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Tunneling is overrated stragedy

Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,492

It's sounds on paper good to tunnel one out and make the game 3vs1 but in reality that rarely happen's. While killer focuses only tunneling one out that leave others enough time safely do gens. Killer has to eat bt and ds which wastes lot of time. So by the time you have gotten that one out there is maybe 1-2 gens left which will be soon finished. Maybe it's possible to get 2K out of the game but even that will be hard without noed.

This is what usually happens if the survivor is decent and sometimes teammate come to take hit for him at right times which will extend the chase even more. Other stragedies such a proxy camping, facecamping and going for hooks are simply better stragedies. Tunneling seems to only be effective with killers like nurse and blight who can eat ds like it's nothing and end chases quickly but the thing is usually they don't have to use that kind of stragedies as they win anyway.

Tunneling as stragedy is very inconsistent and works only properly if survivors are bad and don't use ds and bt. Simply going for chases and eventually taking one out is much better and consistent stragedy once you get A on hook you go chase survivor B and hook him then you go to chase A again and hook him again. Then you go after survivor C hook him and go for survivor D hook him for example. Then you chase A and finish him off works much better than hooking A again and again.


  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,199
    edited June 2022

    Depending on your loadout, it absolutely can be optimal. Play a high mobility killer with a lot of info and map presence, and keep the pressure up by chain hooking.

    I've been doing Dredge with Floods of Rage and Make Your Choice. Once that first scourge hook is used it's pretty much perpetual hooks, with most if not all survivors on death hook before the final gen pops. Then I can decide if I want to kill anyone, or let them win their masks.

    Not denying that there are a load of slow killers that can't accomplish this, but it's not essential, and not always sub-optimal. Doing this nets me a maximum score more often than not, even when I let 3 survivors escape.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,492

    I've seen many people saying it's best stragedy in the game while I disagree. But it's not always unfun especially if you manage loop killer for 5 gens and ruin his game too and it's even more satisfying if you manage to escape. But if killer manages to tunnel someone out at 5 gens that sucks but those games killer would won anyway.

  • brubli
    brubli Member Posts: 214

    I don't think I've ever seen hard tunneling like you're talking about recommended as the optimal way to play. I've always seen doing so as a bit of a last resort, due to how a ds/bt can stack up wasted time

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    That's not tunneling, that's just a bad Killer

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,492

    I usually lose when I tunnel and when I play normally "fun way for survivors" I win usually. When I get tunneled as survivor most of the time I can loop killer long enough that all gens will be finished or at least almost unless it's nurse. But when tunneling works for me it's when I get one out in the first 2 minutes of the match or the tunneled one dc when I down him second time. Occasionally I tunnel someone out when there is 1-2 gen left that's when it usually works out.

    But I don't think I play too nice I don't go for 8 hooks before killing anyone. In my last match I hooked survivor A and he took chances so she ended up in second state. I chased meanwhile survivor B hooked her and then survivor C and hooked him but after that I saw survivor A and finished her off. That game I could won playing more fair but I wanted quaranteed win so taking A out was right desicion.

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070

    No one said that it's valuable. As camping, which is also very situational and can benefit in certain circumstance, but unproductive in general. Problem is that these two are the only strategy available to unskilled players. They missed the learining part, getting to high MMR with effortless wins, but after reaching it they have no means to compete against "often-escaping" players (aka solid survivors or well-made teams). At that point we can see crying about DH, genrush and other BS.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,492

    To be fair only nurse and blight can really fight those teams fairly. Some other killers can do ok but these survivors are very hard to beat and even if you do that consistently it's still very frustating experience for weaker killers. These teams make someone like trapper just garbage and killers only win these teams when they make lot of mistakes. High mmr survivors are quaranteed to win if they play optimally unless it's nurse.

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070

    No one said it's easy, but it's high MMR. Problem is that on low-middle MMR (which is a vast majority) playing killer is walk in the park. Don't want to start again that MMR rant and how badly it's implemented, but in short: players are not in their places. Low-skilled killers got in big boys league. High skilled survivor can end up in low MMR if he was fooling around or play Solo a lot.

    Btw, streamers play on high MMR and doing OK as I see. Win a lot, sometimes lose, life goes on.

