SWF Will Never Be Nerfed Or Removed

People want to play this game with there friends, cross platform came out so other people can play with their friends on differnt platforms. Bhvr would loose so much money getting rid of SWF, and I don't see why people care about going against them. Swf for the most part are fun to go against because you know everyone is on mic and you can show off, and obliterate them.

The main reason people hate SWF is cause of mic, and I get that, but how much does that really help? If a guy in a friend group runs you around the whole time it's because he's good, not because he's in a SWF. Most of the time SWF (ussally 4 man) intentionally try to be toxic, and you can take advantage of that because toxicity leads to stupid plays.

Overall SWF will not be removed, ever. Money is a huge factor in that. When people look at a game they look for "cross platform multiplayer" and things like that. If that isn't an option that buyer will skip the game and move onto the next.

Also, I would like to hear some reasons killer mains hate SWF, just generally I would like to understand that more.


  • toxik_survivor
    toxik_survivor Member Posts: 1,184
    edited June 2022

    That's too much work for BHVR- not just shitting on BHVR but that would be a project that would take a year if not more, I don't think BHVR or anyone would be willing to do that (it would obv sacrifice alot of other content.)

  • InvadeGames
    InvadeGames Member Posts: 415

    SWF hurts stealth killers, and oblivious, undetectable and other such traits. also is where bully builds come in.

    I dont advocate for removing SWF tho. But it DOES impact games.

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    You can choose to not be matched with potatoes, and you can actually coordinate. Those are the big pros of SWF, and they're pretty massive ones.

    But it can't ever be removed. Despite wishful thinking. Or wasteful demanding.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    They already talked in January about helping solo survivors to bring them on par with swfs. One thing they said was being worked on was additional HUD icons for survivors that show what their allies are doing (working on a gen, being chased, etc) so solo survivors would have some of the information they might get from comms. They haven't mentioned what's going on with that since so I don't know if it's still in the pipeline or something happened with it that put that on hold.

    Either way they have explicitly talked about improving solo survivor play to help even the playing field.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    They won't do true mmr because they know all SWF will get is Blight and nurse. They will get bored and not spend money or quit.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,306

    You’re correct. Behaviour will never touch swf. Too much money is involved and it would basically be suicide to mess with it.

    It’s not too much of a problem as long as they leave Nurse and Blight alone for killer mains to fall back on in order to stand a chance. They just need to make sure MMR keeps the top sweaty players in their own pool and not have top tier nurses obliterate potatoes like me or sweaty swfs bully mediocre killer players.

    Unfortunately, the current matchmaking still needs work. It’ll probably be better in six more years.

  • Vyne456
    Vyne456 Member Posts: 848

    The problem is the fanbase.

    Not gonna lie but if you play solo q and then you see two toxic neas or a David king that uses urban evasion in the basement, it's not fun to play

    It's not fun either for both sides.

  • toxik_survivor
    toxik_survivor Member Posts: 1,184

    That's just mmr that puts you with survivors that think it's 2017 when urban was meta. Plus that ain't toxic btw, but it's annoying as #########

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
    edited June 2022

    Sort of. It was a million times worse under ranks.

    The core problem is that SWF adds another RNG element to the mix - and should really be taken care of by MMR (matching you against a higher MMR killer, proportional to the size of your group).

    Facing a solo survivor and facing that same survivor in an organized group is night and day.

    I'm certainly not top MMR, but I watch a lot of streamers that are, and they get - in addition to Blight and Nurse - a ton of Huntresses, a good few Spirits, the odd Billy, the occasional Artists and Bubbas and every so often a Plague, a Demo, a Doctor or an Oni.

    But that's...high MMR in any game. The higher you get, the more ossified the meta becomes - because to get that high, you need to do both what's optimal, and counter what is optimal for the other side.

    It's not going to be fixed by relaxing MMR - it's going to be fixed by giving Blight and Nurse a slight nerf to some of their addons, and buffing a lot of lower tier killers.

    Solo queue is annoying sometimes, but I've also been paired with utter champions that carry me. You get what you get.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    There is no true high mmr. It is capped at 1700 where it potentially starts to mix people and then even that is thrown out the window if you get dodged or wait too long.

    If we had a proper strict mmr then all they would get is nurse and blight because that is all that can realistically and consistently compete against experienced swf. Not even comp teams...

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    1700 is an arbitrary number, as we don't know how much we gain or lose per match. And you can watch top tier streamers like Otz and Ayrun - you'll see that they often face opponents they know. There is definitely a 'high MMR' bracket.

