Are you going to do anything about SWF?

Impailer Member Posts: 97

What are you going to do about SWF on comms? Getting massive amounts of info for free is BS.



  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586

    BHVR will never do anything about SWF on comms. The only thing that they could possibly do within their control is limit how many friends can load into the same lobby. If they start restricting that, a ton of people will stop playing the game.

    Yes, SWF on comms is an unfair advantage, but enough killers are still playing the game, so there is no incentive for BHVR to take a risk and make a change that might cause a lot of players to leave the game.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    Does "Pretend it's not an unfair advantage one half of your survivor base has the the other half does not" count as 'anything'? Because that's what they're going to do.

    They've expressly said that they refuse to do anything to help solo queue that SWF does not also benefit from, even down to "give solo slightly more BP for playing an objectively harder version of the game."

  • Carth
    Carth Member Posts: 1,182

    As others have said there is nothing they can do. The only slightly feasible option they have is to tweak all swf countered perks/addons into something else(E.G anything that relies on survivors being on gens when X event occurs, or obscures auras, etc.) but that still wouldn't address the core problem.

  • Sludge
    Sludge Member Posts: 768

    Easiest thing to do is show the SWF in lobby so killers can prepare. Offer them a ridiculous amount of BP to accept the "challenge".

    But SWFs are a protected class

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434


    Because they do not need to. I can't wait for BHVR to come out with DBD-style headphones so ya'll will stop trying.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    Why would they?

    Seriously, the main reason there's so many people playing survivors is because they can play with friends over discord. Playing with friends without comms is the same boring ######### as playing with randos, no communication, it's boring. If I play with friends I want to be able to talk to them.

    And yeah if they do anything about it, they'll lose players. They won't implement in-game voice chat because it would be a hassle to monitor, with all the toxic ######### people would say to one another, even worse than the endgame chat, but they don't mind people using discord for voice chat because it helps them keep people playing.

  • MilManson
    MilManson Member Posts: 939
    edited June 2022

    There's a reason why so many fog whisperers are survivors.

    They can lure people into the game and think it's all fun (at the killers expense).

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    About SWF? Nothing.

    About everything around it? Hopefully a lot.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,503

    Yeah. Even something like seemingly reasonable like "a three people SWF gets a x% gen speed reduction, a four peole SWF x% times 2" would be unfair to the myriad of SWF groups that are just in it for the fun, while messing up and dying horribly. I watched a few streams of Twitchers (after the match of course!!) that I was in, and while coms gives them some solid advantage, its usually the streamer thats a great player, while two of their friends are rather inexperienced and panic easily.

    But when you get a super coordinated team, you gotta feel it. You never seem to catch anyone, and the second you turn your back to the other half of the map, three survivors descent upon your gens there like vultures. But thats just life as a killer main.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    You're right, giving survivor groups a penalty or the killer an advantage because there's a swf is the brokenest of the broken suggestions.. Lots of SWFs are just friends wanting to play a game together, not caring about the outcome. Punishing those for the handful of super good swfs around would be bad design. Better design would be to make sure these groups get matched vs good killers, but if there's more survivors than killers they'll just get matched with whoever's ready to reduce wait time for everyone involved..

  • _VTK_
    _VTK_ Member Posts: 383

    As others have pointed out you can't do anything with SWF directly, since communications occurs outside of DBD. That's why the only option is to tweak all the other players: killers and solo survivors, to reduce the impact of SWF's comms.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    Not every swf is a handicap for the killer. This game is miserable to play with friends who are at a different skill level, but killers never admit to that.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    Killers already get to see who they're going against and what they bring. They already get double BP with BBQ. Survivors are now punished and lose add ons, even if killers are AFK. When will it ever be enough for killers?

  • Tatt3dWon
    Tatt3dWon Member Posts: 514

    "TaKe oUt SwF ItS Op" take out swf and do what make everyone play solo q's lol not gonna happen I don't see how people don't understand that people want to play a MULTIPLAYER game with friends get over it and get better at the game or go play in a swf smh.

