How is Event for You?

I have a lot fun honestly.
As survivor i am using more chill perks, not sweaty to killers. I am trying to get max bp i can get.
As killer i am chasing survivors for 8 hooks. I am not killing any of them (except toxic people). Farming is boring tho, so i am just playing normal but not killing any of them.
Most people are using flans, so we all getting so much bps and that's best part of event ofcourse.
It is great break to sweaty games for me.
uh kinda boring
I don't know if I'm doing anything wrong but I've spotted zero event poles for the masks
Do they not emit a noise or something?
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Maybe you were unlucky, i don't know. You can see them with purple aura if you are close them. Play killer maybe, it is easier get mask with killers.
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It’s been pretty good for me too. Getting tons of BP every match is great. I’ve had a couple matches as killer when the survivors were SWF sweat squads. One I just gave up on, and the other I tunneled and camped to a 3K. On the survivor side, I’ve had a few matches where the killers were super sweaty and didn’t let up even after DCs or hook suicides. I don’t blame killers for playing how they want, but just know that if you do this as killer you are super lame and unfun.
Despite some bad matches, most have been pretty fun and when I play killer I’ve been extra nice except against obvious bully squads.
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Glad to hear people have good games. Forum is full with negative posts, we needs some positivity.
I had one really so bad game only. I was playing Dredge and he stucked in stun animation. I had not chance to do anything. Ofcourse toxic Fengs tried bully. Except this one, games were pretty fun.
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It's been pretty alright surprisingly. Not that many sweaty survivors. Solo Q is definitely worse right now though. Also there is something wrong with the servers.
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i'm trying to sweat as much as possible as a killer, usually i don't use nurse and when i do i play pretty chill but in this event i'm sweating af to not allow not even 1 survivor to get more than 6k points.
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You are a such nice person.
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I haven't had fun so I'm just playing the bare minimum needed to unlock cosmetics and waiting for the event to end.
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I'm mostly having fun, and playing more than usual, but there are parts of it that feel like a grind. I'm stuck right now on the challenge where you have to take hits while vaulting -- the conditions for a hit to count seem really narrow. I've done it about ten times and only two of them count for the challenge. :(
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my house smell like a ######### Gym now but it is worth it.
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I'm in a bit of a pickle to be honest. I'm getting too many cakes! I can't get myself to keep prestiging characters when they gather 30-40 cakes from lvl 1-50. So I have to keep playing them until I use them all!
Only problem is I have about 7 characters with this problem now and the backlog is only increasing! I am forcing myself to prestige characters I wasn't ready to yet because I need to use the BP somewhere...
I know, I know, such a huge issue :/
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I am enjoying Dweet's masquerade mask though.
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It's OK. I haven't been burning offerings because I've been noticing a trend (a bad trend) when the Killer sees a bunch of BP offerings. Still confused how a survivor gets the masks. You have to escape with the invitation or you can die and still get the masks? On top of that, the game doesn't tell me I've received the awards anyway.
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I've been enjoying it. People have been friendly for the most part. Bunch of BP, so I'm P3ing Meg and Mikayla and finishing off a few killers. As far as the masks go, I like them much better than the crowns, though I wish there were more of them. Jane needs something to match hers, I don't feel she has anything that really does.
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If you escape with the offering you get the mask.
It is debatable if you can still get a mask if you die during EGC
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The event has been pretty fun for me and I only been playing solo Q. I got all 12 masks already and been getting lots of BP with the flans.
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The event has been ok. The first day was absolute hell, but now killers seemed to have chilled out on the camping/tunneling/slugging and survivors are actually decently slow on gens. I've also been getting a lot of 5 flan games, which is great because more BP. The Anniversary Tome is a pain, though.
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It's ok. I don't take it as seriously as I normally would, because I know that the people (trolls, grievers and such...) that haven't played this in a while, have come back to just to get the flans and mess peoples games. I still play as I would, but I don't get annoyed as much because the MMR has gone haywire because of that. All the matches right now are just pure crapshoot. I just play, use my flans and get my BP's.
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For me its 70% fun and good BP gain, 30% ######### games and frustration.
So I find it fun and good event. Also I spent a lot of BP on characters I wanted and found all masks after 4 hours of playing so its pretty fun so far.
Only thing that I hate is seeing less than 3 cakes in a game
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I love it.
Sure, games are a bit sweatier than usual, but Artist's Masquerade Mask is so good it saved the event for me.
Had Artist not gotten a Mask, the even wouldn't have been a third as good
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Been having a lot of fun as well tbh! If the games are too sweaty as survivor I switch to killer and do the same as you (play normally for 8 hooks and let them go), I really like that everything is decorated and not just the hooks & gens, also the rewards are beautiful tbh. I also already got all the masks so i don't mind being facecamped or tunneled when i find an invitation, lots of fun & BPs overall.
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Same. Every game is average 4 flans being brought so we are all leaving with decent bp. I haven't really noticed much bm at all either, everyone is just playing normally. I usually avoid playing on weekends as it's when I feel the SBMM is all over the place, but I played last night (Saturday night) and it was fine.
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Absolutely abysmal, the only reason I'm still playing is that the BP gain is just ridiculously good and not EVERY single game is against a Franklin's Bubba slugging all four of us at 5 gens. Plus, playing Killer with meme builds organically tanks my MMR without even trying to throw so that's nice.