    Yes, queue times and lobby dodges are a problem, and I wish they'd fix that.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    SWF will not be balanced, the word we always wanted.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    It is the official soft cap.

    Really?.. the guy that wins with no perks and 30s afk against people that only needed to hold down one button. I have watched OTZ and some of the survivors he gets are highly questionable.

    Ayrun?!?! the guy that makes troll videos making killers look stupid and gets killers that fall down holes and still fall for dumb tech and CJ tech? Most of my grabs are from morons attempting cj tech. It's so obvious.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    No, it's also communication. Being able to determine who comes and saves when, calling out the killer location, coordinating perks before the match, coordination of gens and timing, saves etc. That's a massive advantage.

    It is the hypothetical soft cap.

    Yes - these are two of the best players in the world, so likely sitting right on that soft cap - and if you watch their videos, you'll see a lot of opponents that appear in multiple games. Generally other semi-pro players, streamers, tourney groups etc. The system is very clearly matching them against other extremely experienced players when it can.

  • xEmoGirlxAlexisx
    xEmoGirlxAlexisx Member Posts: 598

    Ob u play in a SWF Groups every Player who are in this group has a small debuff on Gen Speed and other Things

    This would maybe be a small Way to nerf SWF whitout Touching Soloq

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    If you dont understand the power of swf and communication, try it.

    I play only solo survivor, but i used to play swf. The amount on information you get is crazy. For example, take a stealth killer. You know you dont have to worry, because the one guy in a chase - even if he is just average at chasing - will just run him away from the position you are doing gens at.

    Also, you know where people have checked for that damn ruin-totem, and everyone can just check one corner of the map, making it very efficient.

    you next to never find yourself in deadland, because you know where your teammates threw pallets down, so you know which areas to avoid (a simple "shack pallet is gone" is a lot of information).

    How often did you have the situation where there is only one gen to fix, but the survivors were on 3 different gens while the last was in a chase. How often did that happen with swf on comms?

    Also, even if the killer is just preparing, OoO basicly works for the whole team, as well as every one having kindred without running it.

    So, you were hit, have exhausted your perks and need a moment to refresh? Well, here are your teammate you signaled that either just takes a hit for you or even takes over the chase. In a good team thats basicly unlimited health states.

    Even if your team is just doing gens while you are in a chase, what happens if you spot a hex totem on your chase? As solos survivor, nothing. In an swf on comms? Its gone in 30 seconds.

    So let us reevaluate the Question "but how much does that really help?" My experience says: "a lot".

  • Hermit
    Hermit Member Posts: 388

    You dont need to nerf swf, bhvr can instead just buff solos. Basekit kindred or bond or bt, but just when you are playing solo.

    What they could implement is the no-duplicate perk rule for swf, like basically every tournament has.

  • _VTK_
    _VTK_ Member Posts: 383
    edited June 2022

    To be precise, there are not 3 sides to balance, but at least 4. There are SFW groups with and without comms. SWF without comms are still stronger than solo survivors and they play in a different way, more altruistic, less egoistic and use more meta-perks. They also know each other's playstyles, for example some are good loopers and try to waste killer's time while others just do gens at that time.

    I hope BHVR didn't scrap the idea of adding mode HUD icons, that's the only realistic solution for buffing soloQ.

  • Carth
    Carth Member Posts: 1,182

    OOO nerf disagrees with you

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236
    edited June 2022

    Increasing the MMR of SWF isn't a solution, because not every SWF is better than their solo players.

    I have much better games solo than I do with my friends, because we play for fun, not to win. We regularly distract each other or drop the ball via insufficient communication, which can sometimes be worse than none. "You said the killer was on you!" "Whoops sorry that was 10 seconds ago."

    And then there's the friends I don't use discord with, in which it's virtually no different to solo play anyway.

    SWF gives the opportunity for better communication, it's not guaranteed.

    This is why the only solution to the SWF problem is to give all players better info/communication tools that are redundant to voice chat. Ping systems, more detailed portrait options that indicate what your team mates are doing, etc. Then by lifting up solo players (and bad SWFs) closer to that of a 'good' SWF, you can buff killers accordingly.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    All swf are not good some are worser than solos and competent solos can be nearly as dangerous than swf. Good sfw would ofcourse face only nurse and blight so there should be more killers who can have chance. Oni should start with his power so then he would be right behind nurse in power and good killers would be able to down people right at start. But oni also can be looped bit so he still would be lot more fun killer to face than nurse. Some other killers also needs buff to make them able to compete. But hate to see artist ranked better than oni when oni power is clearly second best in the game but very limited how you can use it.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    No, not all SWF are good, they are artificially boosted by Coms compared to if they were solo though and the top will always mostly be comprised of swf.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,296

    high-level SWF w/ voice chat and Solo are never going to be completely equal however they can put them closer than what they are now with the Icons/information.

