Jason Voorhees

What are the possibilities that he could ever come to DBD?
You my friend have lit a fire.
Prepare for the “Trapper is Jason! No!” responses.
Edit: Also, I think with the legal issues that happened with his game, its kind of hard to have a definite answer to this.
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He is very stale to add to the roster, in my opinion...
Yeah, trapper skin would be suitable, btw :)
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I mean, it isn’t far fetched. A lot of people would agree that slappin’ a Jason skin on Trapper would do.
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Isnt the entire Jason franchise tangled in a lawsuit mess? If it is so I would say the chances are between nothing and 0.
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DBD needs Jason
He is the only missing link (Besides maybe Chucky?)
We have Freddy, Ghostface, Myers, Bubba and Pinhead
With Jason, the whole crew is here.
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It's a challenge to grab Jason for this realm maybe for lore they could have it where Jason is hearing his real mother's voice but, also the entity trying to sound like Pamela and he gets confused on who to listen to.
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What about my Pennywise? ;[
He wants to be apart of the Boyz Club.
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They could def make Pennywise work
I just don't see him as Iconic as the rest. He's not a 'slasher' if that makes sense. (TBH neither is Cenobite but he's still a big horror icon)
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he could be a clown skin lmao
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there are a bunch of legal whats-its that have to be addressed before he can make it inot this game, however, trapper is kind of this versions jason.
I would LOVE jason to be in the game, but realistically speaking, i wouldnt hold your breath for it to be any time soon.
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Not only that, it will also mark dbd as the first game ever to legally do it.
It would only add to the growing list of things dbd has been the first ever to do.
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Since the lawsuit is over, i expect at least 2-3 years to pass before he'll be up for grabs again.
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If Pennywise gets in, the Xenomorph and Jaws better get in too.
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Likely will take forever for both people involved to come to an agreement.So the big guy just gotta sit on the bench 🤨
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Not sure about "Jaws"...
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yeah that sounds about right
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if I could flick you right now, I would. But since I can’t, here is a gif description of what it would look like:
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Tapper is basicly Jasan when Jason was still human. But not a single soul wants Jason when he was still human. We want the slow moving unstoppable undead colossus Jason.
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Jason is the missing piece. I expect that the nanosecond the legalities are cleared up, BHVR will be all over it (if DBD is still a thing when that happens).
And if we can have Bubba and Billy, we sure as hell can have Trapper and Jason.