*Yawn* - I'm really getting tired of ruining all these poor survivors' event games T_T

Wow. Look at that mass slugging. Disgusting. Learn to play the game correctly, 4head.
I'm loading into a match right now, but I can show you the results of my latest toxic survivor game.
Steve squad littered all over the floor. Forgot to take a picture of the underpaid Dredge who had to clean up the whole mess. He then proceeded to hide from the responsibility by fleeing into lockers across the match - the aggressive Steves chased after him and intruded on his privacy until enough was enough for the poor killer and he took most of them to Brazil, then threw the last one at the gates in a plea to finally be left in peace from all of the rampant toxicity in this community. Think of the killers!
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Yeah - I slug if I want to - You gonna stop me?
After putting those clowns on the ground I walked away with a smooth 220k bp compared to their paltry 200k.
Do I care if I robbed them of those heal points? HECK NO.
I mean...RISE UP!
(yeah, post 'em <3)
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Just seeing the edit...
Yeah, no idea why these SCUMMY LITTERBUGS are trying to ruin the LITERAL GAMING ENVIRONMENT.
Whoa...just saw Dwight's name...I cannot believe they have the AUDACITY to lie about something like that...ALL IN THE NAME OF LITERALLY CREATING A TOXIC ENVIRONMENT (please don't get me started on the batteries).
Probably another unreportable thing that just RUUUUUUUUUUUINS these events for killers.
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You can't just post a slug race screenshot and not tell us who won
It was ace right?
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Ace in the Hole
*makes swoosh free-throw sound/motion*
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And so the cycle of toxicity continues once again..................................
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To be honest I always wanted to be part of a slug race.....but when I'm killer during these events I let survivors know I'm here to farm and be a farm. Last blood hunt I was Vommy Mommy and a 3 man was shining thier flashlights in the sky to get my attention...once I got there one walked up to me and did it again but circled around I repeated the action with Mommy Vommy then after 8 mins of strange but fun farming we all were maxed out on points and they let me hook all three of them.
What about the fourth....well Ace didn't want to play along and got prematurely moried when they tried to body block me....
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I have so far killed one person as a killer. They killed themselves on hook.
I tried to save them but evidently the killer is not able to unhook survivors :(
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I love this thread.
Let me share my own experience with toxicity.
look at these survivors mercilessly BULLYING this gentleman. As you can see, the Felix is BLINDING him, severely harming his vision, which could have harmful consequences in the future! Absolutely UNACCEPTABLE behavior.
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Scumlord Toxic Flashlights...THE SURVIVOR SPECIAL
I am so sorry you had to witness that....it's hard to see people suffer such abuse T_T
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It really is. I tried to intervene, but they made insensitive comments regarding my mother. At this point I knew I had to stand by, these people were too dangerous to be reasoned with.
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no joke when i first saw this i actually was like "wth????"
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OMG...but Demo's mother runs the Bingo Group on Sundays....don't you listen to what they say....it is just more SURVIVOR VITRIOL.
I'd suggest copying your Cloud ID into a notepad for easy reports in the future - Make sure you record every game...
It'll be hard to sleep after seeing it....that's for sure.
Glad I wasn't eating when I saw it!
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Bro you are great! <3 Or sister, idk.
We need more people like you.
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Back at you, Boonie!
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I played a Bubba match a little while ago and had someone call me out for tunneling. I hooked everyone twice and let all but one player go free of charge. There is no winning for me.
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It's alright, there's nothing negative about this post...in fact, it's pretty darn wholesome.
Just to clarify: So long as names are not shown or discussed in negative context (aka, Name & Shame, as the rule is called), it is ok to show them.
That is definitely some chaotic good "toxicity", Raccoon! I have yet to officiate a slug race, but I can happily say I have been a part of quite a few (my favorite are with active Pig traps and we race to see whose party hat goes BAKOOM first lol). Glad to see so many awesome people enjoying the Anniversary Event ❤️
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That's somewhat sinister, haha...Although I'd imagine they're quite willing with the set-up....but still YOU ARE A SINISTER MINISTER!
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Bubba is an Instant Tunneler/Camper as soon as the match starts....
Sure, it gets confusing if you say, AFK all round or don't chase anyone, BUT YOU ARE STILL TUNNELING AS BUBBA, SORRY!
I don't make the rules, but I sure like to talk about them in caps!
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I mean, those that participated in the slug race requested party hats in time to be active. I actually have a Twitch clip somewhere of my friend and I active RBT slug racing each other (the streamer, bless her, initially didn't want to let us try and leave with the active hats, but we did insist a bit pointing via out the exit, and we all enjoyed the slug race to our doom lol)
And I can't say I've ever been called a Sinister Minister before...I rather like it, thank you!