    I can imagine that feeling when you continuosly win with little effort, feel happy and overconfident, and suddenly it's all gone! You're outplayed like an infant, you lost, you panic, you feel robbed! Someone stole everything from you! And it begins: DH, genrush, secondchance, bla bla bla, everyone is to blame. Clinging to 1K with trembling hands just not give any satisfaction to opposing side. And if they matched with solos, oh boy, that's where resentment can be paid and they are target of suffering for sins of others.

  • INoLuv
    INoLuv Member Posts: 464

    Tunneling is weak because of DS, after DS there are the braindead loops to deal with and dead hard, which is wrong because DS punishes the killer for rushing the kill, while survivors can rush the gens without punishment.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,136

    It depends on the killer and the survivors.

    I had a killer dc today because he tunneled a Claudette, was camping her on her second hook, and the other three of us were still popping gens. I guess he's used to survivors taking the bait. Other killers today have ended the match with one kill because they tried so hard to tunnel someone out. And I've had killers who get a 4k by tunneling. I've turned losing matches around by giving up the "take turns hooking" playstyle and just tunneling someone out. There's no strategy that works every time. Tunneling just happens to be super unfun from the survivor's perspective.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,926

    Nice try Survivors. But a profile with a Killer pfp wont trick me.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,428

    Lmao 🤣

    But tunneling isn’t brain dead right? How many pallets did you get stunned with before making it back to the hook? Since apparently it’s soooo “skillful”

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,492

    Here's proof I play killer I reached red rank 1 last season...

  • brock
    brock Member Posts: 305

    Tunneling is one of the best ways to win, unfortunate as that is.

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 940
    edited June 2022

    It's hell when you play against 4 good loopers with dead hard and DS, generally average team I play against has 1-2 weak links and others play meta perks, that's not fun but if you want to win killing the weakest link is best strategy by far

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,492

    Well currently im in red ranks already it proves I play a lot killer even too much now but I almost always 3-4K so I climb the ranks very fast.

  • Tatt3dWon
    Tatt3dWon Member Posts: 514
    edited June 2022

    I barley play and am almost in red ranks it takes almost no skill to get up there and playing killer is even easier I play 0 killer. But all my friends are usually rank 1 in a day or 2.

  • INoLuv
    INoLuv Member Posts: 464
    edited June 2022

    tunneling is not braindead against a survivor that knows how to loop and when the killer is not a blight/nurse. Braindead loops exist and they hurt m1 killers the most. Maps also affect, perks too. Point is: Tunneling can be hard.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    How does tunnelling ruin a game for someone.

    people agree that chases are the most fun but get pissy when they are in chases for the whole game.

  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 869

    1st of, not everyone agrees chases are the most fun aspect. Some people prefer hiding.

    People enjoy the whole package of the game, and the chase is a part of it. Tunneling changes that completely as only one guy gets chased all the time and is hella stressed out because this killer has decided to tunnel them out of the game. Meanwhile everyone else is forced to hold m1 on gens. Tunneling straight up breaks this core dynamic of the game...

    Also, what are you trying to say? That people secretly enjoy being tunneled? Whut?! Are you playing the same game as the rest of us? People can still believe that the chase is the most fun sequence of the game but also dislike the fact that the killer has decided that the survivors game will end in 3 minutes, 1 of which they had to spend on the hook.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,492

    For me I need to get lucky to win with it. I tunneled my last game as somone was saved front of me so I went after her again. But she turned out to be better looper than I expected and 2 gens got done in second chase so then I facecamped her with 2 gens left. After that I tunneled her again her team take peotection hits and I had to eat ds so I got her when all gens got done luckily I managed to avoid bodyblocks but still got few hits and got her on hook. Then I downed one got her on basement and one came to rescue which I downed and then went after unhooked got both down and the remaining survivor left. So I got lucky 3K with tunneling.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    I'd say tunneling is the UNDERRATED strategy tbh, lots of people believes somehow NOT tunneling/camping is actually the correct way of playing the game.

  • Mavericks
    Mavericks Member Posts: 89

    It is very difficult to make 10-12 hooks on a high mmr. The game forces you to make a quick kill

    But I no longer care about tunneling and patrolling the hook. When you do 12 hooks, you feel a surge of pride. Of course, you will very rarely do this, but it is more interesting and always looks like a challenge against experienced survivors. I already understood that in this game you should not care about 4k

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I’ve literally had people say “Tunneling is overpowered, ez killer can only win by tunneling” in after game chat.