  • MilManson
    MilManson Member Posts: 939

    So how come they fired a few killer ones who expressed their frustration with SWF?

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    They weren't """"fired"""" because they had problems with SWF, they were fired because they got swept up in controversy, and whether or not they're guilty of anything they don't want that around them.

  • Sludge
    Sludge Member Posts: 768

    Killers used to be able to switch to viable killers in the lobby to balance out SWF and they took that away, a huge buff to SWFs. When will it ever be enough for Survivors?

  • _VTK_
    _VTK_ Member Posts: 383

    Killers win most of the games, killrate is over 50%, that should be enough for you.

  • Sludge
    Sludge Member Posts: 768
    edited June 2022

    Killrate means nothing since it's not broken down into brackets, it's intentionally misleading.

    Oh btw, SoloQ got even worse with the introduction of Rift Challenges, forcing people to throw games. Does the killrate account for trolling/memers?

  • Swampoffering
    Swampoffering Member Posts: 384

    Do you need reasons? I give you reasons:

    • DBD is NOT balanced around SWF, the rest of games that allows you to play with friends are balanced around that factor, and I can give you a lot of examples, hope you can give me just one game that doesn´t balance around playing with coms (DBD doesn´t count).

    • SWF is omega broken, every survivor knows what perks is the other running and they can make destroying builds, they can communicate and coordinate to plan everything. That breaks the game. You can have 1 healer/Unhooker, 1 player with a chase build, another one sabo and the other one full gens build..... Is that fair ? NO, Is that balanced? NO.

    • If Behaviour makes changes to buff SoloQ by buffing perks, SWF gets more advantage of that and are a super pain to play against.... why? Because they are not thinking how can strong 4 survivors on coms can be. So they can´t do any change without destroying the game and making killers quit (More than this last year), without enough killers playing, queue times will be longer, but you deserve it for playing the most unbalanced way that exist.

    Imagine LoL without balancing the game around competitive (AKA high elo players), imagine devs making changes around soloq players hardstucked on Silver, making buffs to champs that absolutely destroy the high elo enviroment. Doesn´t happens.

    Imagine Sea of Thieves balancing around Sloops but without counting that players can use 4man ships, the gally. Doesn´t happens

    Imagine CSGO not balancing around teams, listening to Nova stucked players. Doesn´t happens

    Do you know why these thinks doesn´t happens? Because they assume that people wants and are going to play with friends and they buff and nerf taking note of that, Behaviour doesn´t. For that reason SWF is broken and the game is unplayable for killers unless you play S tier or play tunneling/camping and running noed.

    Do you need more reasons or is enough for you?

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436
    edited June 2022

    That's simply not true for all SWFs.

    I have friends who are terrible players and terrible at communicating.

    I also have friends who don't like to use voice chat.

    Needless to say, we play together for fun and don't get any advantage from it.

    As a result, I actually have much more success playing solo.

    So what measures Could they introduce to "combat SWF" that wouldn't unfairly punish me and my friends?

    They can't tell if you're using discord, so there's no way they can do anything to penalise it.

  • DarkEnigma333
    DarkEnigma333 Member Posts: 73

    they could limit the team to 1 of each perk when in SWF like they do on comp matches

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    I hope they don’t, ever. There’s nothing wrong or can be done about SWF that won’t be a negative impact for the game or player base.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,427

    Nothing is going to happen because nothing can happen.

  • Tryharder
    Tryharder Member Posts: 173

    They not going do nothing for swf, they just gonna buff solo survivors and then nerf killers more once they realize there will always be bad survivors that somehow get stomp by meme killers like speed limiter bubba lol. But dbd the only game where they balanced for the most casual people.

  • HauntedKnight
    HauntedKnight Member Posts: 394

    Nothing like limits on perks or informing the killer they have joined a SWF lobby will ever happen.

    What I would like to see to start with is extra BP for the killer and the game should also stop averaging the MMR amongst the group and just use the strongest survivor to match with the killer.

