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Help, I can’t play Dbd.

Member Posts: 5,449

Every time I try to play, I get overwhelmed with cuteness and can’t proceed to push any keys.

Then I have this booger:

Who prevents me from proper posture since he commandeers part of my chair that I had to wrap in bed sheets and bath towels so they don’t tear it into shreds.


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  • Member Posts: 5,047


  • Member Posts: 5,449

    The problem is that I like the problem while still wanting to finish the stupid challenges for Claudettes free recolored cosmetic.

    Also, I will have to adopt out some of them since my poopy head landlord said I can only keep two (I have 5 babies and the mama). So that is more problems.

    Hopefully, I'll win the lotto soon, then all my problems go bye bye.

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    I'm mostly a dog guy but you're cats are adorable <3

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    So cute! I tried to use your strategy but all that happened is the mother came and inhaled all the treats while the remaining siblings decided that it was time to chew on my toes!

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    Aw, look at that chonky cutie! I love the coloring, it’s beautiful!

    I see that it has prepared its claws in case that you attempt to remove it. I’ll pray for your success, with minimal bloodshed.

  • Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 18,073

    Thank you for your prayers, there was luckily no bloodshed, I just had to pet her for a while until she got bored and left!

  • Member Posts: 5,105
    edited June 2022

    d'awww...yeah that can happen sometimes, and especially so with the love bites lol

    But in seriousness, they look happy and healthy and adorable, I'm so glad they are doing well! And I also found if they are infatuated with the keyboard (walking on it in particular, which mine like to do sometimes), using an old, spare keyboard will often distract em from your active one.

    Although what I am seeing here is they just love ya and want to be around you by being near what you are often around ❤️

  • Member Posts: 7,777


  • Member Posts: 8,330

    I'll 100% take them. They can join my dog in distracting me. 😂

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    I did my best to take care of them. I haven't been this happy in over 20 years (life has been hard) and I think about them all day at work and show off pics and videos to my coworkers and customers! I make sure they eat well, that their litter is cleaned twice a day and they get plenty of treats and fresh water. I tire them out with toys at night and sometimes they all sleep next to me in bed (not always because I toss and turn). One cutie pie likes to lick my eyebrows when I lay down.

    I was actually convinced to get the mother spayed by other forum members because I mentioned that I wanted her to experience motherhood at least once, but it was too late because she was a cow and was already preggo. While I am worried about finding them good families and the potential heart break, I am happy to have experienced this. They're all just so precious.

    Also, I'm not getting no extra keyboard, I welcome the distraction :P I may feel guilty a little if they jump on while i'm on hook and can't hit the skill checks, but its okay, the random players are used to it.

    That is them at night, on my bed, with me nearly hanging off the edge of the bed because I don't want them to move. It's actually pitch black but I had the flash on. Two more were sleeping by my head.

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    If you live in the states, I'd be tempted to drive to you so you can adopt one or two. I'd require something tasty in return tho, I'm not driving back on an empty stomach.

    Also, don't think I forgot all the advice you gave me. I still really appreciate it ❤️

  • Member Posts: 6,340

    Stopped again...

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    You know what you have to do, right?

    Scratch the ears and rub the toe beans.

  • Member Posts: 6,340

    Going for the beans gets you scratched.

    But the ears, yes the ears work nicely!

  • Member Posts: 207
    edited June 2022

    Best Mod post ever. And I'm totally team dog, so giving props to cat people is not easy. :)

    This guy wants in my lap when I try to play. Was cute when he was a 10 lb puppy. He's almost 100 lbs now.

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    The loss of blood is worth it. I would pay any price to caress the toe beans.

  • Member Posts: 7,777

    The new colors on your pic look nice and also help your posts stand out.

  • Member Posts: 5,105

    Aww bless their hearts. I can definitely tell you are a fantastic cat parent, and I'm so glad they've brought you so much joy (without going into my own background too much, I can very much relate to the feeling). I can also absolutely understand the anxiety of making sure they get good forever homes. If you get in contact with a foster, and if it is something you are ok with, you can always request the foster contact you if a homing doesn't work out for one of them. It is not super common that that'll happen, many experienced fosters check potential adopters well, but it can bring a bit of peace of mind. Definitely mentioned before, saying goodbye when they go to a home will be incredibly sad, but you'll have all those memories and pics and videos, and the knowledge you gave them a safe, loving start on life <3

    And I too definitely understand the welcome distraction! Many of them are my "co-mods", they usually loiter around when I'm at the computer. Our late cat, Robin, would hang out and watch me play DbD very often (my friend once thought his meow through my headset was a Nurse screech and panicked 🤣), and the new kitties are starting to wonder about me when I'm playing too (and they LOVE DbD streams, especially when it shows killer lol my lil apex predators)

    Thank you <3 Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love dogs too, I was around them since the first time I came home from the hospital as a wee baby mod lol I thinks more in terms of care, we prefer cats a tad more...and then we visit our friends'/family's dogs as often as possible.

    And that is a handsome pupper, what's his name?! And... I mean, even big they are still cute, but yeah, as a teen, when my parents brought home a 10 pound German Shepard pup and he jumped in your lap, it was much cuter/less painful than when he tried to do it as a 120lb large lad!