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 981

    It depends on how you tunnel. If you know the person doesn't has DS or if they are weak loopers it makes sense tunneling them out.

    Also, if all survivors are trying to stop you from tunneling then no one is doing gens, therefore it is effective.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I hate the word tunneling, it’s kind of a meaningless buzzword at this point since nobody agrees on what it actually is. Being more specific:

    • If you have a choice between hooking someone twice in a row and hooking two people once each then obviously in general all else being equal you should hook the one player twice to help eliminate them more quickly. The double hooked survivor will sometimes complain you “tunneled” them but that’s just sore losing.
    • If you ignore a healthy survivor to chase an injured one that also makes sense in a lot of cases but generates tunneling complaints from the losing player.
    • On the other hand committing too long to chasing a single survivor at strong loops and ignoring the rest of what’s going on around the map is also called “tunneling”, and in this case it’s a bad tactic for the killer. Focussing only on the one survivor in front of you for two minutes until you down and hook them is just giving the other three carte blanc to run wild on the gens. It’s important to know when to chase someone and when to break off to chase more important targets and apply pressure elsewhere.
  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    No, I'm saying that tunneling is just part of the game and there is no reason to get pissy over gameplay.

    I'll give that it was a poor choice of words to say people agree, but generally people enjoy chasing as it's part of the game yet if they are chased continually its now somehow super stressful and game ruining.

    DBD is an elimination game, sometimes you will get targeted and eliminated early because the payoff for spreading pressure by chasing multiple survivors is often less than eliminating one.

    Why do survivors split up on gens? It maximizes pressure and once a gen is done its permanent pressure, so 4x gens near done at game start is a good strategy. Is it necessary to win? no... its more than possible to win games without splitting up on gens but it's harder to do.

    What's the best pressure a killer can apply? remove survivors from the game. The permanent way to do that is to eliminate them. Taking the game down to 3v1 provides permanent pressure that can be leveraged even if only 1-2 gens remain, so tunneling has it merits over spreading damage. Again is it necessary? No... but not doing it often makes the endgame harder so at some point if you want kills you are probably going to focus down a player and get them out of the game.

    BOTH of these scenarios are fine as they are players leveraging tactics for maximum pressure, its all legit gameplay.

    Doesn't matter if there is an event, or who brought what cake or whatever... these are legit game tactics you can expect in game. How effective either is will be based how the game is playing out.

    Sometimes it pays to tunnel sometimes not. Making the right call about when to do it can win you the game.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Couldn't agree with this more. Something needs to be done if an unfun and skillless strategy like camping is among the most effective strategies in way too many scenarios.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,492

    The thing is tunneling is also somewhat stressful for killer and if you don't do it fast it's puts more pressure on you. I just try to play for fun and bp so I go for chases but sometimes I have to tunnel to get more bp.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Depends on the survivors and the situation. With the right target it can be highly effective but chose the wrong one and your left struggling to confirm one kill while the final gen pops.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,492

    Exactly and I happen to choose lot of times that strongest looper usually because they make me mad.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,428

    Oh sure, because every area has that specific tile you speak of.. NOT. Listen, the point wasn't can the survivor find tiles in the map to try to make tunneling "harder".

    The point was the act of Tunneling... You know, when a killer decides "I don't feel like pressuring gens, so I am gonna stay around hook and go for the very person I just hooked" ISN'T skillful play. That is the point. Regardless of whether or not you feel it is fair, that isn't hard to do.

  • INoLuv
    INoLuv Member Posts: 464

    Skill to catch up again and commit to a survivor on a map full if resources plus dead hard, sometimes the killet cant even do anything if is not a blight/nurse. Tunneling involves comitting after the DS, it can be hard to commit depending of the killer and the map. Overall tunneling is just a strategy, you are right that it does not mean skill, dealing with the mechanics of the killer is skill. Braindead loops still exist. Whatever

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904
    edited June 2022

    That’s part of deciding when it’s a good idea or not.

    If stuck sinking a heap of time into a tunnel then it’s just a bad chase and you should probably drop it and pressure gens instead.

    Again deciding when to do it is what counts. But that’s true of any chase whether you’re tunnelling or not.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,206

    Really depends on who you're trying to tunnel and how good their teammates are. You can make it a 3v1 at 4 gens remaining against not so great players. Alternatively, one survivor can steal your lunch money for 5 gens and you'll have 3 hooks as the exits are powered. Can go either way or somewhere in between.