Sadako perk tier list

M4d_Psycholog1st Member Posts: 46
edited June 2022 in General Discussions

Solid end-game killer, decent stealth and map control make her viable for the last second pwnage.

Nurse Calling and Sloppy Butcher is an old memory but still worth on her.


  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    I definitely disagree quite heavily.

  • M4d_Psycholog1st
    M4d_Psycholog1st Member Posts: 46

    At what rank are you playing her? On mid-low rank your tier-list is very good.

    On high ranks is very hard to get profit from PGTW, Ruin and Corrupt becouse she is not very good at dealing with 4 loopers with DH. Oh right, and Ruin lasting 10 seconds, as always.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    I don't care about winning but by the awful standards of MMR it's probably around high-mid to low-high. Haven't checked with her like I have Pyramid.

    Corrupt is a godsend in the early game. Having to only patrol 4 gens instead of 7, as well as force survivors to group up or waste 2 minutes, is wonderful. PGTW is great because TVs spawn next to gens a lot of the time, and Ruin is just a good perk. People will try to power through it, but as one of the few hypermobile killers in DBD she can actually take advantage of it.

    Every M1 killer isn't good at dealing with 4x DH. That's why only killers with anti-loop and map mobility- think Spirit, Blight, Nurse, and I guess Demo and Dredge now- stand a real chance. And yet not every game is a tournament-standard game, and so I cannot give judgements on her best perks at a tournament-standard because the competitive scene in DBD is a joke and I avoid playing in it at all costs. I can only give my judgements on casual games- that is to say, a public lobby- from my own experience.

    And honestly, if you're facing a full 4man SWF of good players, and they see no slowdown whatsoever, they're going to coordinate totem cleanses and you're not going to get any value out of NOED, all the while gens continue to pop and you can't down all 4 survivors for No Way Out. Blood Warden in A tier was also a choice that I guess you could've made. No offence to you, but if Blood Warden and NOED are working consistently, you're not actually facing the cream of the crop survivors.

  • M4d_Psycholog1st
    M4d_Psycholog1st Member Posts: 46

    It was "No way out" from Trickster not BW sorry, they have similar icons and I confused, my bad. No way out has no counter, the guys are forced to wait it to run out, it's defenetively an awesome end-game version of Corrupt, it affect exit panels instead of 3 gens

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    And yet that requires you to get 4 hooks before all gens are done without regression perks. Good luck doing that as Sadako vs the mystical 4man squad

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070
    edited June 2022

    Sadako main here, and cannot say I agree.

    She is a weak M1 killer with no antiloop abilities (except invisibility mind game, which is totally is put on a player shoulders). So she desperately need something to help her in loops.

    I'd put in S tier: Bamboozle, in A tier: Enduring, Spirit Fury and Brutal. I prefer first one.

    She is M1, but can't afford to much time to handle gens, so in S-A tier for gen regression goes Surge and Pain Resonance.

    Also, to deal with chases, bodyblocking, unhooking and survivor juggling, I'd put in A: STBFL and Sloppy.

    For information: BBQ and Tinkerer (and the last one much more useful)

    She can REALLY get a lot of value with MYC (not precisely the down, but just to scare unhooker).

    NOED is for..... <i cannot write that word, I'll be banned in this kindergarden>

    No way out: good for any killer, but I don't like end game perks. It either one more kill, scraps from the bottom, or you don't need them at all. As she is super perk dependent for her weakness, she can't afford to throw away perk slots like hag, spirit or nurse.

    In B tier I'd put situational perks that she could have some value, but not guaranteed: Nurse's Calling, Call Brine (paired with PGTW), Dead Man Switch (of course paired with Pain Resonance).

    P.S. Corrupt could be great, but.... It's a one time perk, and feel like I better lose 1 gen, then have one-hit-wonder perk, as she is, I repeat, very perk dependent.

    But that's my preferences...

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Just generally speaking I think Sadako is a decent slugging killer in that her teleport and stealth allow her to go straight from a down into a new chase very quickly and apply relatively mapwide pressure. Her chase out of stealth is weak but with good macro play you can look for opportunities for quick hits and chases, slug for pressure and hook one specific survivor out as you go to get to a 3v1 game with hopefully a fair amount of pallets removed for the later game.

    To that end I like

    • Save the Best for Last - With enough stacks it becomes difficult for the survivors you injure to get much distance before you can follow up with a down. It also helps when there are two survivors near each other getting chain hits, and helps against anybody bodyblocking. Just a solid perk all around, especially if you’re playing for downs versus hooks.
    • Jolt - If you do a lot of slugging Jolt offers good slowdown without having to carry people to hooks or kick gens in the process. You can chase and get downs without pausing and still enjoy regression from Jolt.
    • Dead Man’s Switch - Because of Sadako’s map presence she can very quickly typically get to any gen on the map and force survivors off them. And if you also happen to use Jolt the regression from Jolt does go through the block that Dead Man’s Switch puts up, so they do synergize.
    • Bamboozle - Since chasing is Sadako’s weakness, Bamboozle is a good choice for blocking off key vaults on strong tiles. Of the perks I like on her, I think this is maybe an “optional” one, you hypothetically might manage ok without it if you’re particularly good at looping tiles, but it can certainly help.
    • Infectious Fright - Sadako can make fairly good use of this perk because if it goes off after a down she can just chase that person normally if she wants to, and if there is not ping on a down then she knows that all the survivors are far away and can have a good idea where to teleport to in order to get into a new chase right away if she doesn’t feel like hooking that downed survivor immediately.
    • Deerstalker - This one I’d classify as “nice quality of life for slugging” perk versus a really strong one. But it’s a perk I always think about using when I’m doing a lot of slugging simply because it gets rid of all those annoying moments when you’ve downed someone, chased someone else, and then want to hook the first downed survivor but have lost track of them because they crawled out or you just have a brain fart or whatever. And it also eliminates those irritating times a survivor’s sounds on the ground are muffled or totally silent for no apparent reason. Plus it indirectly helps you keep track of if someone is running in for a revive by helping you watch the area the downed survivor is in. I wouldn’t say this is a “top perk” or anything, but it’s a fun filler perk that just makes slugging feel that much smoother.
    • Dissolution - I’m speculating here, but I have a hunch that Dissolution will be pretty good on Sadako because she is a basic attack killer that survivors like to heal to full against and who can potentially get quick injuries on before they reach a pallet. With this perk and Save the Best for Last she could potentially hit a healthy survivor, recover quickly so they get less distance, then continue the chase at a nearby tile the survivor ran to and potentially put them in a lose-lose situation where even though there’s a pallet there if they vault it she still gets the hit. It’ll be interesting to give this one a try at some point.
  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    I mean, the info is pretty great, but I'd rather use other perks than Tinkerer on her. She needs all the help she can get and tinkerer is only really great if you have a regression perk to back it up, and I'm not willing to sacrifice Enduring or Sloppy to use it (other 2 perks are Pop and Corrupt but they will literally never leave my build until they're changed)

  • M4d_Psycholog1st
    M4d_Psycholog1st Member Posts: 46

    I smell a lot of salt but I basically agree on your technical analysis on her.

  • M4d_Psycholog1st
    M4d_Psycholog1st Member Posts: 46

    Sloppy Butcher - Tinkerer - Ruin - Undying ? A great noob-stomper build, I like it