Question w/ Prestige for BHVR

A long time ago I decided not to prestige any characters I did not care about the default cosmetics for, since the blood was not something BVHR could make an overlay out of. Now we have that with Nemesis blue slime, but whatever. Because of this I have MANY characters that have EVERY SINGLE PERK ON THEM but they are un-prestiged.
In a recent post BHVR said that characters would be evaluated based on their progress and prestiged accordingly. Now here is my big question:
If I have, say, my Legion with every single perk but I don't actually prestige her do I get this unique reward for having prestiged the Legion if I use this option...
.... or do I literally have to throw away over 6 million blood points of buying everything and start over?
Nobody knows, all we know is that the reward won't be a cosmetic. I really hope the reward won't be too good, I don't even have the builds I want on every killer, never mind p3.
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I am okay not knowing WHAT the reward is. I just need to know if having every single perk at purple tier on a character "counts" or if they expect me to flush that all down the drain.
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Considering it says evaluated based on Prestige I am assuming that means Prestige one, two and three. So no, level 50 probably wouldn't count. I've only seen a mention of rewarding prestige 3, but I'm also out of the loop severely
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Did the devs actually confirm it wouldn't be a cosmetic? It would make sense because I can't imagine they would be able to make a new cosmetic for licensed characters without talking to license holders.
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They did, yes.
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Ah. I wonder what it could be. I've been suspecting a charm honestly, but I'm hoping to be surprised with something else
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If I have, say, my Legion with every single perk but I don't actually prestige her do I get this unique reward for having prestiged the Legion if I use this option...
The answer to this question is no. Mandy confirmed you HAVE to have prestiged before the prestige update to get the "distinct" (as they call them) reward:
Also, the distinct reward is confirmed NOT to be:
- A cosmetic item
- A charm
And just to say I am/was in the same position as you. I had every character maxed out but not prestiged. But I'm now trying to P3 all survivors now and have P3'd 11 so far! If you start now at least when the anniversary event is out you will have A LOT of cakes when lvling up at the lower lvls.
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The reward is suggested to be a border frame for that killer. As they are incorporating the Prestige/Killer level into the post game lobby screen to show your dedication to said killer. Supposedly reaching P3 prior to the changes will give you a 'unique' border and that's it. No new cosmetics, no charms. But yes you have to hit P3 prior to the change and not wait for your level 50 all perk characters to gain it automatically.
That being said, getting your characters maxed out even if you just hit P3 level 1 will mean those perks are auto unlocked on all your other characters. So grinding P3 now is not going to be too bad once this Prestige rework hits live in the following months.
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Yeeeeah, but I got every single perk on like..... TWELVE characters....
That.... that is a lot of bloodpoints to throw away.
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So if i go to prestige a killer/survivor for the first time after the prestige changes i won't get the bloody set? Or i do get bloody set plus whatever new changes they add?
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The way it works is after the rework, you will be able to get the bloody cosmetic corresponding to that prestige tier (up to three) while keeping perks, items, add-ons and offerings. You only get the distinct reward for having a character prestige three BEFORE the rework goes live. I believe prestige levels one and two will be compensated as well, but they will NOT get the distinct reward because they were not prestige three. After the rewards are given for compensation and the rework is pushed through to live servers, you can NOT earn these distinct rewards again, but WILL be able to earn bloody clothes like you do now. Hope this helped clear it up and anyone who knows more feel free to add!