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What do you do with a bully squad

jamally093 Member Posts: 1,624

Now I mean as a survivor let's say your playing solo for now and your paired with a bully squad flashlights,DS,Dead hard the whole mile what do you do.

Because yeah I get it's a thing you shouldn't do because it makes you a **** but seriously I hate bully squads and I feel bad for the killer with dealing with them clicking their flashlights all the time so basically I'll take the role of opening the exit and if luck is on my side the killer downs the bully squad and hooks them and I'll make my leave.

Sure it's something bad to basically screw your team over but it's a bully squad they can handle losing one of their fifty purple flashlights even then a killer messaged me thanking me for killing that team.


  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557

    During the evenings I run Franklins Bubba, if I see no flashlights I run non Franklins Bubba, but if I see one flashy, you getting the Franklins Bubba

    you gotta play against them enough to get used to it then start hunting them at night and weekends. Ill throw a whole match just to kill a flashy or two

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,177
    edited June 2022

    EDIT: I'm an idiot, I evidently didn't pay any attention to the thread when I wrote that up :D

    As a survivor, I generally will leave them be and give the killer a kill at the end if I notice the bullying. I'll do my best to not actively participate with the bully squad but it might be a while before I even notice that I'm with a bullys squad. If I do notice the bully squad, I'll pound out generators as fast as I can to get this S show over with. I've never not unhooked the bullies but usually if I'm a solo with a bully squad, they're taking care of each other and I'm free to just hammer gens and get this game over with.

    I have though at the end when I realized that my team is being a giant ass to the killer and given myself up for a free kill. Unfortunately a lot of the times the killer has given up by this point :( I've had more times than not where I wanted to give them a kill but they were just chilling in the corner not actively playing the game.

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    This will sound odd, but disrespect every pallet in the beginning of the match. If you play more cautiously, they’ll think that you’ll be easier to bully.

  • JaviiMii
    JaviiMii Member Posts: 286

    I don't care very much what perks or items my teamies have equipped - I care about how they use it. If they get in the killers butt with their 'chaaaaase meeee' clicky clicky, try to force the whole sabo-thing or want to do head-on shenanigans that's up to them; I have no part in it and I'll keep my distance, though I won't flat-out refuse to unhook/heal them. Maybe they're actually good and keep the killer busy for all five gens. Maybe the killer noticed I had no part in whatever the others were doing and gives hatch. (That's what I usually do when playing as killer; if it so happens that the 'normal' is the las tone standing they get hatch, if it's two and they played decently they get to choose: complete however many gens are left in peace and leave, which takes a while, or get hooked and move on to next match asap.)

  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586

    I had a match like this last night where it was clearly a group of very good, coordinated survivors who were flashing saving, body blocking, head-on, etc. unfortunately I didn’t have the right perk loadout to deal with that, so I just went around the map and let them have fun playing gen simulator. Those type of teams are there simply to get their kicks by bullying killers, so take that away from them and see how much fun they have holding M1 all match and then waiting in 10 minute queue for their next match.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,063

    As a survivor? I ignore the bully squad and do gens instead of directly helping them (like if a Boil Over user is getting slugged for being in an unhookable area, I'm not going to heal them), and if the killer is getting wrecked because of it, I give them a free hook towards the end and see if they can make any pressure from it (or if the squad just leaves me to die.) There's a big difference between a bully squad and survivors that are just using their tools effectively, though. If my teammates are playing aggressively and making it work, good on them - if they're doing stuff like double locker flashlight saves or No Mither/Soul Guard/Boil Over on RPD library, I want no part in that.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,223

    My solution to most things on survivor: do the gens and leave immediately.

  • Vyne456
    Vyne456 Member Posts: 848

    I hate bully squads with a passion. I just camp and use NOED if there was any bully squads.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,608

    The best thing you can do is to keep away so you aren't associated with them.

    Bully squads are a special treat and you don't want to be part of the menu.

  • DootLord
    DootLord Member Posts: 26

    Just AFK :)