Why Do People Still Think SBMM (MMR) Is Worse Than RBMM (Ranks) ?

Seriously, so many of these threads. Really don't get it.
From my side, I started under ranks and it was miserable. Joined right before the monthly reset; chaos - a few games in and I was facing people with thousands of hours of experience, as a brand new killer.
It got worse as the month progressed, as after a few weeks I'd eventually lucked my way into purple ranks. I still have some of the post-game screencaps lying around, and they were bonkers.
Maybe...1 in 10 game was 'fair', in that I was evenly matched with my opponents.
I didn't start learning survivor until post MMR change, but I can only imagine how much worse solo queue must have been.
Now, under MMR...maybe 3/5 of my games are pretty decently even, win or lose. 1/5 of the time I have 'okay, that was impossible' experiences and 1/5 of the time I have 'okay, that was clearly a team of much newer players'. I attribute most of this to the well known issues that lobby dodges cause the system.
It's not perfect, but it's so, so much better than it was before.
I do understand how, for the 2000 hour monsters out there, MMR might have been a bit of a blow, as you're now facing a lot more monsters yourself. But keep in mind that your more 'chill' games generally come at the expense of someone much newer getting rolled. You only have to look at Otzdarva's earlier streak videos in comparison to his attempts with Sadako and Cenobite (and his Artist streak, which coincided with the bonkers MMR testing days) to see this in action.
Again, SBMM isn't perfect - but for the majority of players, it's a damn sight better.
The way you mmr is calculated is flawed ,,basically if you loop killer for a big time allowing your team to do gens and end up dying ,you will lose mmr...are you a bad survivor ? NO ,but this system says you are,,,
On the other side,,You play killer and 2 hook everyone but get no kills,,,are you a bad killer ? Hell NO,but you will lose mmr,,,however if you tunnel a person out of game before gens are done and get a 3v1 setup for late using smth like noed you will probably get at least one more,,were you really that good for tunneling a person out of game early ? i'd call it efficient,,,but not like super skilled / fun,,you will also get mmr if you kill at least two people this way,, It's not the system itself bad,,it's the way mmr is calculated in this game,,
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Same reason as yours. Experience. If people have worse experience with mmr than with what was before, naturally they gonna complain about it
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If you want an objective measure, just watch any good Killer main stream from before MMR to after SBMM. Tell me that their opposition has become more tailored to their skill level. People always bring up how Otz can't do his no perk 3k 100 streaks anymore, because he losses 2 games out of 100 instead of 1, but more than half the lobbies he and other very experienced and good killers face I could destroy as well and I'm nowhere near his or other highly skilled killer main's level.
The kill/escape=skill gives a far worse skill approximation number than grades where what you actually did mattered as opposed to how lucky you are with your teammates.
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The game was much more relaxed with rank-based. Going into any match you could have an easy match, a close match, or you could be stomped, but it was interesting every time.
Now it's the decision between 'play survivor and deal with sweaty meta Blights' vs 'deal with a 4 man sweat squad and their 4 DHs.'
On top of that, the emblem system felt more rewarding. I progressed in rank because I was contributing to the team, now I can see people do ######### all and then skulk out the gate and know the game registers that as being better than someone who contributed but died.
I also don't like that we reset back to rank 20 every month either. Before there was some motivation to get back to rank 1 because it felt achiveable, now if I want to get rank 1 I feel like I have to live on the game, and the bloodpoint rewards scale really shittily until red ranks, so if I don't go all out then it hardly matters if I finish ash or gold.
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To make things worse, this is the 2nd time the devs have made kills/escapes decide wining or losing. The first time was an old ranking system called the Victory Cube where little to nothing mattered but for kills and escapes. It was quickly replaced with the current ranking system we have now after proving it wasn't worth a damn due to how it was impossible to tell what "skill" is in DbD based solely off of kills and escapes.
We might as well just go back to the original scoring system to determine SBMM at this rate who was purely based off of Blood Point gains. Earn above 20K BP, you "win" and gain MMR points. Earn between 15K and 20K BP, you stay as you are. Earn less than 15K, you lose MMR points.
