Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Killers Camping when 5 Double BP Offerings are run

It defies logic. They could play a non-toxic game and earn double or triple what they do when camping but they choose toxicity instead. It just goes to show how large a portion of the community just plays to be toxic and cruel. I just don't get the mindset of people that take pleasure out of others’ pain. But no one can deny that many killers have this weird tendency to ‘roleplay’ as killer so that they can’t be sportsmanlike while playing killer… they have to be ‘evil’ on the meta level and try to hurt the actual players. Until the devs actually start punishing toxic behavior this will persist. It would be easy to punish camping and tunnelling more but they choose not to. And they could let survivors at least leave these toxic situations by surrendering in some way but instead we get penalized for DC’ing. I don’t know… this game is amazing when it’s played right but seriously, seriously awful when played with toxicity. I hope I didn’t break any forum rules by stating what I think is the truth here. If I did, I guess I’ll find out… Good luck enjoying the event everyone…



  • nanasi_K9
    nanasi_K9 Member Posts: 501

    I have been thinking about this since Blood Hunt.

    Killer is not a toy that satisfies survivors...

    Why play it the way you want and then complain about it?

    I would be happy with a BP farm, but unfortunately I am not happy with any of the games...

    Cake (pudding this time...) and many matches are one-sidedly tortured when it seems like a celebration.

    I feel the best thing to do is to do what you can in that game and head to the next party venue and not worry about it.

  • Carrow
    Carrow Member Posts: 500

    I played my first killer game during the event and had the fifth gen pop around 3 minutes 10-20 seconds. I have never in all my 1.7k games felt as tempted to play a basement bubba. Go crazy my friends.

  • Audiophile
    Audiophile Member Posts: 319

    No. You don’t get to equate an anecdotal bad game to the avalanche of toxic killer games. 90% of the toxicity in this game is camping/tunnelling killers. Killers act like every game is a SWF gen rush with flashlights. No. I have 10k+ hours in this game, most as a solo. They’re almost all 3k and 4ks because matchmaking is terrible. Killers get huge amounts of easy games from bad matchmaking, afks, dcs, etc, and then toss in the incredible amount of camping and tunnelling and then toss in the number of games where they run their S and A tier killers with (or even without) their top addons… please lets not perpetuate this myth of the poor beat up killer.

    There’s simply no need to face camp, camp, tunnel… ESPECIALLY during an event where everyone earns tons more if you just knock off the toxicity.

  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,369

    Every survivor wants to go hard to survive.

    Why shouldn't i go hard and kill them.

    Not everyone cares for bp. I've got nothing i want to p3 so why bother? why be nice?

  • Megmain80
    Megmain80 Member Posts: 138

    then don't play during these events, just let other people have fun since you obviously enjoy toxicity.

  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,369
    edited June 2022

    I am having fun, just because you don't like it matters little to me.

    Everyone has different ideas of what is fun, some think standing at exit gates are fun, some think macros are fun, Me, i like camping.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    4 bnp, prove, resil spine chills almost every game, you think it isn't boring?

  • Solomonkane
    Solomonkane Member Posts: 112

    I mean... you could play killer and do what you would want the killer to do? That's what I'm doing, I know how miserable events can be. So I'm just aiming for hooking each survivor twice.

    If I get less oh well, I potentially made some poor player happier.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,667

    imagine complaining about the killer doing his job... you see, when you try to be nice as killer and you find toxic pricks in EVERY match with meta perks, playing only for winning (aka doing gens even under your nose while chasing someone in that zone and generally speaking abusing of every possible broken thing in the game) rather than playing for points/fun well... this is what happen. if you have troubles with camping killers just equip kindred and rush generators, you can't expect that every player has your same mindset, you must be eventually prepared for the worst outcome...

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    I havent even leveled the bloodweb since the event started so it's only 4 for me.

    But yeah I have been camping and tunneling. But that's only because I don't want to actually try and do good. (Even though I've o my played 3 games)

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,970

    What MMR tier do you think you’re in? Do you think the killers are also on your level, skilled, AND still doing this, or do you think it’s matchmaking screwing you over with bad killers who don’t know how to be efficient with the cakes?

