Still no Sadako buffs? Really?
It's kinda silly how they've released a better killer than the previous one in such a short amount of time. The Dredge simply outperforms The Onryo when it comes to map mobility and stealth factor. Poor girl just can't catch a break.
Anyone wanna tell me why someone should bother playing as Sadako at this point? Why wasn't her lullaby removed yet? Why is she still a worse Wraith? Why wasn't the cooldown for her tvs cut down from 100 to 60 seconds?
Sadako’s first balance pass is probably next mid-chapter. The full chapters are usually mostly just the new content, mid-chapters are the ones with big passes on existing content.
P.S. I actually think she’s as good or maybe slightly better than Wraith, I put them both at 2 to 2.5 stars out of 5. Sadako has better map presence and slightly more flexible stealth plus a bit of built in slow down with the Condemned. But it’s close either way.
Dredge and Sadako’s only similarity is they both teleport, that’s it. I think Dredge is the stronger character overall because his ability has direct anti-loop capability which outweighs Sadako’s stealth and slowdown, I’m guessing Dredge will be 4 out of 5 stars on a lot of tier lists.
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I was saying the same thing when they revealed The Dredge. They are just a better Sadako is basically every way.
Sadako has the whole Condemned thing to build up a mori but, let's be honest, who's actually getting kills on survivor not on their final hook with this?
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If she’s specifically using the Green add-on that curses survivors who revive and heal each other and plays a slugging strategy she actually does get Condemned kills surprisingly often.
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If you play against newbie survivors who don't even understand her power, maybe.
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It works against decent survivors too. The reason is because every time a survivor revives another survivor with that build they gain a stack, and then they gain a second stack if they continue to heal the injured survivor to full. That’s on top of whatever stacks they get from teleporting or occasionally touching TVs or having a video tape. Sadako’s teleport makes her a decent slugger since she can down someone and teleport straight to an area other survivors are at, so she can stay in chases pretty efficiently and keep pressure on survivors by slugging between occasional hooks when the survivors are busy reviving each other. It forces the survivors into a position of constantly having to decide whether to revive and gain stacks, to not revive and do gens but possibly still have built up stacks to worry about, or to run across the map to use a tape to get rid of stacks and not do gens or revive or heal anybody. With four survivors in that position per match it’s not that uncommon for someone to spend too much time ignoring the stacks and get caught simply because they’re juggling a lot of plates in the air.