It might be easy to farm BP, but it's at least a better system to determine skill than just kill/escapes as any and all actions throughout the game is somewhat accounted for.
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Hm doesn't sound that bad, maybe values would need to be readjusted but could also work as a foundation for a better way to balance mmr calculation,, the existing one is pretty boring, encourages selfish survival plays and discourages interaction with killer since that reduces your chances of escaping and pushes killer specially weaker ones into unfun ways to play
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The issue is the sweaty blights and 4-man DH teams are still going to exist with or without MMR, if they aren't going to be matched with other experienced players who are also doing their best to win who should they be put with?
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SBMM is much better than the old system.
I've been coaching a new killer main recently. When ranks were used for matchmaking, you would be playing against 4-man rank 1 SWFs within a week. He's been playing for a couple of months and his matches are still mostly fair. They are getting harder but it is a much softer learning curve than it used to be.
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Values would 100% need to be adjusted and several things would need to be accounted for such as BP gain perks, offerings, or events.
First off, any and all things that alter BP gains would need to be ignored. This would likely mean changing some perks around such as Thrill of the Hunt and Distressing as they apply their BP gain mid game instead of post game. Offerings are already post gain BP and are easy enough to ignore. Event BP though, that might need to be changed up as well.
2nd would that Survivor and Killer would have to have their own values. Killer earns more BP on average per game than Survivor. BP gains also change Killer to Killer so each Killer might need it's own value system, or at least be put into groups.
From there it would just be a matter of figuring out the right values for Survivor and Killer/s for what would be a proper win or lose.
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A lot of the red ranks are just cheaters, and I mean people that use exploits. Bear that in mind.
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Because it's worse for me.
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Under rank based matchmaking i was having casual games even at rank 1, now is just a sweatfest, reason why i quit killer
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For me, it's because it feels almost like the exact same system. I still get matched with baby killers and survivors on either side often enough that MMR may as well not exist. This begs the question: why didn't they put in all the work for a system that is at best the same as their old matchmaking, and at worst worse for some people? It can't even measure skill appropriately ffs!
So why did they waste all that time and money with little to nothing to show for it? The honest answer is that game devs and companies in general don't want to hear that they've been wasting time, money, and effort, and so they keeping trudging along with boneheaded decisions regardless of whether they're really necessary.
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I've only played under SBMM so I can't comment on how older systems did. The current emblem/pipping system produces a numerical score for each game (even if we only see a bar progressing towards pips).
My gut reaction is to use that score instead of kills/escapes but that system is flawed as well. It's graded on how they want you to play and not what is the most efficient way to play. The quickest, most efficient matches where one side just blows the other out of the water actually score fairly low on that system.
There has to be some sort of middle ground. Maybe something that takes Time-to-Win into account and/or maybe trimming some fat off of some of the things the emblems gives points for.
Another thing that I'd love for them to weigh into match making is the level for the individual killer or survivor you are using and what perks/addons/items you have available to them at that time.
I think in the end a better system is going to need to be more complex than anything they have right now.
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I miss the pure chaos of the old ranking system.
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My guess is that a lot of people aren't measuring their matchmaking experience when they're talking about how much MMR sucks, they're measuring their play experience.
I've seen a lot of people say the MMR system doesn't work, and then cite things like "sweaty players" or "meta perks" or "tryhards", which are all indications that the system is working. But, since the meta isn't particularly fun right now, going against players who know what it is and intend to use it more consistently can definitely be quite annoying; while the old system categorically didn't work, there's a selfish urge to say "well i had easy/relaxed games sometimes" and ignore that getting those games is why the old system didn't work. It's the thing that they needed to fix, not a side effect of good or bad matchmaking.
There's also the misunderstanding of how MMR systems work leading to the "it doesn't accurately measure skill" take reinforcing this, even though it's wrong. Other factors definitely intensify it, but I think the core is that people aren't evaluating matchmaking, they're evaluating the games they're playing on pure fun factor.
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Thos still happens regularly. My son decided to return and play killer 3 months ago. It was one sweaty 4 man after the other. He quit within a week.
