Operation Anniversameme is now in full effect!

Another Year means Another Anniversary, and that means only one thing
Last Year i spent the entire anniversary playing the stupidest, most braindead, and outright ridiculous builds and strategies that i could think of, and this year i encourage you all to do the very same
Share your funny builds, share your dumbest strategies, but most importantly, have fun, take nothing seriously, and go as far into the meme pit as you want, i should warn you though, the pit goes quite deep
See you in the Fog :)
I was going to do this but then I got a Bill who brought an Eyrie offering with Boil Over and accused me of hacking after the game because he “couldn’t wiggle off” one singular time out of three
I am still playing good boy Demo for the whole time though.
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Oh now this is a movement I can get behind.
Here's what I'll bring to the table:
Trapper | Padded Jaws + Bloody Coil (Traps are harmless if stepped on, harmful if disarmed)
Pyramid Head (Or any killer, I just prefer Pyramid Head) | Endurance, Spirit Fury, Rancor, Nemesis (Those who bonk, die)
Deathslinger | Bayshore's Cigar + Chewing Tobacco (Stunning from a broken chain becomes a shorter cooldown than performing an m1)
I'll get concocting on more bizarre stuff to bring to the table!
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Can you do one for doc? Ik he's trash so he might not need anything extra, but if you could, much appreciated, lol
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Doc's already got the famous impossible skill check builds with stuff like Merciless Storm + Unnerving Presence + Hex: Huntress Lullaby + Distressing / Overcharge
Stacking both Doctor iridescents is a great way to make everything super manic thanks to all of the stacking passives.
But something truly unique and absurd for the doc? Try this:
Doctor | Dark Devotion, Distressing, Nemesis, Infectious Fright + Order - Carter's Notes & Calm - Carter's Notes
Infectious Fright, Distressing, and Doctor's Static Blast affects those in your terror radius. Dark Devotion lets your terror radius take a little field trip. Hit the obsession, let them run off, and boom! Nemesis to help give you a little control over who your obsession is, so you can find some value out of this kit without having to track down a specific survivor.
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I'm all about it. Been on a personal crusade lately to debunk "all killers are sweaty camping tunneling sluggers"
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“Amazon prime Delivery Demo”
Deer Lung, Rat Tail, and MYC to deliver one Demogorgon with free same-day shipping to any unhookers. The aura reading addon also works well for this!
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Ah, got it, I believe I have all of them but nemesis actually, got any other suggestions?
Also, if I static blast when someone was hit with dark devotion, does it effect everyone around that survivor or just the 32 meters around me?
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Furtive chase also helps switch obsessions btw
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If you were to sub Nemesis out I'd recommend something that interacts with your terror radius to either expand it further or give it more oomph: Starstruck, Overwhelming Presence, Septic Touch, Dissolution, or Agitation - but keep in mind you're trading control for flourish here and it's already very meme and not so much in terms of being actually all that valuable.
And yes! If you static blast under the effect of dark devotion, the source of the blast will be your obsession, not you - ditto for every other terror radius-affected perk!
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Yeah I guess but see...are those the only two options because it's not the...best, kinda especially on doc if I lose the survivor and I need to static blast (yes, sadly sometimes I'm that blind, lol)
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Ok, why have I not been running DD more than? That sounds legit awesome
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The only downside is that furtive chase also reduces your terror radius - which while normally handy, in this case would give your static blasts less coverage. It'd be offset by the addons and perks you're bringing, but still!
While I'm at it:
Global Terror Radius Doctor | Distressing + Agitation + Monitor & Abuse + Starstruck + "Calm" - Carter's Notes + "Calm" - Class II (Not sure if they stack, but why not find out?)
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You know, that's a good question. The real answer is that the activation condition (must m1 the obsession) and duration are overall a little limiting, and to get real value out of it you have to then disengage from the obsession and find someone else to ambush - but it sure does confuse the heck out of survivors
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Especially with... I think calm is the fake TR right? I should know this, docs the only person I level up, lol... and does DD work for fake TR, if so I don't care how much value I get from it, it'll be my next lightborn, you never know when you'll need it
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Also a good time to advertise that Plague (and to a lesser extent, Pinhead) both get to enjoy the value of accumulated Play With Your Food stacks without losing tokens when they M2!
For plague, this is limited to green vomit only - but you can get 3 tokens and then chase around whoever you'd like with as much barfing as you'd like. Once you use corrupt purges, it'll cost tokens again.
For pinhead, this is disabled if you use the engineer's fang - as announced in the latest patch notes.
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Meme builds! Definitely taking notes.
Right now, I'm running a build that's just silly. Hoarder is part to share event goodies and part to start chases where nobody expects them, Iron Maiden is because I love locker choirs, and Mad Grit is so I can spam while I'm carrying people to the hook. And BBQ, of course.
1/10, the Demo mauled me as soon as I opened the package. I'm leaving a scathing review as soon as I get prosthetics fitted >:(
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Rancor roulette time?
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Padded jaws plus that purple spring addon that auto resets
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Anyone know if you get a visual effect like previous events to show a survivor has the mask?
I'm trying to let people survive who have the mask but i don't think I've seen anyone pick it up yet :/
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Hello Laluzi, here at Amazon we value our customers and their safety. If you’re dissatisfied with our product, we would be happy to refund it fully and send a replacement your way.
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Any chance you have a summer position open for an amalgamation of dark thoughts that just recently graduated from the PTB?
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Our warehouse jobs with totally fair and good wages and baffling work environment are always open!
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Yes, DoritoHead - I've received the replacement, and at this stage, I'd like to speak with your manager. The Demogorgon I ordered arrived in a timely fashion, but came out of its packaging covered head to claw in webs of a sticky whitish substance and had a behavioral oddity that caused it to compulsively nod. Either this Demogorgon came straight from a Demo mill or it was the subject of an extremely unfortunate encounter, and I'm deeply concerned about the conditions in which your Demogorgons are being kept.
Also, it had NOED.
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Hi again Laluzi, we apologize for any inconvenience. You see, that Demogorgon is actually one of our warehouse workers who bravely stepped in to volunteer when we discovered that there were no other Demos available. To be clear, he volunteered and was not forced to. Absolutely totally optional.
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I think this is a great way to bring extra fun into the event! Switch it up! :)