Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the upcoming massive perks rework?

Faulds Member Posts: 903

It says all in the title, as far as i'm concerned... i'm very happy about an upcoming dead hard "rework"/ "nerf". Unfortunately, i'm terrified about the rework to the meta gen defence killer perks. Especially when nothing has been said about NOED (which is the only meta killer perk i have a problem with [as survivor])... but the gen defence perks that are fine are said to be changed. I don't quite understand.

Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the upcoming massive perks rework? 87 votes

M4dBoOmrrooCraahShamefulKingkodiakyMister_xDSacrilegeGGJawsIsTheNextKillerMalkhrimoxygenRoboMojoTunnelVisionMattie_MayhemOGMooksHellraisingPredatorSebaOutbreakGlamourousLeviathanTatariuRavenTheWraithAwkward_FiendClueless 52 votes
Science_GuyGibberishBlueberrySpacingLlamasanarchy753Lanzmusstang62ValikIsJustMeDarkMagikdarkcloudlinkNITRAS42Hex_Llamagetuy45u4iuGazgemauchAurelle[Deleted User]DredgenWar237Fauldsyellowguy77 27 votes
ReikoMoribm33BwstedGuiltiiBranThatOneDemoPlayerMarc_123Xernoton 8 votes


  • JonathanByers
    JonathanByers Member Posts: 167

    I’m optimistic about them nerfing/reworking DH & NOED, cause now we won’t have to hear “nerf dead hard” everyday.

    on the other hand I’m curious as to what they have in store for the other perks.

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    I think it is something that can bring lot of players -> including me, back into dbd. Just to see how it will look and test new stuff.

    Problem is that there is super low chance they will balance it right for both sides. Most likely it will be survivor / killer sided. Doesn't matter which.

    Problem is that they have to change base game mechanics along with it. You can't just nerf all gen regression perks, BT, UB, DS etc. that would be really bad for both sides.

    I am pessimistic just based on their past updates, some changes didn't make sense at all and feedback was pointless.

  • Gibberish
    Gibberish Member Posts: 1,061

    BHVR does not have a good track record over the past 5+ years.

  • LegendaryPain
    LegendaryPain Member Posts: 8

    I think it's going to be very underwhelming. I don't think they're going to really take enough risks or make anything really meta worthy, even though there will be a PTB.

  • CheeseAnton
    CheeseAnton Member Posts: 882

    Even if the perk reworks make a more boring meta, if it's at least a different meta I'd be extremely happy.

  • DarkMagik
    DarkMagik Member Posts: 822

    I feel like that they are going to make Killer & Solo Q Experience worse.I really dont trust that they will make good enough Baseline Changes that will fix Generator Speeds or Tunneling

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    Optimistic, because i have nothing to lose here.

    If it sucks, then I'm just not going to reinstall and thats that.

  • Impalpable
    Impalpable Member Posts: 152

    Optimistic, im already bored from this game again several weeks after i came back.

    Secretly im still looking for more variety in gameplay but i could play this game more often if it would be more balanced already in its one dimensional gameplay. Honestly it can only get uphill for me. If they wouldnt have announced change i wouldve been gone already again.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    I never expect anything good when it comes to reworking perks.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,820

    I would like to be optimistic. In principle, I think it's a good idea. But I'm also set in my ways, and I'm worried that nerfing the perks people actually like to use will just result in an experience where we don't like using any of them.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    While the developers have always brought creative solutions to the table - in my opinion, they seem to have a very rudimentary understanding of high functioning play in their own game.

    They were shocked by data that showed a direct correlation between Dead Hard usage and survival rates - but they wouldn't have needed data charts and statistic screening if they booted up the game and played it for a bit.

    Anyone can tell you what's strong about meta perks - a lot of high functioning players can talk at length about the design philosophies behind the good and bad of maps and killer powers as well as perks.

    It took years upon years for them to un-break Decisive Strike, and instead of fixing totems... they just doubled down on keeping them in an awkward hell-state forever.

    From what I've seen:

    For every 3 or so super lame and crushingly bad ideas, there's an absolutely brilliant and masterful one that rises to the top.

    If the devs are looking to work on 40 perks, I'm worried that about 10 of those changes will be positive, and that 30 are going to be so incredibly outrageous and silly that they stand monumental in the face of all the team had achieved.

