Is there a character you’re personally attached to other than in-game reasons? Why?

For example:
I feel a deep connection with Elodie because she is Black woman with black features (like me), does not scale on the petite/skinny side of the body type spectrum, and has amazing lore.
I have a MAJOR attachment to Anna (Huntress) for multiple reason. Major reasons being her lore, the fact that she was my first ever Killer I gravitated towards and mained, and the BIGGEST reason (this may be a little off) but I have really overwhelming anxiety in real life that seems to elevate when I play Killer. I’ve discovered that playing Anna while listening to her hum her lullaby and even humming with her while playing can soothe the hell out of how anxious I get on the game when I decide to play Killer. I even find myself humming it in real-life randomly.
I look forward to reading your replies!
Hmmm... I remember I liked Adam lore because he was really hard working, the lore was interesting. Other than that I don't have any I think.
Edit: I will add that Blight's lore is very interesting but bit confusing.
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Claire because I love her. For killer I would probably say pyramid head because of his chase music
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I like Mikaela because it seems we have the same passion for writing. I also love Oni and Spirit because of their lore.
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Dwight will always have a special place in my heart.
Back when this game was brand new, Dwight was considered the 'worst' survivor to have in your team, because his perks didn't bring anything 'great' to the team (this was back when perma sabo was a thing, Self-Care was much better, etc.) I levelled him up first and stuck with him all the way for a long time back during the older larger bloodwebs and he's the only survivor I have who has legacy cosmetics.
Whilst I've varied up my survivor choices since, he was my survivor main for a good 3-4 years so he's always going to have a special place in my heart.
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That love for Dweet is just 😍
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ash because he is Ashley J. Williams from evil dead franchise and beacuse im a fan of Bruce Campbell
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I really like Artist because of her lore. I also love art IRL, so that's something we can relate on.
I also like Haddie because she's not conventionally pretty and she's experienced things from the supernatural/paranormal, which I also have. I also really like her lore.
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Jane... I'm attached to her cheeks
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Care to share your paranormal experiences :o (no worries if you don’t want to! I understand wholeheartedly)
Awwww this is so sweet. Dwighty-pooh definitely deserves nothing but love! He has always been husband in my imaginary life that is in my head 💜
Oni-chan and Rinny-Rin Rin are great Killers. I love them both sincerely and probably equally. Everytime I run into a Oni, I turn into a major fangirl & just risk it all for him, including my Survival 😂
I feel Adam does not get a lot of love so its great that you like him & his lore. He does seem super dedicated & hard-working. 💜
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That was honest 😂 have to respect it! Jane broke the body type spectrum and makes all of my friends with her body type feel so good that they have representation in dbd. Shout out to the Queen of Curves 💜
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Leon because Resident Evil 2 and 4 exist
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Joey because he’s a cutie, and cosplaying in the 90’s is a gigachad move
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Quentin because i love the NoES movies including the remake.
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I should have read into Jakes tome lore. I don’t think I was around when he was in the Rift, sadly. But overall, Jake is definitely a popular guy & rightfully so.
Dredge reminds me of a Shinigami sort of (if you know what that is).
That remake was good… however.. the new Freddy is icky at acting.
Yes I am a biased Robert Englund fangirl. Let me live 😂💜
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I wouldn't say attached, but I feel really pitty for Charlotte, after reading their lore (tho i still need to unlock some pages from this time), all she had to endure and the way she holds Victor's hand in lobby 😭
Also, the way she's been used by The Entity through her brother.
Is one of the killers that I hope can find some justice in the end and fight against The Entity.
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Quentin because I'm always tired but determined
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I agree! I always turn on some deep dive dbd lore after a long day & I just watched a video on The Twins the other day. 😭 all the way from them losing their mother to Victor passing away is so excruciatingly sad.
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Tome 8, got it! I shall listen while I’m on the road. Also, really? Thats interesting. Can’t wait to find out why Jake feels how he feels.
And yes. He specifically reminds me of Ryuk aesthetic-wise (dark, a bit grungey), minus Ryuk being a big goofball and a literal puppy when it comes to having an apple for snack 😂
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I giggled.
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I was a big slinger main. Hes a determined vengeful jackass who upon being dealt bad hand after bad hand only became more fixated on getting even. Then they blew his legs off at least gameplaywise. He still has amazing lore and some really cool cosmetics but his kit got so badly mangled hes impossible to play now and have fun with.
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I pretty much relate to everything about jeff besides being an artist
Grew up in small town Alberta as well
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Susie, def. She reminds me of a friend I had in high school (social outcast, bullied, loves cute and vibrant clothing). She obviously never stabbed anyone, but there are those characteristics that resonate with me.
I also connect with Dwight pretty well. A dorky guy with awkward social skills who's just trying to make a living.