  • Notionless
    Notionless Member Posts: 243

    they can only really improve soloQ tbh, everything else seems like an inherently bad idea.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,842

    This would be incredibly unfair and unbalanced.

    You do understand that the majority of SWF are average players who boot up for a casual gaming session with friends are not actively looking to bully killers?

    How would you go about rebalancing SWF in a way that does not actively hurt or punish players who are just looking to enjoy playing with their friends and bantering?

    Should we balance the survivor role as a whole around the existence of teams like Oracle? Should we balance the killer role as a whole around the existence of players like Otzdarva, Tru3Ta1ent, Dowsey, etc?

    Any changes to SWF would have to effect the survivor role as a whole, and in turn, effect the killer role as well.

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    Add comms and balance around a team with certain coordination.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,851

    That's not doing something about SWF though, it's doing something about solo. Big difference in wording

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Nothing. There is nothing they can do. Information isn't the main reason they do well, it's the fact they probably are all good at the game.

    I played in a 3 man swf the 2nd day of the event. Within 3 hours our random either dc'ed or was afk the whole match in 4 matches. Since then I'd say I've been in a 3 man and our random do either of those things another 10 times. Very quickly you understand why we practically begged other friends to join us.

    TL;DR Behaviour can't make changes to swf. Swf is strong because solo q is a horrible experience. Fix solo q and less people will feel the need to swf.

  • Mattie_MayhemOG
    Mattie_MayhemOG Member Posts: 315

    No reason to remove SWF (not that they ever would), only level the playing field by having each SWF pick perks from a shared pool so there is only one of each per team. This increases perk variety and at this point there are more then enough to pick from. No more 4 man SWF, 4xDH, 4xBT, 4xDS.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    What boggles my mind isn't SWF (people want to play with friends) - it's that this is one of the only games with both solo and premade options that doesn't assign premade groups a proportionally higher MMR for matchmaking purposes, to find them a tougher opponent in order to offset the coordination advantages.

    Something like this could work - when you group up, you get a multiplier to your MMR for that match. Say...1.2x for 2 people, 1.4x for 3 people and 1.6x for a full group.

    Which is tremendously offset by extremely new players - you can clearly see this in their stats as Nurse has the lowest kill rate, and Cenobite has the highest.

    I'd bet dollars to donuts that if you excluded the bottom 10% of the MMR, things would look quite different.

  • Swampoffering
    Swampoffering Member Posts: 384

    Yes, absolutely yes, Like every Game does. They balance around high skill players, not around potatos living un Low Rank tiers.

    League make changes using high Elo feedback that affects every single player, because this is the right way, if something is strong or weak, they know It by looking high skill players, not Bronze potatos.

    If Behaviour cant change SWF without breaking the Game even more, then let US see on the lobby Who is playing solo and Who is SWF. You can decide as survivor to Team Up and abuse killers, we deserve the power of choosing which matches do we want to play or not.

    "Killer Will Dodge every SWF Team" ohh yes? And why is that? Explain me please.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    "Killer Will Dodge every SWF Team" ohh yes? And why is that? Explain me please.

    You can decide as survivor to Team Up and abuse killers, we deserve the power of choosing which matches do we want to play or not.

    You literally answered your question with your previous sentence. You admit to wanting to abuse killers as a swf

  • Swampoffering
    Swampoffering Member Posts: 384

    Not me, I never play survivor.

    If I want to play games on easy Mode, I can install stardew valley, It has more difficulty than smashing Killers as SWF abusers.w

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    If I were bhvr I'd give the typical response when a grave concern is brought to management's attention. "We'll look into it".

    When translated into truth it means "I'm not going to look into it. Im just saying that so you go away".

  • DoomedGuy
    DoomedGuy Member Posts: 41

    SWF isnt too bad, one kill is all it takes to sour their party

  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586

    There have been some good ideas proposed for how BHVR could better balance the game considering the heavy advantage that SWF teams have, but they won’t do it as long as they have enough people willing to play killer with the current state of the game. For now, there are enough killers willing to be SWF punching bags. If you want to see real change, unfortunately the only way that is going to happen is to stop playing the game

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,842

    League is a competitive 5v5 MOBA. That is a very different beast to an asymmetrical 1v4 that has been developed from the ground up as a casual game.

