Daily DBD Question #6

Since it's pretty much confirmed that David is gay and that Sally and Philip (Nurse and Wraith) have romantic interests in each other, I was curious about who you think is the most likely to get into a relationship with each other.
Now, this can be whatever you think is more likely. Jake&Jane, Clown&Huntress, Trapper&Leon, Nea&Entity, etc
i want the many deathslingers (max 18) from the multiverse to ######### eachother and then they add a new map called "Ram Ranch"
im sure some of you out there know whats going on here :)
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is it wrong for me to say nancy and steve?
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Absolutely not :3
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Plague and Blight
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Yun-Jin and Dwight
Adam and Zarina
Bubba and Insidious
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Huntress & Tapp already confirmed.
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Did I miss something with Nurse and Wraith officially meeting each other?
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Its probably not even canon, but people have always referenced this
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Michael Myers (The Shape) and Amanda Young (The Pig).
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David x Dwight
Jeff x Yu-jin
Quentin x Cheryl
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Frank, Julie, Susie and Joey