Hook placement

I already know this is gonna be bounced and all the "Professional" killers are going to jump on this extremely fast but seriously what are these hook placements, they are extremely close, just did a game against deathslinger where 4 hooks were about 8 meters apart. Using B&C would've been pointless because of how close everything was, when is an update coming to actually fix map layouts, and before any "professional" killers say oh well you have DS use it no i wouldn't have to make game harder on you if the maps were more balanced
It’s very much map oriented. Sometimes hooks feel like miles apart while others feel too close.
As a “Professional” killer I actually agree that some hooks do seem rather close, but the same can be said for some generators and pallets. It’s just weird map layouts that need to be addressed by BHVR.
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How do you qualify someone as a professional killer? Asking for a friend
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as a "Professional" killer who enjoys playing as The Cannibal, i hope more maps change their hook placements to me more like this. It reminds me of the hooks in my home of The Basement.
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@BenZ0 I use that as a joke for all the people who only play killers and never survivors, like the people who have tier 3 perks on all killers or the worse ones the ones that one prestige and try to collect all perks to run any build. But it in all seriousness watching any streamer on twitch who has every killer unlocked with all teachable perks and you look at their survivor grade being like ash 4-1 and killer grade being red 1 all the time are the "Professional" killer. as for @C3Tooth picture that is the best eaxmple i have yet to see
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Oh then I am something like a double professional since I got all Killers on p3 with all perks twice (including my old account aswell), I am proud of myself.
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Was just about to ask that. There's weird spawns on there right now where a pair of hooks will spawn right next to each other.
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Me and my friend being hook neighbors.
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HERE IT IS, just got out of a game just now, this is what i'm talking about and killer only scarificed a flan
Post edited by KingSolomon on0 -
Your a self-claimed professional bro.