    Thank goodness I haven’t ran into any of them yet, but I did during the 2x blood hunt a week or two ago. Those struck me as bad killers not knowing better or not caring for BP and/or 4K’s.

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    I haven't had nothing but enjoyable games thus far. Anyone who is sparkling will get hooked twice if possible and then are free to go. I've had other survivors drop items for an escape. If i see multiple cakes then i'm going to make the most of it, not try hard and make the event miserable.

  • Sirbruce
    Sirbruce Member Posts: 2

    You probably didn't play killer one single time

    You survivors always say you run DS and DH to avoid tunneling and camping. But you would run those perks even if killers don't tunnel or camp thats the sad truth. You say killers don't have to tunnel and facecamp in an event etc. OK. So why do survivors gen rush and act toxic all game? Because they know they will get many BP even if the game doesn't go long. In the eyes of survivors killers have to play 100% fair. Otherwise we get called tunnler and camper in endgame chat. As killer you can't always play 100% fair to win a match. Survivors instead are allowed to be toxic because who cares if the killer has fun right?

    Dont act like you are innocent. Both sides contribute to this.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,500

    Here is my counter to all the negativity, when things work out nicely.

    And one were I killed one player whom I let wriggle out three times, but who wouldn't get the clue to donate his toolbox. I was a bit sad myself, but its the only way to educate the masses. And the one who dies earlier died to my goldfish brain, I thought he was on hook stage 1.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,528

    Well let's just say treat others like you want yourself to be treated.

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,512

    I apply this on a different level, as I treat other the way they treat me (in videogames), never has a survivor shown me a drop of mercy, why should I be playing in a different field?

  • M4dBoOmr
    M4dBoOmr Member Posts: 598
    edited June 2022

    That's how my games usually end during anniversary 😉

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,324

    I'm sorry but i dont feel sad for the survivors one bit. Ive played 4 hours now and most of my matches have been 1-2 hook games. Survivors are godlike elite loopers and they do gens so damn fast i cant keep up..what do you want from me? Fairness? How can i be fair with this?

    I doubt im going to be playing much killer during this event. I'm not sure what happened but my killer games have not been enjoyable one damn bit. I'm not even a bad killer im decent..not the best not the worst but decent and i cannot keep up.

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 944

    Try to play against 4 good survivors and see for yourself, tunneling is almost needed it's a design problem.

    if you're talking about facecamp that's a noob strat, it kinda works in solo Q because skill lvl is extremely low, during events solo Q is even worse, most survivors can't loop, they can't even hold W tbh. It appears killer sided but it's not, players are just very very bad

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,769

    Never thought about doing this, tbh.

    I may give it a whirl after, as the topic title says it is fun.

    I'm always learning about new ways to have fun in DBD!

    Thank you for the suggestion.

  • adirgeforthedead
    adirgeforthedead Member Posts: 424

    It's funny because my experience as both Survivor and Killer have been interesting through these matches. As it is customary during Anniversary and Halloween events, I expect sweat, but not even regular sweat -- just literally everyone playing the matches like their lives depend on it. My first few matches were OKish, I had two or three Killers that let Survivors collect the invitations and escape then the avalanche of hardcore players began and they started camping/tunnelling and just generally making the game such an insufferable experience so I thought "I will play just a couple of matches as Killer then" and, well, the experience was pretty much the same.

    Not only, as Killer, none of the Survivors even put flans, but I had players literally take the invitations right before me when they saw I was trying to get to them and not actively chasing anyone. Along other things, they play as the same sweat squads, trying to bait DS by jumping in and out of lockers, body-blocking me after being unhooked with BT right in front of my face without giving me a chance to leave. Like I'm sorry, but the crude reality is that both sides play like this during events.