The current system is even easier to game than ranks were. In the rank system you had to go AFK to lose ranks. In this one you do all the gens, stay and play for a while. Open the gates and refuse to leave and you get lots of BP, bullied the newbie killer and still lost MMR while pushing the killer's up with a 4k.
I saw several instances of this when he was trying to learn killer.
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Regardless of whether it was balanced, it was more fun to have a variance of matches. With SBMM it just becomes the longer you play, the less enjoyable each match becomes. For a game with retention issues that should be a concern. Trying to make the game more competitive doesn't make it better in the long run.
In the old days everyone got a fair spread of sweaty competitors and relaxed matches, now the game just lures in new players with a handful of easy matches before dropping them into meta hell permanently.
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Ignoring the obvious and objective fact that the system just simply does not work most of the time, the simple problem with MMR is this
Under Ranked Matchmaking, even at rank 1, there was a ton of variety both in perks and in killers, which kept the game interesting
compare that to high MMR, where you will pretty much only ever see Blight, Spirit, Nurse and maybe a very good Billy or Oni, and where everyone runs some combination of a handful of perks
Variety makes the game fun, and MMR does not encourage variety
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If there's no variety it's because the majority of the killer roster sucks.
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Back when rank based matchmaking was a thing, I actually had diverse and fun matches. With this mess of a matchmaking system I can only get one kind: 2 min games.
My survivor teammates have yellow perks, don't know the game mechanics and die/dc/hook suicide immediately. The killer always has some variation of the current meta build along with the sweeties add-ons.
I mean ffs I can't even complete the escape 4 times challenge because it is impossible. After a little over a week I have 1/4 progress.
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Old ranks were better. Revert please.
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My experience, much like the TC's, has been the exact opposite of yours.
I too was perpetually stuck at 'low purple ranks' as killer, which meant I inevitably got paired with red rank survivors because they can only be matched downwards. It was miserable, seal team teabag game after game.
With MMR, my games are actually varied, and I have a decent kill rate at probably more than 50%, maybe even approaching 70%. My games are so fun and chill that I routinely let the last survivor escape, which likely slows down my MMR progress and keeps me in the comfortable zone.
Meanwhile my survivor games are also perfectly average. I've completed my escape 4 times challenge in one night, probably took about 7-8 games, I also completed my "hide by the killer as David for 60s" and "unhook someone who unhooked you 4 times" in the same night too.
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Being matched with ranks 6 above or below your current rank was way too wide. Should been no more then 4.
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SBMM definetely better than RBMM, it's just implementation is garbage (linking it to kills and escapes).
Ranking system was liked because it randomly gave casual players you can taunt and slaughter. Now if you kill a lot, you're matched with those who escape a lot. Who is that? Right, meta tryhard premades.
Going back to ranking system probably completely kill any desire to play for casual players (getting wiped everytime and getting lot's of taunts and insults in endgame chat from salty killers is no very fun thing if you play couple hours after work). SBMM have to be reworked, it is talked about since release.
They did some SBMM testing, though, we don't know about results and what did they test out, "quod licet Jovi, non licet bovi", but i'm still curious what did they come to in the end (high chance resolution was "aaaah, to hell with it, don't care")
Because the only thing I see personally is in linking rating to chases, hooks in short term, plus perks and addons as a long term.
That my idea has flow too, because it rolls out red carpet to campers (thay will stay at low MMR and be ok with it, getting super easy kills each match), but that story for another day (to make camping super unviable in first place)
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MMR is flawed and even if it wasn’t it creates a situation where everyone brings the strongest stuff all the time instead of trying to keep it fresh, which makes matches incredibly frustrating but boring at the same time.
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The difference is the people complaining about the experience now tend to complain more about matches being “too sweaty”, i.e. they’re complaining that they’re having to try too hard to win because the opponents are closely matched, and they want to have ”more casual opponents”, i.e. weaker players than themselves they can goof around against and still beat.