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It's okay. It's basically just the previous anniversary events but with masks instead of crowns. There's nothing in-game to distract myself with, like pumpkins or envelopes (lunar new year, which was close to being good) or snowmen, it's just a BP event where you have to spend to earn. The extra tome is nice. The way the community challenges are set up, with each player's participation being severely limited, is very disappointing.
Matches as survivor have been all over the place. Some are good, some are okay, some are really bad. I've gotten way too many Huntresses.
Like always I'm playing casual as killer, mostly only killing AFKers (no free points escaping on the backs of your teammates). I don't farm, and it can be challenging as hell to slow down gen repair without being so aggressive that the survivors all go into hiding or start suiciding or letting each other die. I've had some bad matches, but I've also had matches where thanks to the event bonuses I have more than 32k on the end screen without having killed anyone and that makes me strangely happy.
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I really like the addition of community challenges overall i think they are fine tuning how to do these things
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Having fun. Solo queue is much better than usual, as killer I play chill as usual (double-hook everyone and don’t kill anyone before the gens are done).
And: both Haddie and Dredge are P2-50 now, so no further bps earned during the event will go to prestige waste.
I love the masquerade theme, much better than crowns.
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I think this is the best Anniversary event yet but some killers/survivors are still boring as heck bringing just meta stuff
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It's been alright. The masks look amazing and I love the menu music as well as the overall theme for the event, but the games.. have been questionable.
I've had both chill killers and chill survivors just wanting to farm/drag out the game to get points with many flans but the majority of matches have been against killers who just want to see the world burn.
Players can play how they want and that's fine, and I don't expect them to go easy for the event, but camping and tunneling 1 specific survivor over and over at the start of the game (which has been me many times) while the killer ends up ultimately losing the match because of it is pretty lame. Lots of Nurses too. Bleh.
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Trying to get 100 flans perk killer and Im done.
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Nice and Fun, many cakes, many points, i love. i would like if they extend this event for a week for traditions, to 7 july. Please @Peanits
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You just have to have collected an invitation before the last gen is done, you don't have to escape.
Also, don't bother doing invites/masks on survivors. Takes too long and you're more likely to get either a sweaty killer or potato group. Just jump on a killer with speed and run around until you get one. Then either play the trial or afk till done. I've gotten 12 masks in 13-14 trials on killer.
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They're supposed to, but it seems to be bugged. Most trials they don't make any noise, killer or survivor. Some trials they don't even spawn. I've helped groups looks for them and no one found any after 20-25mins of searching.
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The BPs are nice.
But surv is not very fun for me. I hardly find masks and then the killer goes wild and makes sure the endgame doesn´t trigger or kills us all and nods at the hook.
As killer it is ok as i can play relaxed there. I let most escape.
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The event is fun.
Lots of bps and nice discounts on basically every character except Mikaela (for obvious reasons).
Daily shrines are really good especially for new players.
The event tome with the cosmetics for dredge and haddie is nice as well (after they adjusted the previously impossible community challenges).
The masks are more unique than the crowns, so I see that as another improvement.
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Ive had a mix, i had a lot of sweaty killers, but some chill ones too
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Pretty fun honestly, loving the extra bp and the atmosphere is quite fun.
Apart from for some reason, im going against a lot of killers who are way under my skill level, im not sure whats going but alot of killers are getting stomped in my survivor games, not intentionally either, me and my friend are playing casually but these killers have consistently been wayyy under our skill level.
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Terrible. Extra sweaty survivors and killers. Not saying everyone should just farm, but would it kill both sides to ease up just a little?
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I'm having a blast! Lots of chances to play killers and survivors I wouldn't normally play, friends joining me, an absolute deluge of bloodpoints! Plus, there is something extra satisfying about hooks, heals, and gen completions with the little tOOoooT!
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It's been very sweaty, it was like this last year but I feel like it wasn't as bad because mmr didn't exist. But now just camping and tunneling and fast gens :C Some games are good, but this event always brings out the worst in people it seems.
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order of magnitude fun than usual DbD just because I can use whatever addon that looks interesting all the game.
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Doesn't even feel like an event.
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Honestly I am stuck trying to find the invites and can't enjoy or focus on any of the challenges. Constantly what I have seen are Survivors bring in all Flans including me but they only focus on Gens and escaping asap.
I get the Devs wanted it to be a challenge to get them but really moving during the map is annoying
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What would make it feel like more of an event for you? 😊
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They are also supposed to give off a aura if you get close to them and they are behind something but I only had that happen twice and never again wish It work because the invitation is nearly impossible to find on the game and I have been getting that map more than usual
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Then they need to fix these Bugs because I heard the teleports but then it suddenly stopped and it never spawned again.
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Very sweaty. Every match as survivor you feel overwhelmingly outmatched.
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ok I'm starting to think the game might have that issue more than other maps as out of the 4 games on the game yesterday only one had one or more invitations found(by either me or the survivors) which 2 of us managed to snag one before someone activates egc and left
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I think after the snowmen one is kind of hard to top that. I wish there was something else to do
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I did not understand Mikaela part... What's wrong with my girl 😐️
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i don't know why but I have played 28 matches so far and 19 were hardcore nurses and see all the nerf nurse posts I'm guessing I am not the only one