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survivor discrimination

Member Posts: 337

why is the situation with masks the same as with crowns? why do you have to go out with a mask at the gate to get it? the killer doesn't have to do anything for this, he can just afk. given that mmr for solo does not work, how do devs offer to get masks? escape is impossible.

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  • Member Posts: 5,279

    I got 8 masks in my first solo survivor games, the rest in killer games

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    Just play as killer, then. Unlike with the crowns, the rewards given in this event are random and have nothing to do with which character you play as.

  • Member Posts: 337

    I will do so. I just do not understand the logic of the developers.

  • Member Posts: 4,699

    Discrimination a bit much isn't it?

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    Eh, I mean, it's not "play killer for the entire event," it's just "play killer for 12 matches to unlock the masks." Personally, I had no problem collecting the masks playing solo survivor, but if someone is having problems doing it as survivor and it's so ridiculously easy as killer, then they might as well go with the simple solution. While it'd be nice if it were easy for both sides, with BHVR I think it's more likely they'd make it more difficult for killers to try to balance it out. I prefer it this way, consider it easy mode vs hard mode for collecting masks.

  • Member Posts: 3,306

    I'm glad you don't have a problem with it, but I don't think it's unreasonable to have people who want to play the event how they want to not get hampered by completely lopsided requirements based on the role they want to play and still be able to progress in it.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    Thats true. But honestly, I think it would repeat itself if all you needed to do was find your invitation and then end the trail. You know how people always gravitate towards the path of least resistance, its just human nature. *shrug*

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    Oh no, it's not unreasonable at all. Like I said, it'd be nice if it were easy for both sides.

    I dunno, if the devs are truly afraid of survivors surrendering to the killer after grabbing the invitation, maybe it needs a pity system like gacha games. If they die holding an invitation, they leave the match with a shred, and after so many shreds (like three to five) they unlock a mask. Not really a great solution but better than the all or nothing it is right now.

    At least survivors don't sparkle for other players after grabbing an invitation. Sparkling in previous events made it impossible to stealth and increased the likelihood of getting tunneled. That sucked.

  • Member Posts: 337
    edited June 2022

    That's exactly what I'm doing at the moment as a killer. Do you think the survivors are interested in my matches? I find a mask and just walk around the map. The task should be either difficult or easy for all roles.

  • Member Posts: 3,306

    There's always going to be those kinds of players. I don't remember getting the sparkle glitter for cosmetics being much of a problem with the recent events, though. Just the one halloween event that no one will ever let anyone forget ever again ever.

    And besides, if people dedicated to getting the cosmetics ASAP can't suicide on hook anymore.. the next path of least resistance is just grabbing it as killer and standing in a corner. Which isn't exactly a normal healthy match either.

  • Member Posts: 3,306

    Someone made a recommendation that you had to get at least bronze in every emblem to get the cosmetic as both killer and survivor.

    ..which is still exploitable, but I think there's literally no options that will stop the lowest common denominator. At least it's even.

    The devs just need to pick their poison and dose us equally.

  • Member Posts: 1,265

    The only reason I can think of is the ability to win as a Killer. If there are players who have a hard time winning against 4 other players, it would not be fair, particularly to new players.

    As a Survivor this is a slightly easier task since three people can help.

    The only issue i have this year is how difficult is it to find the invitations.

    Out of 4 games I found the invitations only twice.

    Escaping with them is only if i got lucky.

  • Member Posts: 2,557

    you can blame survivors. you guys are the ones who would die on hook during past events that made devs change the rules like this.

    killers are wholesome gamers trying to have fun, its your teammates who did this to you

  • Member Posts: 3,306

    I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not. Or like, half jokey.

  • Member Posts: 337

    now I can easily collect masks as an killers. In the last event, I just as easily collected the crowns for the killers, my survivors were not able to collect all the crowns.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    Because when they did a similar event previously where people got a benefit from picking up something in the match, but they got it immediately, there was a rash of survivors who would grab the object and then disconnect or suicide right away since they only cared about the object, not actually playing. So having survivors only get the reward if they’re in the game at the end of the match is an incentive not to rage quit or disconnect after you use the pedestal.

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    I got them by just playing friendly killer.

  • Member Posts: 337
    edited June 2022

    if the killer picks up the item and afk, is that okay? Both sides should be equally easy or difficult.

  • Member Posts: 2,557
    edited June 2022

    that would allow all survs to get masks and escape, nowhere near same as dcing on your team, in fact no surv would even complain

  • Member Posts: 1,415
    edited June 2022

    You should be ashamed of this title thread. Survivor discrimination is what you call this? without even thinking about why the developers decided to do certain things differently?

    The killer doesn't have to go AFK. He also needs to find the mainobjective, just like the survivors.

    "DEV said: To clarify really quick, you do not need to escape to get a mask, you just need to survive until an exit is available. If you die heroically to save a teammate at the end of the match, you'll still get it.

    The main reason why this exists is due to our learnings from past events. When we didn't require people to stay in the match, people would do their event objective and purposefully die as soon as possible (looking at you, pustula plants). Not a huge deal at first, but after a day or two of people throwing matches the game becomes really unenjoyable. So while it is unfortunate that this condition makes it a little harder, it's necessary to not destroy gameplay for the entire event"

  • Member Posts: 1,451

    You don't actually have to escape the match you just need to be alive while the exit gates or hatch is open.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    My guess is killers tended to disconnect a lot less than the survivors in those prior cases. The two sides don’t need to be treated identically when they’re not actually treated identically by the players.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    But that wasn't an issue in the last two events where all you needed to do was collect your sparkles and not DC as either killer or survivor. They decided this event to go back and use event from years ago as excuse even though the last two more recent events were fine.

  • Member Posts: 514

    I refuse to play killer in this game out of 2k hours have only played a total of 2 matches with killer and I wont start now(not going to play a game in a way i dont want to) maybe bhvr needs to just fix the issue.

  • Member Posts: 47

    Its hilarious to me that people really think these stupid masks are hard to get....I already have all 12 and I did it in under 4hrs.

  • Member Posts: 1,096

    A long time ago, some survivors would do their event objectives and leave the match to finish them faster. This obviously made the remaining matches kind of boring. Therefore, BHVR added this requirement for survivors in order to prevent them from completing the objectives quickly and leaving the matches. However, I do not think this makes much sense nowadays since dc penalties are a thing. Technically now it is much faster to complete event objectives by playing through the entire match because dc penalties would delay another match more than playing out the current one. Plus more bp for everybody yay

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    I still remember issues during the red envelop chinese new year event, though. You would see people roaming around to find the envelops and there was some bad blood about "people not doing their job" here and there. Nothing is perfect, I guess, even though the envelop hunt could be much easier incorporated into regular gameplay then hunting for invitationsl.

    One other thing to ponder: the invitation system makes it a bit harder for the bigger part of the playerbase, ie the survivors, to just pump out 12 games and then be done with the event. Maybe thats by design? We still got a couple of days left of the first half, and I recon that most serious players got their 12 crowns by now, so its no big deal, right? Drawing it out a little bit isn't that bad if you will eventually get what you came for. I remember that I got all the snowman stuff within 1h of gameplay or something.

  • Member Posts: 337
    edited June 2022

    If it were so easy to survive until the collapse or go to the gate, there would be no questions. Still annoying are these challenge in the archives, where you need to escape, I can’t for several days. That's why I think one of the roles (survivors) is too limited in getting cosmetic items and completing the archive challenge. How can you do such conditions when the mmr system does not work? Mockery.

    Post edited by zumer on
  • Member Posts: 225

    Survivors are the most oppressed minority.

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