Changing all Meta Gen Regression Perks but not Prove thyself

Tell me how to hate Killer whitout telling me how to hate Killer
Everytime Survivors plays Prove thyself the Gens are Flying and 2 Gens are done before u even get ur First Hook except u are Nurse
Now whit all best Gen Regression Perks gets changed and seeing Prove thyself isnt on the list 4 the Game makes me Scare that Gen Defense is going to be much Harder and Gens are Flying After the Update
Plz BHVR Nerf the Gen Speed or Update the Map Desings so Killers that arent Nurse also have a Chance on big Maps most of the Maps has Way to much Palets
Tell me you are a whining KM without telling me you are a whining KM
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In the past I would have jumped on this bandwagon and cried at the top of my lunges, but times have changed. For one, people are right in that its too early to jump to conclusions, let us first see what this all is about and maybe get a few sneak peaks and get a feeling in which direction this whole thing is going.
Second, BHVR seems to have noticed that they were haemorraging killers badly and that they needed some qol changes to keep the playerbase and the game as a whole viable.
BHVR might not love the killer from a business standpoint, ie way lesser cosmetic sales, but they can't effort to hate him, either.
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Prove thyself is only worth on the last 2 gens where you are somewhat forced to group or if you need a specific one done. I can bet that in your game where gens fly, it's most likely the survivor spreading that is the problem.
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The last game i had was on the new map. as a huntress im slow and the constant bushes everywhere meant i could hardly use my power.
anyway, the survivors had 3 of them using PROVE THYSELF and they were hiding all game, sneaking away, and gens were flying. i wasnt using anything sweaty, i had one anti gen perk, OPPRESSION. and survivors still feel the need to play the most boring way possible. crank gens out asap and not get into chases.
the more i see this play, the more i just want to NOED WITH BUBBA lol.
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Use Discordance.
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That's entirely the problem. As a good survivor the formula is as follows for all killers except Blight/Nurse/arguably Spirit.
First survivor in chase: Hold 'w' when possible and effectively loop when it isn't, make effective use of resource at start of game. Goal is to last at least ~80 seconds. Don't forget to E to fix any mistakes!
You achieve goal. Killer is now at 1/12 and you are at 3/5. Team Enjoys the benefits of Prove Thyself. Also it is just 1/16 of the loadout of the survivor team to do so. It is only ~80 seconds into the game.
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We don't know what they're doing to basekit gen efficiency and slowdown to address the slowdown meta just yet, so it's totally possible whatever it is they do will also make Prove Thyself less useful than it is right now.
Even if they don't, I'd rather deal with just Prove Thyself than Prove Thyself plus all the other current meta perks. It might be annoying, but it'll be something you can deal with on its own.
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Oh prove thyself will probably become survivor basekit... I'm half sarcastic half scared it might since it seems like the gens are flying left and right nowdays not giving me enough time to kill 1 person.
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That's the forums for you 👉👉
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They told us they were going to rework roughly 40 perks, they showed us 39. Something tells me, there's no more perks on that list. If it's not there, it's not getting reworked. At least not yet.
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They didn't mean "people are jumping to conclusions that x perk is/isn't getting changes". They meant people are jumping to conclusions as to what those changes are.
If base repair or regression speed is changing (we know that basekit changes are coming with these) it's literally anyone's game, and that would explain why it's mostly one side (killer) perks that are getting changes.
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The change could easily be "will not stack with other regression perks"
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If you don't wanna progress the actual topic mind not posting hurtful things to others? And as others said only time will tell, plus I believe this is just the first batch of perks being touched as there are still perks that should be changed, like the wraith one that does something with scratch marks but it sucks. I'd love huntress perks touched too.
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Yeah, it doesn't help much if you aren't on a mobility killer.
I always run Discordance, and had a SWF yesterday that popped one gen in the space between me starting moving towards them and reaching them, and popped all the gens in under 5 minutes...probably closer to 4. Was on Eyrie. As soon as I chased someone, the other 3 would jump on the gen and destroy it in the time it took me to down them. Would have been less had I not actually managed to hook one of them on the final gen.
4x fat toolboxes, 4 BNPs, two PTS (assumedly to ensure they always had one up if the other got chased).
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First of all, there was a major nerf to toolboxes, so don't forget that.
I've only recently started using Prove Thyself and specifically trying to get BNPs from the web. There are more and more slow down perks (The Artist literally ONLY HAS SLOW DOWNS, for example), with more and more killers running 3-4 a game, with killers who passively stop you from playing the game like Pinhead or Nemesis or the Artist with her birds or Sadako with her tapes, that survivors can't really play the game.
Lots of times, Prove Thyself is pointless if you're a solo player because lots of survivors are TERRIFIED of playing the game and will not do gens. I cannot tell you how many times I lose with one gen to go, with all four survivors alive and fully healed, because I am the only person trying to do the last gen.
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The nerf to toolboxes came after the nerf to ruin so lets not forget that. killers mori were done all of a sudden while survivors had plenty of time
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So, author's topic begins: "Tell me how to hate Killer without telling me how to hate Killer".
Why do I have to hate killer just for using a perk?
And why you come here lecturing me? I just replied him with the same words he used
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He still had a topic, you literally just complained with no information added. I'm guessing your a perfect survivor main right? Well maybe not because even survivor mains could add information about perks they could use, continuing the conversation and topic. Do you understand how I've added context instead of just calling you out or names to be a jerk? Have a nice day <3