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I'd watch the clip if you post it! Sounds like a game with a real Muttley crew :P
This song, but BOOP OR DIE
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I love wholesome posts like these
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I was hoping it was Nea that won :( Nea's need to win the races!
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A sad example of the depth of depravity which ultimately lead to Franklin's Demise. Don't be a Franklin. Use items responsible. Thanks
A concerned Bubba
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Meanie. I just give out inactive ones after five generators are done so they can keep their party hat forever!
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this type of harrassment must end, Dredge just looked in awe confused, surrounded by darkness and as he approached they began running circles around him too!
these tactics are unacceptable!!!
150k BP btw
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This song slaps! Here is my contribution, dedicated to all those Unbreakable Bills out there (because the tracks name is "Unbreakable Determination", duh).
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For some killing is tunneling...
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You have 1337 posts at this exact moment.
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I bet they took advantage of your horrible night blindness during Nightfall.
I'm so sorry 😞
I love the NG1/2 OSTs.
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I killed a survivor :(
I had hooked them once but they must have slipped into second stage and I didn't notice or I somehow lost track that I had hooked them twice at that point (it was still early in the game and I had 3 hooks total at the time so I'm pretty confident they went into 2nd stage and I just didn't notice it).
Then I killed another one who gave up and just kept pointing to the hook.
Thankfully neither of them used flans so I don't know feel too bad over it. The other two got to farm a bit and make use of their flans so it worked out.
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That's the second time I've seen Ninja Gaiden crop up for some absolutely banger tracks. I should check out the whole OST one of these days...
Anyway, I come bearing more screenshots of horrible depravity.
Look at this. See who isn't using flan? That's right, it's the killer. The survivors have brought four entire flan to celebrate the anniversary and the killer is profiting off of their generosity with an inferior offering. The greed of killers knows no bounds :(
Survivors crouching in the exit gate! Sound the alarms. This is the most toxic thing that has ever happened in a game and can only be rectified by a sentence of one million years
dungeonBasement Bubba. I am 100% being mocked and these survivors definitely aren't having a crouch race out the gates after creeping through Lery's single-file while jamming out to my sweet mixtapes.(I was trying to 2-hook everyone, but the last person died on hook. She crouches with them in Valhalla.
I didn't mean to do it officer I swear)The next survivors were punished in accordance with the ancient killer laws. This Leon was faceplanted into a fire barrel and forced to fast vault in and out of lockers while suffering the curse of No Mither (clearly a toxic tryhard, smh.) Not pictured here, the Ash who had to do shack gen while I fast vaulted the window next to him for the entire thing, or the survivors who had to listen to me AEEHUAGH over and over again as a form of self-expression.
(I didn't know about the barrel faceplant before today, but if you get a flashlight and shine it down, you get some hilarious results. Ideas for your own very toxic survivor games!)
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My God, you literally made Leon an offering.
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Nuh-uh! He's just checking to make sure everything in the barrel is properly on fire. With his face.
I wonder what happens when you burn a Leon? Tremendously increases the odds that someone in your next trial will make a dopey flashbang attempt?
It's over, Officer Tapp. Demo has the high ground.
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I love that screenshot lol
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This is my 'hat giving ceremony' with Pig. One legitimately disconnected, not a rage quit. The other fled before I could give them a hat.
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That's very toxic and rude of them to leave before getting a party hat.
I hope you reported them!
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Welll..... considering that some people try and remove it before leaving even if it means dying to end game collapse I can understand the confusion. It's not like party hats have a tutorial. This Amanda isn't a bad person, just really misunderstood.
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Too kind for this realm T_T
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The naming and shaming rule is not applicable in this instance as there is nobody being shamed! Screenshots and video must be edited if the post reflects negatively on a person - there's no negativity in this post at all, hence no rule has been broken with leaving names on the screenshot. Please reread the forum rules.
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This was my favorite track from the NES series
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Ooh, that's a bop. Might as well share mine while we're on this.
Also, some more event gameplay!
Feng bartended, sat me at a table... and then propositioned me. Wining and dining first, how classy. (I sat down too early the first time and she kept poking the cash register until I came back over, it was great.)
Bonus floppy-eared table dancing.
Dwight feet pics.
For everyone who says killers are sweating when they see event offerings, last night I got a basement Bubba who decided not to basement because he saw the survivors used four flans. Guy played a normal game until something weird happened with a grab validation, and then we chilled for the rest of the match after he and I spent a moment staring at each other. Was a really wholesome endgame interaction and a reminder that it's really not all bad out there.