    The biggest advantage that SWF has over solo is their efficiency at the generator objective. games just go 2x quicker for killer, so even when SWF do terrible killer looping(often worse than solo-Q looping), they generally still get 2-3 escapes out because of how well they optimize the generator objective.

    that's why if swf are successful at looping the killer, even a little bit, The killer loses the game with like 1-2 hooks total. This can happen in soloQ as well but usually with soloQ, When SoloQ is optimized at doing the objective in say 5 minutes, It feels more like star-aligning. soloQ still get job done in term of winning a lot of the time, but it is a bit less consistent in terms of speed.

    The only problem I see though is that if soloq does become as efficient as high-lvl swf, a good 50-75% of killer-cast is going to be completely useless. we're going get glimmer of that once dev's eliminate the effective meta generator defence perks very shortly. at least they'll get better data i guess. silver-lining.

  • KingFieldShipper
    KingFieldShipper Member Posts: 612

    I find it interesting when people say stuff like "oh otz's survivors are kinda bad", but like, I see no difference between his, tofu's, dowsey's, tru3's, coco, ralph, (insert other streamer here).

    I think people who determine themselves to be high mmr silly most of the time (as we all know, it's hidden) but I think we can be 10000% confident otz is at the cap and his survivors, unless the system is figuring out where to place a new player, is pretty indicative of both the soft cap and hard cap. I think the thing with otz is that he handles things pretty gracefully and confidentaly, so people see him dominate survivors with say, trapper with a few ######### perks, but forget is one of the best killers in the game, so realtive to the survivors, a survivor might not seem that good. But also, like, otz has lost plenty of times to good survivors and survivor teams too

    I think we as a community are quick to judge the skill of a killer or survivor based on a single bad match they had - just because someone got killed doesn't mean they are a bad survivor, and a killer who struggled to get someone down or missed hatches or kept screwing up blinks doesn't make them a bad killer - there are lots of factors that go into a match both on like a digital and phsyical/emotional level that can completely change the outcome of the match and it just kinda bugs me when people criticize a survivor they saw for one single match one time on a stream - and hindsight is always 20/20 and it's easier to judge as a viewer and when you are not the one who is actually playing.

  • Risky_Biscuit
    Risky_Biscuit Member Posts: 95

    SWF gives survivors the advantage of communication. You can time unhooks, plan and strategize builds, items, perks, etc... A team of 4 coordinated players who can communicate and make powerful plays will always have a massive advantage over the killer.

    That's what killer players struggle with when dealing with SWF. The huge advantages of a coordinated team that can easily communicate and outplay you, is simply an unfair advantage. Killers don't have this level of power in the game's current state.

  • RisingTron
    RisingTron Member Posts: 508

    Thank you. Everytime I see someone say something along the lines of "Okay they need to remove SWF or give SWF a penalty like slower gens." I just kinda laugh because I couldn't imagine being known as the game that punished people for playing with their friends.

    80% of swfs aren't as sweaty as people say. Whenever I played in a swf, we were not sweaty. We were just messing around. Hell, I was DISTRACTED most of the time because we were just cracking jokes and being silly.

    Boom. I've been saying this for months.

    I don't think it'd take that long at all. I mean, we already know they're working on buffing solo queue.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    The advantages of SWF is usually overrated.

    Generally only a perfect SWF has a chance of beating a decent killer.

    The discussion should be about nerfing killers and buffing survivors so SWF is not mandatory.

  • icedrake402
    icedrake402 Member Posts: 145

    Simply knowing what everyone else is doing is huge. You know:

    --When the Killer is chasing a non-obsession (meaning you're safe to do whatever).

    --Where the Killer is if at least one of you can see them.

    --Where all generators are, and which one needs some work.

    --Where totems are if at least one of you has seen it.

    --Where injured allies are.

    --Which gate is open, or nearly open.

    I mean.....that's the effects of Kindred, Empathy, Empathic Connection, Detective's Hunch, Deja Vu, Object of Obsession, Plunderer's Instinct, Dark Sense, Situational Awareness and probably a few others I missed. For free, all the time. It's why my chosen partial fix would be that SWF squads get one less perk slot each.

    Also, there are some killers who have their main ability become much less effective. For example the Cenobite is weakened a lot if they can coordinate who's going for the box and tell each other "He's chasing me, do it now."