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Survivors complaining about event

Ive seen so many posts here calling out killers for tryharding but honestly any time im obviously being friendly in this event i get a group of moon walking tea bagging flashlight spamming tryhards emboldened because im trying to relax. Its happened way too many times. From now on in this event if i see a flashlight in your hand im tunneling you the entire game. I dont care if everyone else escapes but you.
Thank you for providing "survivors are toxic too" manifesto #34 for today.
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Yes, we all hate each other. SBMM sucks and can't bother to figure out who's casual and who's not, so chill killers get flashlight squads and chill survivors get the tunneling face-campers. Like every other event, no one's happy.
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its no problem
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The two killer games I've gone up against. Basement trapper and starstruck nurse. Both pretty much left about 20 meters from the hook at most.
In short. Fuckouttahere.
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You're not special on this one, bud. We're all getting abused here.
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Fourth game was rancor/noed pig lol.
BuT sUrViVoRs!
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Yeah I posted this in another thread, but it does bear repeating.
Killers...just can't win.
I mean, I've been groused at by survivors for killing them (hell, the game before this one I got cussed out for killing one person and letting three go on their final hook) and as you see here, I get groused at for letting survivors escape on their death hooks.
When I play survivor, I sometimes get salt for 'genrushing' or 'playing OP perks' (yes, because WOO, Lithe, BT and Spinechill is such an OP combination) but I'll generally try to give a non-camping killer a mercy kill if they get none, and I've only ever been thanked.
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Lmao I've been told off for the same thing. If only each survivor came with a set of personalised instructions...
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That is unfortunate that you got shamed for being nice lol
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Maybe I'm using the flashlight to get one of my teammates attention...
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Ok, basement trapper...why would you go anywhere else, how often does this happen for trapper? If the survivors know where the basement is? None at all, it's a great time, gets the funny dopamine juice going
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if your team cant harrass a camper and make a save youre just trash. simply
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I didn't even know it was trapper and it was on the game. I finished the gen in the bathroom killer boxed me in. All other survivors died trying to save. I'm solo. Judging by the others at most there was a duo. Probably all solo though.
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Lol or you're on the meat plant playing solo.
I'm sure you're a treat to play with.
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Both sides try hard as both sides wants as much bp they can get. I see survivors gen rush and killers hard tunnel and camp but I think mlst still try to get as much as bp. Overall I think killers have been playing more nice and survivors pretty normally.
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thats why i play killer lol
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I hear ya. I play both. I just don't get why killers play so scummy during an event. Like play scummy the other 351 days during the year. You don't even have to let people live. Just turn the throttle down.
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yea idk that is dumb af but like i said theyll do the same thing and gen rush hard and get no bp at all