
... killers can't stack certain perks such as ruin and pop (while ruin is active you can't use pop) but survivors don't have this limitations (unbrekable+ds+bt+dead hard+adrenaline just to quote the strongest ones). it should exist some limitations to those perks imo (if you use bt you can't use ds, if you use ds you can't use ub, if you use ub you can't use ds, etc etc)
You can't kick a gen that's already regressing.
I didn't know this was something controversial.
It's the same reason why you can't use PGTW multiple times on the same gen while it's regressing.
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OP can correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think they're saying they want to be able to kick an already regressing generator. I think they're saying that second-chance survivor perks shouldn't stack, and they're making a point that there's precedent for it because a lot of killer perks don't play well together.
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And a lot of Killer perks do play well together though.
Pop Goes the Weasel + Call of Brine.
Pain Resonance + Dead Man's Switch.
Hell, even PR+PGTW+CoB+Corrupt works well together.
OP just doesn't like Survivor second chance perks. That's fine, I don't either. However, their logic is very flawed.
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the old ruin allowed this (agree that the old ruin didn't regressed gens automatically, but if you think about it you can regress a gen who is already regressing... for example surge/jolt works with ruin, scourge hooks works with ruin), so i don't see why it shouldn't be available again, or maybe apply the same logic to survivor's perks... in solo queue those perks wouldn't be a big problem, but aganist premades who stack 2nd chances on 2nd chances you just don't have the time to even do 3 hooks, even if you didn't commit any mistake... this is just overkill and unnecessary
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this was my original thought, yes
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I have zero issue winning 99% of my matches.
The one's I don't win are usually either down to my own mistakes or Survivors playing extremely well. You do not get those matches often.
Surge and PR also do relatively low amounts of gen damage on their own. It's when you start chaining PR that it becomes a killer to the Survivor team. Likewise, Ruin offers an enormous effect of fast gen regression balanced out by it being a Hex perk. PGTW is also contingent upon hooking a Survivor, which like you said, is no easy task, apparently and it rewards you by offering 25% gen regression.
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did you see my matches in order to know what kind of survivor i face? no, but i'll tell you anyway: i didn't had a chill match since the introduction of this cursed mmr (the only chill matches that i did until now were ONLY with sadako for some reason... with every other killers is a eternal sweatfest with broken stuff, map offering, dead hard spam and toxic swf)
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That's nice. Most (if not all) of my matches have been sweaty since MMR.
Not every match is a "toxic SWF abusing broken stuff".
That's an excuse. Nobody likes losing or getting t-bagged, I get it but saying every match is "broken stuff, map offering, DH spam and toxic SWF" is wrong.
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I make no comment on OP's stance/argument.
I'll share my own stance, though (it's probably pretty standard and boring, but whatever, I'm already here): The problem with perks on both sides goes deep. I don't like a lot of second chance perks and the way they can be used together. I also don't like a lot of killer perks, most gen perks and the ones that slow down survivor actions. Those kinds of survivor and killer perks wildly throw off the game's balance, making for a frustrating experience whether you're going up against them or feeling forced to use them.
I hope BHVR makes the game better and not worse when they start adjusting the meta perks. Though, I'm worried about their plans for BBQ.
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i wish it was an excuse...
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I can critique some gameplay if you like?
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the problem is also how people tend to use those perks... for example the idea behind bt is great, but there's a little but crucial detail... in my matches people use bt not for getting away from the killer, but they use it "agressively" by taking the hit reserved to the unhooker or bodyblocking you on purpose, forcing you to tunnel said survivor cause he didn't left you with much choices (and here the other meta perks come into his help)... i still have to see someone using for his original purpose...
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screenshots usually talk for me... i'll do an experiment (today if i can): i'll do a screenshot of every match i played and put them here (obviously i hope to get chill matches in the meantime, but it will be hard)
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No thank you. With the number of face-campers and hard-tunnelers, stacking those perks is sometimes the only way to get through a trial in SoloQ. UB and DS are conditional perks and are absolutely useless if the killer doesn't tunnel and goes for the unhooker instead or the gen jokey's, DS is wasted then and the survivor is probably doing nothing to help their teammates. Don't slug survivors for so long that they can use UB, very simple.
In most of my games the killers are using Corrupt, DMS and PR, which makes doing gens, unhooking, healing and getting rid of totems in case of NOED an absolute hell.
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I cant stack dead hard with sprint burst. Just destroyed your whole argument
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I can understand OP being frustrated with perk stacking of second chance perks, but sometimes in soloq, this is necessary if you don't want to be tunneled or left on the ground by your team. It definitely is annoying though when swf will stack them with each other, but I'd rather have 4 DS, DH, UB, and BT instead of a mix with CoH, resilience, soul guard/for the people and deliverance.
The thing about survivor second chance perks is that some of them are one time use. You can force someone to use their unbreakable and eat their DS and know that they can't do that in the future. I've learned to handle BT taking hits by just waiting out BT and hitting them, if they wanted to take a protection hit so bad, I can wait (hence why I stopped doing this as survivor unless I'm in a super safe area to loop). If they're doing this to bait UB or DS, it was only a 12 second chase, leave them on the ground, quick chase anyway.
I get the frustrations of survivors stacking perks in swf, but usually it's only soloq people not trusting everyone else to save them. I personally haven't had many problems with meta perks. Sure, I have some rough games with coordinated survivors, but I usually can avoid the meta perks.
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Survivors do have some limitations, they can't:
- Use perks like DH and Sprint Burst together because of the exhaustion status.
- Can't benefit from Second Wind if they get off the hook with Deliverance because of the broken status (they also don't work well with Adrenaline).
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nah there is no controversy since survivors just have to be better than killers at everything according to the devs.
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Not really. It depends on the time of day. During evening there are more players and you get a more "normal" playing experience. Play during the day and its only sweatlords around.
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Wrong, you didn't destroyed anything, just argued about a part of what I said/meant. Those things can be said also for killer (jolt/PR ruin for example), but facts are that those combo weren't the strongest one that a killer could offer just like sprint burst and dead hard aren't the strongest combo for survivors... The strongest combo that killer had was nerfed (old ruin+pop) while the strongest combo that survivors can offer are still the same (buffed in BT case since now TR doesn't count anymore)...