Mother Trapper (The Caretaker)

keepingitril Member Posts: 94

An older woman. Mother or grandmother of Trapper. Perhaps related to the Observer.

She traps and interacts with the environment and is the game's meta killer, using the game itself as a trap. Facing her, survivors should be facing a high level of risk.

Short, somewhat fast but not overly strong. Opposite intent of Trapper.

Her weapon is a simple stick like item, made up of leftovers from map feature such as wood, metal, bone - a little bit DIY.

Her abilitites work in two ways - the trapped environment and the environment trapping.

The Trapped Environment

Example concepts from @Valik post -

  • Trapped pallets - when thrown, the pallet snaps back upright, failing to stun the killer, but it also disables the trap
  • Trapped windows - fast and slow vaults disable the trap, medium vaults injure healthy survivors and deep-wound injured ones.
  • Trapped Generators - there's a gate around a generator, takes a long time to set up. Survivors cannot touch the generator until they go through a 4 second animation to deconstruct.
  • Trapped Hooks - disables the hook, makes an obvious 'rope trap' in front of it that functions as a bear trap.
  • Trapped totems - just makes when a survivor disables a trap killer instinct reveals them.

Further examples from me:

  • Pallets - Randomly fall on survivors when they go through or predrop them, causing injury. Randomly do not drop when being chased.
  • Windows - The more times you go through windows, the higher % increase that you might get injured.
  • Totems - Chance of being injured after you have finished interacting with a totem.
  • Hooks - Chance they can randomly lash out at passing survivors injuring them.

The Environment Trapping

And from my own post on the same thread.

Traps are made from the same material as the generators and therefore have a relationship, which affects the traps in the game. As the gens are completed, the trap environment becomes more dangerous. These are meant as cautionary slow downs and finishing generators adds to the risk that you might set off a trap as you are going around the map.

  • After the first generator is completed, there is a period of "Exhausted Status".
  • After the second generator is completed, also add a period of "Blindness Status".
  • After the third generator is completed, also add a period of "Hindered Status".
  • After the fourth generator is completed, also add a period of "Oblivious Status".
  • After the fifth generator is completed, also add a period of "Incapacitated Status".


Take the meta one step further and she can access (or be randomly assigned) a selection of 1-4 relevant powers of others. They are given by the Entity and likely cannot be changed - a new experience every time. She is the killer's killer.

Addons? Not sure. Might not even need if you implement metapowers feature. Maybe something simplistic.


  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    I appreciate the recognition, my friend!

    I love your creativity here - having a period of debuffs as recompense for generators being completed is a very creative approach and I'd love to see it in the game in some form.

    Love your posts - Keep it real!

  • keepingitril
    keepingitril Member Posts: 94
    edited May 2022

    She should be a older woman - shorter but fast and spritely. Like a cross between Legion and Sadako in physicality.

    She is perhaps (one of) the fastest characters and should be able to get around the map at some speed to hit and activate / adjust her traps.

    To balance the speed, perhaps her basic attack is a little bit weaker, like when you are infected by the Plague and it just takes a little bit of time to get to the actual damaged state.

    If I go one step further, I think there's a new mechanic in here but I can't quite work it out. The idea is that the survivors are always partly damaged, so that the traps are more effective. Maybe it's something totally new and survivors are continually "pseudo-injured" - like "a state" that Freddy has but more normal looking or Clown's gas but more subtle.

    Maybe it's something more out there like.... Mother has no basic attack but the survivors are permanently in a random negative status so that the many trapping opportunities might damage them. You probably need a basic attack, I suspect. Maybe Mother "basic attacks" the traps to power them and they keep hitting the survivors causing the damage. Hmm. I dunno. Close... but Mother probably needs a basic hit of her own, even if it's not super strong or survivors will just camp in areas not near anything.

    I'm really trying to get across the idea that anything in the environment could potentially and will hurt you at almost any time. The idea is that there should often be one or two people injured, not unlike Legion. The environment comes to life - controlled by the Entity, with Mother doing the bidding. And it's going to get you.

  • keepingitril
    keepingitril Member Posts: 94

    Couple more notes to self.

    Alternatively, she is a young mother figure, but stuck in eternal time.

    Two alternate power scenarios:

    There are range of "mini perks" that Mother can equip each time. Just steal from the game - block windows, explode gens, get stuck on ground (made that up), etc. etc. Say there is a range of 10-12? and the killer can pick around... 5-6 each time. It should be an impactful set of factors but not quite OP.

    Similarly and as part of the power set or maybe this is the entire power, Mother gets to use abilities of other Killers. Given them by the Entity. Simplified versions or an easy to execute special attack that causes the effects to occur. Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe this is basis for the "new mechanic" concept above.