Why does BHVR make it so hard for survivors to get the masks?

Like, I was playing yesterday for hours and all I got was two masks, cause either me or another teammate got tunneled right from the start and killers slugging for the 4k. Why you have to open the exit gate or wait for the hatch? It's so annoying. And as killer I never find any invitation...
Because if you didnt, survivors would find their invitation, then kill themselves on hook to get to the next game quicker.
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Just play killer :)
This was a joke and not serious advice it really is dumb3 -
Probably because they want more killer players or smth
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No it's not dumb advice at all.
There are usually too many survivors, making survivor wait times atrocious and screwing up the matchmaking.
The more playing killer the better.
And it really is easier to get masks as killer, I have 10/12 already.
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No, it's dumb that that has to be advice.
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The sad thing is, this would be very much true.
I tried, but I am so unlucky and never find any invitation ;v;
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But for the Bone Chill event, Survivors only needed to get the sparkles and I rarely have seen people killing themselves on hook...
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They had and still have to find the perfect middle ground (and we all now bhvr speedy pace.... glacier).
Make it to easy and survivor want to leave a trial directly after like already said.
Make it only by escape and killer will try to deny at any cost.
But i also don't have a real answer for this problem. Maybe survivor only have to find the invite and in that respective trial make a certain amount of emblem progress combined from all 4 categries. I mean for example 40 points which could come like 40 in one category only or 20/10/10/0 or 10/10/10/10, to make it less restrictive.
And also make the time enduring count something as a distraction into the emblems and make those points the 80-90% threshold so killer can't deny them via camping.
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The Bone Chill event was so much fun, I really wish they would do more events like this. In a few months for Halloween, they could use maybe Scarecrows or Pumpkin Head costumes for the survivors.
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I mean, up to 6x blood points is a pretty good incentive to stick around for trial.
That, and 12 cosmetics over the course of 2 weeks being easily, easily doable.
Probably wouldn't stop some people, but I'm sure we both know some people don't need an excuse to kill themselves on hook.
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I agree. People hide all the time now, so they make sure to grab the invitation then they wait in a corner for others to repair the generators and open the gates (which unlock the mask) or to be the last one so the Killer can close the hatch for them to unlock the mask.
Bone Chill event, people were playing for real.
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During any type of event there's never a shortage of killers. The blood point gains are too lucrative to play anything else.
My survivor queues are instant and my killer queues are 5 to 10mins
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I didn't get all masks in the first day of event therefore it's hard
Bro, like it's 14-days event just play normally and you'll get them all eventually or just play killer, don't touch anyone and patrol the map to find invitation
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There has been queues on Killer role for a few months in Europe from 12 AM to ~21:00 and they got longer after the event, its not the reason.
As someone already said, its to stop people getting the invitation and then suiciding on hook.
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almost all events were much easier for killer though.
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There are two sides in this game.
I got half my masks as killer and the other half as survivor.
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Bro, some people have a full time job and a family, they cannot play the game every day for hours and hours. And I don't know how often I have to repeat myself, as killer I am unlucky enough to not find any, and of course people are gen rushing, so there is not enough time to search. I dunno, I cannot be the only unlucky one? Whatevs, why do I give a s anymore about it, there are more important things in life.
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I never found a single invitation so I don't even know how they look like
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Because during the Halloween event years ago people would kill themselves after getting what they needed even though this didn't seem to be a problem with the recent Winter or Lunar New Year events or the multiple tome challenges that don't require escaping/getting to end game to complete.
They do need to make it more fair because survivors needing to make it to end game makes it easy for killers to deny them getting the reward.
Future events they should make it so both sides have to get atleast bronze emblems in every category. Making both sides have to get atleast bronze emblems is fair, both sides have to play the game, harder to deny the other side from getting their reward, and since most players aren't tracking where they should be for emblems it prevents survivors from killing themselves but doesn't punish them for dying before end game.
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If the masks are important to you and you have little time, play killer and throw the match if you have to find the pedestals.
Once you find it just let them leave and go next and repeat.
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This is true. Playing killer I got all 12 in one evening. All Dredge though so couldn't wear any masks.
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Lunar New Year Event people grabbed the envelopes at start then played normal, atleast in my matches they did. The last two events, Bone Chill and Lunar New Year, the survivors weren't killing themselves after doing whatever was needed to sparkle. The "survivors will kill themselves" is just an excuse based on an event that was years ago.
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That logic can apply to killers to where if they find their masks, then they can go afk in a corner and let survivors do the gens quickly and end the match
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Ok so what's the difference between people doing those same things outside of an event and also the bone chill event had them groovy snowmen on the map and the lunar new year both didn't have a survivors having to escape or survie untill exit is available requirement and I never noticed an increase in hook suicides
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Finally got 12/12 masks and it's been hard.
One match as killer I never chased anyone (only hooked the AFK one), kicked gens to progress for the challenge and looked for my invitation as gens got rushed. Ended up with a 3k because they had to be toxic so I gave them what they wanted while still getting my mask.
Though the challenges (looking at you, getting hit while vaulting) are OBNOXIOUS
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I'm seeing more and more killers who aren't really playing because they're probably survivor mains who hate how these events are always a million times easier for killers.
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You literally just said you weren't really playing the game and then blamed survivors for ~gen rushing~ you. Are you serious right now?