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Caleb is literally the cow male version of Beatrix Kiddo.. and I love Beatrix Kiddo. Also yes, his cosmetics are pretty cool, I like the recent butterfly one released.
Jeffrey is starting to grow on me. Me and my friends get together and play SWF occasionally and we pick each others Survivors & meme builds sometimes in which I was chosen to play Jeff for the first time. The Killer was absolutely biased that game & let me live. He has a small cult fanbase but its crazy how much people respect Jeff players even though you barely see him.
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A large reason people don't play jeff is his pain grunts being very loud and obvious you are forced to use iron will
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They say the same about Jane but idc. I love me some Janey & now Jeff will be on my reoccuring Survivor list as well.
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My favourite character in DbD is Ghostface, he sucks as a killer but GF is the reason why i like horror so naturally GF being in DbD is the sole reason i've played DbD. As for survivors it has to be Ash, there's no greater hero in horror than Ash. There may be braver, smarter men and women but none of them can compare to Ash's charisma.
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the wraith because his tome lore is very tragic, touching and is also important to raise awareness of an issue that still happens in the world and most people turn a blind eye too. I personally don't enjoy playing wraith, maybe top 5 worst killers to play, but his lore, very unique looks and cosmetics + sound design gives him a special place in my heart
Also the Plague for the same reasons, her tome lore (and base lore too) are awesome and share an emotional story and her visual and sound design are awesome, I also really enjoy playing her!
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I have personal vendetta against GF, specifically because he kind of pushed Mikey out when he joined the roster. However, Ash is definitely a great character. Can’t wait to experience him on the new Evil Dead game!
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I thought the movie was ok but I really liked Freddy. He was pretty menacing which i liked
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I am not attached to any characters in this game. 🗿
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but the real question is are there any characters that are attached to you?
reverse card pulled.
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Poor William 🥹
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Well Jake has tried to steal my look, but 🤷♂️
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Nurse because she became destitute and wanted to help people and what she witnessed turned her insane and then she became the Entities slave forced to be in pain whenever she uses her power.
Even as a killer her perk "Nurses Calling" mentions that she wants to help people who are suffering but all she see's now is death.
The Mori also includes her strangling people to death and then she realises what she's done and then strokes the survivor's head and then she switches back to being insane and screeches.
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Talbot. It's very, very hard to explain if there even is a reason to begin with. I am not the best with formulating thoughts in an easy-to-understand manner. Just something I tend to have a lot of difficulty with. Instead of trying to figure out why I will send a picture of Jinx wanting oiter.
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thanks to resident evil, i met my best friend in 4th grade for our mutual love of the game.
he's no longer with us, and it kills me everyday.
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Ghostface if only because Scream is my favorite horror movie of all time and I have my torso tattooed with him as well as different characters from the first film.
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I recently switched to main Dredge but only gameplay wise. In terms of personal attechment I still have a huge love for Oni.
His design and appereance and also behaviour in the game with his pure rage exploding out is one of the coolest things I have ever witnessed in any game. However it doesnt end there, after deeply reading and researching his lore plus watching the video from pixel bush who also explained it really well I truly fell in love with Oni.
The lore and general character of Oni goes so much deeper then I ever thought it could be, and I cant help but truly symthize with the Oni of how he feels and why he acted as he did. He as a character is deeply misunderstood same goes to his actions, I can really well see myself in him.
I do kinda feel very much alike him, in terms of character acting and thinking process. Plus I am a weeb and I love oni's in general.
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Probably Mikaela, I love occult stuff and Halloween is my favorite holiday.
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Artist because she brings up a lot of feelings for me from a really hard time in my life. I'm not gonna go into too much detail about it but during the time her ptb came out my situation was more or less I was stuck in the middle of the ocean with no way home around a bunch of people I didn't know and talking to my gf about the ptb (among other things of course) through the ship's ######### wifi the 2 hours a day it actually worked was the only sense of normalcy I had and it helped me through that so for me Artist is always going to be associated with that with me.
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The Doctor is a middle-aged version of me. After battling depression I now laugh at the absurdities of the world. I also enjoy my current job as a box stacker & gopher for a juice factory.
The Legion was me from the age of 12 to 27. Legion is a grumpy youth with no real direction or friends.
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I really like Jeff for his lore and personality - and how that's represented through his perks.
I like Dredge for their lore and for the fact they use they/them pronouns.
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Legion, 20-30 years ago I was that Kid... thank God I somehow changed my path I dont know where I would be now.
That's how in some weird way I am attached to the Legion (Frank)
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Well I would say Spirit but it was a little heartbreaking how we ended. It wasn’t because of any gameplay reasons, it was some personal things that caused us to separate. Idk if I’ve ever gotten over her, but I know keeping my distance from her was best for me, her, and everyone.