40th perk rework?

D2night Member Posts: 224

Really weird how in the perk rework that was announced and shown today, they didn’t include no mither. I know there are people out there who insist this perk is really good and worth it but you just can’t prove to me this perk is any good. With it being only 75% grunt of pain silence, I feel like iron will is a must since you’ve basically cut off 20 seconds+ (at least) of a chase. I’d like the killer not to find me because of my grunting because I’m injured the whole game. 2 perk slots used. People that do love it then insist resilience is great with it, 3 perks used. Then you definitely need an exhaustion perk with it (usually dead hard, sometimes maybe sprint burst) 4 perks used. All for a 9% boost at repairing gens but at least 1-2 minutes of chase time cut off because you’re one health state less the whole game. (Meanwhile teammates can be doing gens during that time and get more progression than your 9% bonus speed progression would get you). Plus, taking a hit for a teammate which could possibly save the teammate from being hooked and win you the game? Can’t do that.

I’m just really surprised it isn’t in the rework of perks. unless it’s the 40th perk? I remember them saying “40 perks” and they only showed 39 that were being reworked,

but maybe they weren’t being literal and just saying “around 40”.

here is the perk list for those who haven’t seen
