The new base kit changes to address tunneling and camping should come out with the anniversary

Instead of waiting till mid summer the base kit changes to address camping and tunneling that the devs said will be comming with the perk rework should come out in the anniversary. The game health is so awful right now since nearly every killer camps or tunnels and it should be addressed sooner rather then later
Ask yourself why killers do that.
As a killer-main, the answer is simple: Generators are flying like an Aircraft and often u have 3 hooks while 5 gens are done without playing bad. Its just dropping some nice pallets and - if u outplayed a surv - Deadhard to the next window / pallet u cant play around (The Game for example) and u are f****ed as a killer.
You need to camp sometimes to get at least 5+ hooks, when u face a very good team.
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If the changes come without killer adjustments it'll only make things worse. Players will drop even faster when killers can't use tactics that help a majority of the roster meet the dev's kill ratio.
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If almost every killer wasn’t tunneling and camping then it would be fine to wait but since nearly all of them are the changes need to come sooner
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To be fair a lot of the times if you don't push generators hard then the game snowballs pretty fast. It's a very delicate balancing act where both sides that the ability to progress the game way too fast and it's that fear of the snowball that causes both sides to do what they do.
So both need to be addressed at the same time, then everyone can chill out a bit.
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I literally just loaded up the game and the first 2 games I've played so far I got tunneled out. Call BS all you want, but they aren't wrong lol.
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Nah if they screw this up it could end badly. I'd rather they take their time.
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wait, what basekit changes?
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this is going to go down like when people heard Huntress was getting an add-on pass and cheered that they were changing iri head and flower babushka or when people were convinced it was a spider killer for the anniversary. Once again assumptions based on one sentence and now you're going with it. It will then be a let down when you realize, that wasn't entirely what they meant.
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Did the other 3 get tunneled out?
What made you special to be chosen each time?
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Itd be neat to at least have a sense of what's being adjusted. I'm sure that the changes are still in internal playtesting & balancing at this stage, or something equally "not ready for public playtesting" - but they did tell us about Ringu like many months in advance, why not put together a blog post previewing what's ahead in imprecise terms?
That said, of all the adjectives Ive seen come directly from BHVR employees regarding the upcoming base game changes, I'd fixate the most attention on the word "minor" - camping and tunneling in all likelihood will not be erased from the game, and neither will losing to efficient split & gen. Lessened, however? Hopefully!
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I mean we're already nearly mid summer as is, so "mid summer" is like really close already. Within like 2 months maybe?
Obviously if it was already ready they'd release it sooner so if they're still waiting it means it's not done.
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Hear hear
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Bah I hope they don't all those changes will do is reward survivors for being more obnoxious without really addressing game mechanics that make camping and tunneling prevalent.
I think its very narrow sighted to think base kit BT will be a solution to camping.
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I understand that the argument is "when we dont tunnel then..."
But i saw so many times killer tunnel at 5 gens.
It is a tactic, but a really unfun one. The one tunneled out gets nothing. And even cant play the game.
I'm all for adressing issues but tunneling (and camping) needs to get changes. Cause if killer get buffs for gens etc, they still will tunnel cause its an easy tactic.
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They should come out at the same time as other changes.
The game doesn't need less Killers. We need Killer to be more enjoyable at all levels of play.
Rushing it is not the way.