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    No problem, hopefully the advice has been helpful. 😁

    I'm in North East US, if you're in North East too I would totally drive to pick up a kitty or two. 😍

  • Member Posts: 1,294

    This is a horrible issue indeed, it requires further inspection.

    Please post more pictures of your "problems" for me to see and analyze with my wife.

    We are experts.

  • Member Posts: 207

    His name is Garrus. Yes, we named him after Garrus Vakarian. We have a female named Edi as well. They are both Doberman and love to curl up in your lap.

    It's comforting to know others have similar "technical difficulties" in this game. It's a real pain trying to set traps or catch a running survivor with his head pushing down on my mouse and the sad eyes looking at me because I've sat in my game chair and did not invite him up.

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    would you be willing to travel international if i promised a full roast? /j

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    I'd require roasted lamb chops with a side of rice pilaf and a dessert based on chocolate and or cheesecake.

    I live in Misery (Missouri😜) but I would be willing to drive up to the North East if I can't find any good families that I can trust to take care of my little furry boogers.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    Oof, that's like a 2-3 day drive, that'd be rough for the kitties. I'd feel so bad putting them through such a long trip. It'd definitely be better for them to find someone closer. Less stress if they're not stuck in a carrier and on the road for so long before going to new home with different smells and stuff.

    If you need help finding good families closer reach out to some local shelters for help - you can find out what their adoption process is for finding/selecting families for one you think will be best in selecting a good family. Some do their version of background check (check with landlord you can have cats, check that your actually employed) while others just need you to afford the adoption fee. If you get help from a shelter that uses fosters they usually don't rush to get the kitties adopted out, they take their time to find the right families. You could maybe be the foster, you'd probably just need to talk to your landlord since it would require the kittens staying a little longer and let them know you're working with the shelter to find them homes. If they've been this understanding so far hopefully they'd continue if you show you're actively searching for homes by working with a shelter.

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    Well, I wouldn’t keep them in a carrier. I drive a minivan and I’d let them run around as much as they want!

    But in all seriousness, yea, it wouldn’t be a good experience for them. A worker at my local pet shop said that they would help if I need it. I’ll go when I’m sure the mother doesn’t want them anymore. I’m just trying to get people I know personally to adopt them in order to know 100% that they’re in good hands.

    Still hoping to win the lotto (or get hit by a Budweiser truck at a red light that will result in a nice settlement) so I can buy a house and keep them all! I’ll even pay for you to come visit them (I promise to feed you well).

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    Letting kitties run around seems fine until you do it. 😂 We learned that when my old cat tried to get under the driver's feet. He REALLY wanted to hang out by the peddles. 😂

    It definitely makes sense to try with people you trust will take care of them. Like I said if you were closer I'd definitely be one but that 2-3 day drive would be alot for them so will be better for them if you can do closer.

    🤞For a lotto win. That seems the safer option between the two. 😂

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    My poopy head landlord sprayed for bugs a week ago, even though the kittens were loose. I immediately grabbed them all, including the mother, and put them in my van so as to not let them get the poison on their fur. They were not happy at first. The mother calmed down after she realized I was going to sit with them but some of her kids were stressed and breathing from their mouthes.

    After bribing them with salmon purée treated and giving them lots of pets and squeezing their ears, they calmed down and enjoyed running around everywhere, but I would imagine they’d go crazy if I tried to drive up to you in three days.

    You will be my very very last resort. I’ll make sure to tempt you with videos of them biting my toes and pictures of them chewing through my headphone wires(I know which turd does it, went through three in the last month, she’s the first to go!).

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    That's good they chilled out after a bit. If just sitting in car freaked them out a long drive like that would definitely would be high stress.

    Petshops sell stuff called bitter apple spray. Most pets hate the taste and it stops them from chewing on things they shouldn't like wires... Some are weirdos though and like the bitter taste. 😂 May want to try that, will probably need to reapply every so often but hopefully it would help. Other option would be wrapping double sided tape around the wires but that would probably get annoying with a head set.

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    Mines are definitely weird. I wrapped the base and lower part of the wire in aluminum foil and the vicious booger still chews on it. She isn't even hiding it, she does it while looking at me like, whatchya gonna do about it!? I end up tickling and petting her.

    I saw the spray that you're talking about at Walmart, I'll definitely try it, but I know with my luck it wont work. I'm gonna search for metal earbuds or something. I know everyone is on the Bluetooth buds, but I just prefer wired since I never have to worry about charging and the fit for my favorite ones are the best for my ears. I don't think the tape would work, they'd just slobber on it like everything else and make it non-stick plastic paper.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    Ear buds will definitely get stolen and then they'll hit them under like a couch 😂 You ever see the pics of someone lifting a couch and all the cat toys underneath that the cat swatted under there over the years? 100% will happen to ear buds if not careful 😂

    If they chew on the wire while you're using them you could have the chord go up through your shirt when using them.

    While typing realized they're probably teething. At petshop there are toys that help kitties with teething - find the right ones and they'll choose to chew on those instead of your wires. Unfortunately might take some trial/error to find the ones that feel best for their teething.

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