The fact is MMR is actually a better estimate of player skill than the old emblem system and, when the MMRs are close to each other, the matches are in the desired 1-3 kill range. What actually generates the complaints is a combination of high level prolific posters not liking the high level meta because they think its stale with other high level prolific posters liking the old emblem system where they got matched against weaker players more often. The former issue is a legitimate one and the reason the devs are working on that major perk and base kit revamp. The latter isn’t a problem though other than for people who like to bully newer players. And neither one is a problem with MMR itself.
That said, the devs did mention in the big MMR blog post one change they want to make is to have the survivors be treated as a group for purposes of MMR going up or down. That way one survivor sacrificing themselves to let everybody else get out will still go up in MMR.
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I know otz is a good killer but I don't think using him as a measure for sbmm is good.
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I think sbmm is a good idea but the way they did it isn't. I feel like if you want to implement sbmm in this game you have to make it have a lot of variables to determine what a players mmr is, which it isn't.
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The current MMR isn't perfect by any means. Its biggest flaw is prioritizing queue times over MMR during peak periods for one role or the other (instant killer queues in the evenings/nights and a shortage of those players means all bets are off in the quality of your competition). The inability of it to measure anything beyond the kill/escape metric is a disappointment, considering how much time went into developing this system.
That said, I played a lot under the old system, made it to Rank 1 as both a killer and survivor there -- and frankly, the system now doesn't differ all that much from the old one in the terms of what kind of matches I get. I'd say I face tougher killers as survivor, and tougher survivor teams as killer, but that would be expected, as I do well at both roles, and I shouldn't be getting literally new players (which happened more often under the old system, and currently happens now when the queue times are skewed).
I simply don't understand the people who talk about how "chill" everything was before the current system went into place -- because as someone who was playing a ton before the current SBMM, it just wasn't that way. I saw a ton of hardcore SWF's as killer, or 5-gen slaughter Nurse players as survivor then as well (and that was when I was far worse at both roles than I am now).
If you're memeing and playing "chill" (and queue times aren't the only factor in your matchmaking, which if they are, you WILL get much more randomness in who you play against), you're going to eventually end up against other players at that same level of competitiveness, especially if people bringing the "meta" are beating you on a regular basis.
People didn't all of a sudden decide "I want to bring the most powerful build/items/add-ons" when SBMM was implemented. The people who were playing all-out to win were doing that anyway before, and under the old system, they were getting matched up against players far below their skill level often, and likely a lot more than they do now. Thinking SBMM turned "casual" players into "sweaty" players is nostalgic thinking, but it's flawed.
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I prefer the sbmm as surv because my teammates are a lot better than before.
But it is rough as killer if you are someone like me who doesn't play the top ones.
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For more experienced players, sure.
For newer players - hell no.
Think of it this way. An experienced player, under ranks, will - on average - have much easier games. A newbie will - on average - have much harder games.
They weren't, though.
Thing is - on average, a killer that can 2 hook everyone or a survivor that can loop the killer all game may not win that game, but on average, they'll kill/escape more.
Absolutely not.
Otz did a 100 streak on pre-rework Plague. A 50 streak on pre-rework Trapper.
He had to struggle to get much shorter streaks on Cenobite, Artist and he basically gave up on Sadako. The only reason he got a chonky streak on Artist was the MMR testing.
Maybe? But can you also entertain that 'slightly worse (I'm guessing you're meaning 'more sweaty') for me' might mean 'better for everyone else'?
It's not just queue times - that's mostly okay (naturally, could be better). It's lobby dodges which basically cause the system to grab anyone and that's where you get the weird games.
I've started dodging any 'ready' lobbies I join, and now I'd say maybe 4/5 of my games are pretty decent.
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No, because the vast majority of feedback indicates it is not "better for everyone else."
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Same problem existed before but in waves. Every rank reset the most competitive would get to upper ranks soon after. For a week or so that would be todays "high mmr". After some time casuals would make there way up and dilute the upper ranks.
Thats why you had YTers and Twitches saying sweat squads are rare outside tourneys. (Same ones that complain about MMR now.)
Players would rush to rank 1 near the end if the season and go back to casually playing on the 13th.
But now that MMR does not reset, you find those that avoided the 13th rush to the top have found themselves to be in that situation every match.