  • Audiophile
    Audiophile Member Posts: 319

    Look, I appreciate the few, more level headed comments here. But being toxic is being a jerk unnecessarily by definition. There is no NEED to play toxic. And lets clarify something here… I’m talking about high level play… former ‘red ranks’. By the quality of some of the replies I’d say that eliminates about 3/4 of you. If you are a good / red rank / high mmr killer, the only time you get ‘bullied’ is by a good / red rank / high mmr 4 man swf. The rest of the time you’re facing solos with quits / dcs / bad matchmaking / no comms etc. You can NOT tell me that the majority of killer matches are against 4 man red rank swfs. If you play toxic it’s because you want to be a jerk and that comes through loud and clear in your game play, your post game chat, these posts…everywhere. Lots of killers just like to play like jerks.

    A survivor doesn’t have that luxury unless they manage to get lucky with a strong team and a weak killer. Flashlight saves are hard and require skill. Sabotage is risky. And both are mostly utilized for a legitimate reason - burn up killer time to get gens done so we can escape. Which comes back to my earlier point. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had a killer play toxically and then complain about genrushing post game… yet… no fancy toolboxes or PT was run… no swf even. They just got beat by normal gameplay and call it genrushing and turn toxic.

    And come on… face camping bubba is so common it’s been around for years and I still face them in about 5 - 10% of my games. Start game, catch someone, camp. There’s no justification other than a desire to be toxic.

    So yeah before you say toxicity exists on both sides… think about how skill enters into the picture and what is legitimate gameplay vs nonsensical toxicity. Killers have the market cornered on that.

  • Triplehoo
    Triplehoo Member Posts: 736
    edited June 2022

    *Survivors teabagging, harassing and bullying killer*

    *Killer starts to camp, slug and tunnel*

    Survivors: (surprise Pikachu face with Vince Russo's voice) "Bro! Bro! Why you like this?! Bro! Chill! Why you so toxic?! Bloodpoints, bro! You toxic, bro! Just a game, bro!"

  • Audiophile
    Audiophile Member Posts: 319

    Clearly part of the 75% I carved out. Oh no! Survivor hitting the crouch button. That ruins my gameplay! Lol.

    Fact: teabagging has zero effect on your gameplay other than slowing the survivor down.

    “Harassing and bullying killer” lofl. The fact that you’re not good enough to catch the survivors and make them pay in fair gameplay is your problem. If you turn toxic that’s on you. Get better and make them pay through your superior gameplay.

    Again - I’m talking about killers doing this for no reason and you bring up the situations when a killer gets triggered because they are lower skill and the survivors act like jerks. Sorry that’s your experience but it’s irrelevant.

    Many of you killers act like you play the exact same group of survivors every game. One group acts like morons so you turn toxic all day. SMH. Wake tf up.

  • Triplehoo
    Triplehoo Member Posts: 736

    "Many of you killers act like you play the exact same group of survivors every game. One group acts like morons so you turn toxic all day. SMH. Wake tf up."

    So, it's acceptable on the survivor side but not on the killers? Got it.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,528

    Sometimes survivors show some mercy but ofcourse bully squad don't. But do you think survivors should just surrender and give you free kills? That can happen sometimes but after all killer is the power role so I wouldn't expect survivors to just give the win to the killer. Play some survivor and see how killers treat you that's what I mean. Killer can control how the match will go. Killer can tunnel one out, facecamp or proxy camp or just go for chases or farm. What is you want to experience I prefer the chaser one and he does not have to go for 8 hooks that actually bullshit lot of times you have to take one out at some point if you want to win 3-4K and that's perfectly ok. Sometimes even bit of camping is needed.

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,512

    No, I dont expect free kills and no one should, I meant I have never had a survivor even show respect a single time in my whole playtime.

    If I win I will get insulted because im a sweat, and each time I lose I have never seen a gg or a "hey cool trick with [inset power]", on the contrary I have seen infinity of #########, you suck lmao, go play something else etc... Why should I show any empathy towards survivors when they have made clear they dont have any towards me?

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    What’s wrong with this exactly? All I’m seeing is that…they escaped. They weren’t even running all meta.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Its as simple as this...

    Bringing an offering does not obligate your opponents or teammates to play in any particular manner.

    Repeat this as many times as you need to so that it sinks in.