    Very few people are out to team up and abuse the killer. Most SWFs just want to play with their friends and don't care much about the result of the match. If killers get to see who's a SWF in the lobby, they will lobby dodge and then solo queue becomes an even more miserable experience.

    I don't want that for solo queue players. I'm sure others would agree too. SWF is not the big bad everyone thinks it is. Map design is the problem.

    In a SWF game, communication is simple callouts that conveys information concisely "Killer's on me", "I've lost them", "I'll get the rescue", "I'm too far away, can you get the rescue?", "Nobody's coming to rescue me, can you do it?". Outside of the callouts, SWF play the game normally. They aren't tracking the killer's every move and reporting on their mindgames.

  • Swampoffering
    Swampoffering Member Posts: 384

    League is a competitive 5vs5 game, that´s correct. DBD is a casual game according to your opinion, so please explain me - Why a casual game has competitive matchmaking system? Because Skill Based Matchmaking is a competitive matching system. Non sense, right? If the game has Competitive Matchmaking , can´t be casual.

    If killers can see who is premade in lobby, of course they can dodge, you have the power to paly with your friends, I should have the power to choose with who I want to play, seems fair right? Or are survivors the only side with rights on this game?

    No, again, No. Maps are terrible, but SWF are in the vast majority of situations the ones who bring map offerings to abuse killers, i´ve seen maybe 10% of games that i played as soloQ a map offering, maybe if a survivor is doing specific challenges like fall from a high estructure during a chase. I´m tired of getting Coldwind , Puzzle and Crows offering dropped by premades with the idea of bully me, so no, maps are bad, but the guilty ones are the survivors who choose to play the strongest one to abuse killers, the same survivors that are crying because nurse destroys them.

    No, SWF can make 16 perks build to ruin a game, can have specific roles on the team, everyone knows what perks is running the other team mate and can run other differents to create sinergy and make the game even more difficult for killers.

    One thing is your premade, maybe you and your friends play chill, but as main killer with tons of hours on my back, I can say without any doubt that the vast majority of premades try to be the more effective as they can be. I can show you my last matches if you want, I have screenshoots,

    4 meta perks, purple medkits, toolboxes, resilences, Deadhards, borrows.... and of course, Badham map.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,842

    I have over 1000 hours and have been playing this game since 2018. I can say with absolute confidence that the vast majority of SWFs I have played against were not out to ruin my game.

    Dbd is a casual game. That's not my opinion, that's a fact. The reason for competitive matchmaking is because the community was sick of the busted matchmaking prior to SBMM. That being said, nobody likes SBMM because it doesn't work.

    You could have Rank 20 survivors playing against Rank 1 killers, or Rank 20 killers versing a lobby that consisted of a Rank 1, Rank 4, Rank 6 and Rank 12. That Rank 20 killer was new to the game, and they'd get mercilessly stomped by the more experienced players.

    See, you make the argument that because survivors can choose to play with their friends that killers should be able to opt-out of playing against SWF. That would almost certainly kill the game. If killers don't want to play against SWF, and solo's are easier to stomp, why would they ever play against SWF? Queue times would skyrocket for SWF, solo queue would have worse games, and eventually everyone but killers would leave.

    See, a SWF running 16 perks and each having a different role just isn't efficient. A full team of solo's each running meta perks will stomp you just the same as a SWF running meta perks. Knowing each other's perks doesn't really make a difference.

    Communication is not as strong when killers can get time-efficient downs. As it stands, maps are the problem and not SWF. Fix maps, fix the killers that need fixing, bridge the gap between solo and SWF, and the game will be better for it.

  • DY86
    DY86 Member Posts: 570

    What do u want them to do? Punish people for wanting to play together? Lol thats stupid af.

    U guys just shouldnt take the game so serious. It sucks to lose to a well coordinated team but u cant win always.