cinematic escapes" for survivors where when a survivor escapes through the door or hatch they get a unique cinematic play of them escaping after an interaction with the killer. So many cool ideas they could do with this.
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You mean when keys could let whole teams escape with zero counterplay? That was the equivalent. Old moris fit into the horror concept that anyone can die at any time. Now they're a joke that survs use it as an excuse to tunnel through gens regardless of how a killer plays. They spend so much invested in how cool their character looks or plays some people act like they're going to die in real life because of a cinematic 3rd hook. Even this new Mori rework will be just adding the Cypress Mori to the basekit in a new environment. Unless you're playing Myers or PH, they don't have teeth.
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I've been 4k'd in key teams many times both then and now. There was counter play. The moris still have teeth. The problem before was they had too much teeth and the survivors had mere sticks to fend off the lions.
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I would rather be moried than hooked, why not?
Unless it happens in a span of 1min of farmed-tunnel-hooked-farmed again into mori thing
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Honestly tunneling isn't too bad. I just hate it when literally you get killed before anyone even gets a single hook. :/ It's a really unfun match. Mori's aren't bad, I like seeing the animations.
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Instant death does not suit in dbd if survivors would be faster than killer then yes like in friday 13th. Killing killer does not suit in dbd too as survivors can't fight back like in friday 13th.
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The other day i got stuck in the loading screen for 13 minutes bc two survivors DCed after seeing the killer brought a mori... since their rework they're fine i don't get it. Usually ppl who play sweaty with moris also play sweaty without moris anyway so what are you gaining besides a DC penalty...
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While keys had counter play so I don't really agree with you on that, I do miss old moris.
They were scary, facing a killer with a mori meant you didn't want to be caught. It often changed games from waste the killer's time to try and get away from the killer. The latter is much more thematic and enjoyable.
They were an elegant tool to humble even the most obnoxious PVP'ers into a scarier and more thematic game.
Now its all just obnoxious, unless you are going up against uber killbot guy or paired with complete potatoes, playing survivor is pretty safe most games, which kinda feels wrong.
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I said moris fit into the concept that anyone can die at anytime. You still had to do work for it but it lined up with the clock that killers are on in respects to the meta. The old system meant that you had the ability to swing games in your favor and turn the tables before all 5 gens popped and you didn't necessarily have to tunnel someone three times in a row like you do now if you want that sweet, sweet cinematic.
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Not just tile RNG, entire maps can make or break how a Killer plays and ends up a drag.
Playing Nemesis tonight and out of maybe 6 games all but 1-2 had maps that just didn't allow him to use his power and was W meta for the most part. That's what I call boring. It only get worse when Survivors know you can't do much and they rub it in your face at a gate or in post game. That's not just boring, it's tedious and kills the mood to keep playing. More so when you want to do better, but can't without going back to meta or the same old ######### we've had for 6 years now.
Want to give examples, but that would just be complaining at this point.