    I want the best for the game as much as the developers, we all do, but looking at the track record and the reign of terror that was September 2021- May 2022... I can't help but worry that the majority of their works may miss their mark.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,163

    I'm staying neutral until I get more info. I'm not optimistic because being a console player with promises of optimization I'm tired of being disappointed. I don't have enough information to be pessimistic - all I know is they've said there will be changes to game mechanics and perks. It could be good. It could be bad. It could be a mix.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Pessism is a great outlook on life. If you expect things to go poorly, then if they actually go well it's a nice surprise. If you expect things to go well, you're only going to be let down when BHVR BHVRs perk reworks.

    Just for your own sake, go back through patches where perks were reworked, including buffs and nerfs, and really think about them.

    Have you run Furtive Chase even once since it got the rAdIcAl rework of not losing tokens when the obsession dies? And to clarify, running it for a "hook/kill the obsession" tome task where you would have used it regardless of that change doesn't count.

    Buckle Up got changed. +4 whole seconds of seeing the killer's aura. That was the problem right? Not being able to see them for long enough?

    It would be a gross overestimation to say that 1 in 10 perk changes has any significant impact on the chance that they're actually brought to a game, or feel useful when they do. Most of those times is because they buff them to be so ludicrously overpowered that they get used every match until they get nerfed again. Looking at you, Boil Over.

    BHVR blatantly has no idea why a perk is overpowered or terrible, and seem to decide their buffs/nerfs/reworks but throwing darts at a wall with random effects and values tacked to it.

    If more than 3-4 perks get changed in a way which either drops them out of the top 10 most popular perks, or brings them into the top 10 most popular perks without breaking the game, I will be genuinely surprised.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    I am more or less unconcerned.

    I like that their taking a look into the game and also making some small game changes, but im not really either one more than the other.

    i just hope their more good than bad.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Going by their track record I don't see any reason to rationally be optimistic. Hope I'm wrong.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    Going by track record, most perk changes were underwhelming and a minority were good. On a 40 some sample, I expect them to keep the same pace.

    Which, overall, will likely balance out to something not better or worse than we have now. Just different meta.

    I'm skeptical they'll touch NOED, at least not meaningfully. They've been adamant they see it as non-problematic and, historically, they don't mess woth stuff they use themselves when playing.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,616

    The worst case scenario is that the meta changes and something new is obnoxiously powerful and commonplace. More realistic scenario is that the meta changes and it's slightly better than before. No reason not to be optimistic.

    I see people talking about BHVR's track record here, but then using bad examples- the random slight number tweaks they give to some perks when the patch is fundamentally focused on something else isn't really the comparison here, you'd be better served looking at their track record when changing a perk is given more focus. So, not Furtive Chase or Buckle Up, but instead Object of Obsession, Decisive Strike, Undying, Ruin....

    On that track record, they're on firmer ground. There's still the occasional woefully bad idea like the original Boil Over rework, but the ratio of good to bad is swung firmly towards good.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,617

    I'd consider myself realistic. The overhaul of 40 perks is a huge step and will completely shift the meta. At least on PTB there will be some balance issues, no way around it. These changes are a good thing and long oberdue but also hard to balance with rest of the game. We might even see some game breaking bugs and perk combinations again. In the long run however as they will fix these issues eventually, I think this is going to be a good thing.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311

    Kinda neutral on the perk changes as I'm sure there will be a mix of interesting ones and kinda meh ones (which is fine, some perks need more radical changes, others just need a little tweak or two), excited and optimistic about the "slight base game changes". Might just be the excitement talking, but while perk changes are relatively common the kinda base changes "changing the meta" implies makes me real curious and I hope they're good, smart changes.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,536

    I don´t know.

    I want to be optimistic. And i hope there will be good changes as some things are really bad atm.

    I just don´t think rework always means "nerf" as some already think here with some of the popular perks...

  • rooCraah
    rooCraah Member Posts: 138

    As long as none of the 5 most common perks now (for each side) will be in the top 5 most common perks post-rework, I'm happy.

  • SebaOutbreak
    SebaOutbreak Member Posts: 399

    It's better than having no changes whatsoever to the current meta.

    I'm still playing DbD somewhat regularly, but not as much as I used to. Maybe this massive rework will reignite my fire, so I'm looking forward to it. It can't be worse than what we currently have........ right?

  • SimplyPixelated06
    SimplyPixelated06 Member Posts: 469

    I'm just happy for a meta change. See some new things from both sides and try new stuff myself.