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People who are against MMR can come in two ways:
- They state it has flaws but can work, it just needs to raise it for good loops or doing more than just killing.
- They get salty big baby rage mad they can't dunk on new players to feed their ugly superiority complex.
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I don't think it can work because I don't think BHVR can design a system that complex.
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Time will tell.
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because rbmm made games objectively easier due to massive skill gaps in red ranks.
SBMM might be flawed but it prevents players who play the game on occasions (like me) from stomping new players because they keep getting reseted to the lowest rank (or would get bully squad who where clearly targeting newer players)
it reduce the current issue of the killer vs survivor population where there is so few killers at high ranks that red ranks survivors get matched against weaker survivor ( shoutout to the 4swf red rank 1 team I faced at ######### rank 18)
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DBD is not fun when played competitively. It causes everyone in the match to not play the game as it was first intended.
Matches are too sweaty.
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You do know that he lost streaks even back during GBMM right?
I just don't understand how you can watch something like this and claim that the SBMM is working
Where he 3ks with an always tentacle up Nemesis and a crouch only Ghostface because 9 out of 10 lobbies that he gets thrown into is stuffed to the brim with baby survivors that don't even look behind their back.
Or this where Hens and pals are going up against the newest of killers despite the fact that they are both good and on coms.
SBMM is literally garbage and pairs up the best killers with the worst survivors and vice versa. I understand that RBMM did this too, but how can you look at any recent footage and claim that the system works is just beyond me.
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Based Sluzzy tbh
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Yes, it's Otz. He plays this game semi professionally.
I watch most of his streams and he's even commented on the difference.
Sure, that happens sometimes under SBMM - long queue times, lobby dodges etc. But it's nowhere near the chaos of the monthly reset and doesn't routinely (note that word) pair up people with 20 hours against 2000-4000 hour SWFs, which was my experience when I first stated.
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I agree, i get more consistent macthes with mmr in soloq, with ranks it was a wave of blendettes and sometimes a good player.
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Because it's worse? At least for me, and probably for everyone complaining about it.
As survivor I could sit in Purple ranks and have pretty good matches. No need to sweat and the games were overall fun. My teammates were usually okay. Usually around my skill level a bit higher or lower.
As killer I usually got survivors that were decent. Not amazing. Not trash tier. It was a case where the games were usually enjoyable.
Under MMR this has not been the case. It's why I barely play anymore. As killer I get teams I have no business facing. As survivor I usually get teammates that have no idea what to do. They can't hit skill checks, let along seem able to finish a gen. Add to this nearly every killer proxy camps and hard tunnels at least the first person out and it's an exercise in misery.
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I started a bit over two years ago.
I remember the rainbow ranks but also that i liked most of the games.
When the mmr was introduced something changed. And for me it still feels worse than before.
Objectively you have to consider if the game gets new players to become long time players or if there are mostly the already long time players which started to play before the mmr.
If only the veterans continue playing and not many new players join long term the mmr is worse than the old system.
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I think the big problem is under the old system there was still a reason to see M1 killers, because you can still have fun with them.
But now even the lowest MMR Survivor is running either DH, BT, or DS. Making it harder for M1s to be enjoyable.
But who know who doesn’t care about your MMR ranking? Pyramid Head and the other high tiered killers. So your virility is killed because of the lack of utility from other killers.
the Rank System sucked a lot for Killers, but imagine it if every match was a super beefed S+ Tiered killer. Survivors would leave in droves, especially with the current meta killers.
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That's very odd. How many hours do you have?
Literally the precise opposite on my end.
I play more M1 killers now, because - when it works correctly, I'm going to be facing a different quality of survivor on my Pig compared to my Hag.
Previously, killers all had the same matchmaking, so my terrible Myers is facing the same survivors as my best high tier killers.
Post edited by StarLost on1 -
cant they just make mmr visible though? it's seriously annoying how it's invisible.
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A thousand plus. Not sure the exact number.
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Yeah that's odd. My experiences, and the experiences of people I tend to watch are completely different to yours, if you're really having more volatility after MMR than before.
Frankly, this sounds like you're bugged. Maybe pop up a post in Bug Reporting?