    Is it nice to go easy and even 'farm' a few points if there are offerings sure, but bringing them is a gamble and you may not get what you want.

    Luckily BP's are infinite and you earn them simply for playing. Meaning the genuine cost of offerings is basically nothing.

    If your reply to that statement is "the cost is not nothing you have to earn them in game" then I say the value of DBD is the fun you have while playing it.

    If you are not having fun but just playing to get BP's and being miserable when you don't, I suggest you take a break or find another game.

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    Getting bullied has nothing to do with ranks, being in a 4 man swf or matching making it just comes down to the person playing, a survivor can follow you around most of the match clicking there flashlight at you to try and annoy you or to focus on them, dropping a pallet without stunning you and then tea bagging like they did something good and if you are playing in the high level of play like you claim then you should know all of this.

    Whats even more sad is after 10k+ hours in this game you talk like survivors don't play TOXIC at all, you complain that about killers camping because survivors are gen rushing but yet don't have tools/items to really do that but a killer that camps someone in the middle of a 3 gen is toxic or one EGC starts camping the person on the hook and lets not leave out good old NOED bring that and your toxic even though you might get all 4 kills before gens are done.;

    Camping is legitimate gameplay the devs have said it is and the player is not breaking any rules is it ######### for the person on hook yes but the killer is doing nothing wrong as sometimes the best choice and really the only on is to camp, survivors can bully/be toxic to killers more then killers can to survivors no matter what spot you are in with the MMR.

  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,369

    Such fine sentiments don’t work. I’m tired of waiting in survs to leave a game it just wastes my time. And yes I shouldn’t have to make you leave to stop my time being wasted.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,429
    edited June 2022

    There are two types of dbd player:

    1. "Playing survivor sucks because I get camped and tunneled. I'll play killer and I won't camp and tunnel."

    2. "Playing survivor sucks because I get camped and tunneled. I'll play killer so I get my turn to camp and tunnel."

    So far this event I've had a great time playing Dredge. Getting everyone hooked twice, then letting everyone escape once I've maxed out Destruction and Deviousness. Generally everyone inuding me gets 30k+ base BP, and everyone gets to keep their invites and win a mask.

    I say generally because this involves sweating for the first half of the game to ensure I have control over the game and I telegraph my intentions (by chasing and obviously not downing survivors on death hook when I have ample opportunity). Sometimes that early game sweat causes survivors to have a tantrum and kill themselves on first hook.

  • Zeon_99
    Zeon_99 Member Posts: 463

    They should just disable moris, map offerings, and non event items. Would be much more fun.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209
  • Bennett_They1Them
    Bennett_They1Them Member Posts: 2,513
    edited June 2022

    I don't know, I think that people sweat because that's the anniversary mentality. I've only gone against a few non-sweaty lobbies.

    I mean, I've been playing a bit nicer than usual, but lots of my survs seem like they don't care.

    edit: I've been getting t-bagged at the gate recently (obviously the cheeky sense) so much so that I've put on blood warden.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,528

    What's your playstyle? I play on console so I don't have chat but if I get message from other console player usually they say Gg or fun chase even if I win. But when I tunnel or camp I can get insults from them.

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    As someone that memes around a lot when i play killer i.e pig ill try to get everyone to boop the snoot, ghostface find a window and go up and down with survivors it's not very often i get matches with survivors that know what i'm trying to do and will take part in it just for the fun of it.

    But you are right if you let someone get the unhook saving the teammate from dying just to be nice they all body block and teabag at the exit like they just pulled of some great play where in actual fact you let them save that person but survivors never see things that way some do but most don't. Then when your having a rough match you pretty much never see survivors ease on gens or let you get a few hooks, killers are willing to give survivors a chance to enjoy the match but survivors pretty much don't care about the killers fun.

  • Jaxton2000
    Jaxton2000 Member Posts: 162

    Whenever this happens, I usually just kill myself on hook. I'm sure it annoys other survivors, but I've been killing myself a lot on hook ESPECIALLY if I can tell the killers going to be an absolute nightmare of a tryhard.