Is it me or does it seem like some of the maps are supremely survivor friendly?


I mean Grave of Glenvale has a terrible main building that requires you to knock down what? 5 doors to open up?

Ormond has the same issue but also has vertical spots where survivors can loop with no real way of stopping them.

RCPD is just… no.

The Game is hash with its pallet placements but has at least one area where you can get pallet trapped. Outside of that I actually like it

Midwich Elementary would be fine if the main hall of the building didn’t need to be broken into at both ends so killers can rotate.

The Artists map is so bright that you can spot the killer from anywhere and it has terrible loop placements.

The farms… dear god they really hate killers in those fields. It’s already hard enough to see scratch marks in the corn and now it’s like looking for a needle in a corn..stack.

And before I get people who say I’m hating them because they don’t give me a 4K each match. I don’t care for 4Ks. I just want to have fun on the map and these once aren’t fun. It’s like getting spawn camped in COD levels of fun when you have a survivor run to a loop that you have to literally break three doors to open for yourself.

I actually have a few favorite maps. I love the swamps and I love the Auto Wrecker maps. The Yamaoka ones are okay too (after they fixed the lighting so it’s not pitch black). And the other ones are about Even when it comes to pallet placements and loops.

I serious think they should just have a certain number of pallets that have to be a certain distance from each other. No more pallets 8 meters apart. Or at least change where they spawn. Maybe not have one next to this Double L loop one game but it’s there the next.


  • Wampirita
    Wampirita Member Posts: 808

    Don't forget the Garden of "JOY".

    And the Pallet Town of Gideon :v

    There's some killers i like Dead Dawg on, there's some killers that make Corn likeable, but those two... I don't know a single killer who's thrilled to be on those two

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    In dead dawg you need to break 2 walls to make it somewhat bearable, if you're breaking all 5 walls you're doing something wrong (especially cause you create a virtual infinite for survivors). And anyway, you should avoid main building. The map is very small and most pallets are unsafe, it's not that bad and there are easy 3 gens

    Midwhich is probably the most killer sided map of the game. Fun to play? No, but not survivor friendly either

    Farm maps aren't really bad either tbh, except cowshed, that is just like pre rework Ormond

  • Anniehere
    Anniehere Member Posts: 1,257

    If the game is not survivor friendly, the game is going to be dead too soon.

    Conclusion After watching so many content creators talking about the topic.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Tbf RPD is pure pain for both sides and besides the main building dead dawg is pretty killer sided

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,154
    edited June 2022

    You forgot about Badham...all of the versions of that map are just bad for the killers.

    I think i personally only like midwitch as a killer rest of them are just horrible. The game as a huntress yeah.. i cry inside everytime.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Yes, some maps are Survivor friendly but, and this is a bit of whattaboutism, some other maps are Killer friendly like Midwich, Shelter Woods, Sanctum, Azarovs, Suffocation and some others.

    Also there are certain maps which are extremely Killer specific friendly, you get Mother's Dwelling as Hillbilly and you hit the jackpot, you get it as Myers and you are in for a world of pain while if you get Lery's as Hillbilly you are going to suffer but get it as Myers and you have half the match in the bag.

  • Notionless
    Notionless Member Posts: 243
    edited June 2022

    gideon and eyrie i despise because they reward this brainless drop pallet hold w playstyle, and the killer cant mindgame at all., in addition bad pathing vs good pathing is nearly indestinguishable, which leads to boring play for seasoned survs and killers alike.

    I actually really like some loops in garden of joy, but it bothers me that the jungle gyms are sso incredibly cracked, also the bush sucks for chainsaw killers and blight bumps into thin air.

    The best new map currently is haddonfield. the pathing is very fluid and intuitive, id say half of the pallets are reasonably outplayable, most can be mindgamed and or counteres witha power. The only issue that ive come to notice is that Deathslinger cant shoot over some cars. as in, its like every car in the middle is actually a giant pillar.

  • Witchubtet
    Witchubtet Member Posts: 640

    I did notice when I was mindgaming someone around the white car that I suddenly lost all bloodlust build up because I “couldn’t see them”. Even though I could clearly see them.

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    The game design ensures each role will experience matches that are unfair due to RNG. They want this frustration as it drives our obsession.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Double edge sword. Small map = easy or in the case of m1 killers, possible, to patrol gens. But it also means that in most situations the survivor can also reach the overpowered building each chase.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Coal tower has never been fair and i don't know what streamer started that stigma. I have had some of my easiest games as survivor on that map thanks to the obnoxious ability to chain jungle gyms while also having that long wall safe loop spawn that you normally see on farm maps.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,340

    Dead dawg is one of the Voice comm SWF favorites, because of how easy it is for survivors to play lookout for each other, and warn their teammates are so they can pre-leave the generators and hide. The main building balcony is a lookout point with a generator, which really makes it easy for the survivors to do their objectives while constantly announcing the killer’s position.

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,547

    If I'm running Spirit Fury Enduring I'm not as annoyed to wind up at Gideon, but once survivors figure it out it's just predrop city. Still nice to get some value before then though.

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 1,632

    Dead dawg isn't too bad. Main building is very survivor sided, but otherwise there aren't many survivor sided spots on this map

    Corn blindness is horrible and cowshed is just one giant intertwined loop. I hate cold wind with a passion.

    RPD is just a horrible map for dbd, but this goes for both sides.

    Eyrie of crows is also obnoxious with its loop placement. Very easy to chain and huge map too.

    Garden of joy tries to bring back infinities by making a main building with multiple god windows. Shack seamlessly connects to like 3 other loops and the shrubbery hitboxes are a nightmare for projectile killers as well as leatherface and hillbilly.

    Gideon god pallet factory is quite simply a joke because you can't take 5 steps before running into yet another god pallet.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 8,983

    I would say most maps in the game favor survivors and the few "killer" sided maps that exist still have things that make it good for survivors whereas survivor sided maps rarely have anything good for killers.

  • prion11
    prion11 Member Posts: 361
    edited June 2022

    Maps that are actually bad:

    Garden of joy

    Eyrie of crows

    Gas heaven

    The game


    Shelter woods (killer favored)

    Rotten fields


    Badham (all versions)

    Ormond is just big. Only 2 of the doors on dead dog actually need to be kicked, and it’s one of the smallest maps.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    I love midwhich as Killer because survivors always try to use the stairs vault only to get me waiting for them below with a good smack. The only bad thing is Hook spawns can be downright nightmarish....I had a time where the entire half of the 2nd floor had no hooks at all

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 3,193

    Midwich? Survivor Sided? What???

  • prion11
    prion11 Member Posts: 361

    the only situation in which midwich would be survivor favored is m1 killer vs good survivors that just run to pallets

  • Slowpeach
    Slowpeach Member Posts: 691

    Yeah midwich is a nightmare for m1 or other weaker killers. It's very doable to lead them from one pallet to the next and there's not a whole lot they can do about it. It's not Gideon levels of bad but it's pretty close. For other killers though? Yeah. Fairly killer sided. Unless of course you get hook bugs where massive sections of the map can have no hooks whatsoever. Frankly I wish they'd bin the map altogether, can't stand it on either side.

    I don't get the love affair with Coal Tower either. It's not awful and it is fairly small, but there are a lot of time consuming loops there. I mean I guess it doesn't cause me to roll my eyes on either side but it's not 'oh this map nice'.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 3,193

    The majority of pallets on that map are unsafe. Midwich has the highest kill rate in the game, I'm pretty sure it's safe to call it killer sided.

  • Chadku
    Chadku Member Posts: 729

    Garden of Joy´s main house is disgusting.

    well done at making another House of Pain.