List of perks you think will die if this update goes through as is

And why. Go!
Editing in my list now that I have more time:
Hex: Ruin. Already a hex that gives itself away with one tap of a generator at the start of a trial. Nerfed in half, and now deactivates once a survivor dies if it wasn't already cleansed.
Corrupt Intervention: It already deactivated on its own, but now deactivates for completing your objective as a killer. Already is inconsistent with generators it blocks.
Dead Hard: Without the additional distance on demand, its utility is high risk for a low reward. Any other exhaustion perk will get you more distance reliably, without risking a hit while injured.
Decisive Strike: Now deactivates in the end game with a briefer stun, and no buffs to compensate such a harsh nerf.
Borrowed Time: Outclassed by new Off The Record.
Iron Will: Not reliable at 75%, as well as no effect while exhausted.
Spine Chill: There are a ton of LoS blockers on most maps, especially indoors. The perk has no use that eyes don't already do for you.
Calm Spirit: Listed as a buff, is nerfed stronger than it was buffed. No one is going to intentionally lower their own action speeds in this game, at least not for those effects.
BT is 100% dead, because if you use it instead of Off the Record you're just getting 1/5th of the exact same perk, and OTR works for you instead of hoping the other players are running it for you.
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Calm Spirit
The downside is too much for an effect that is not impactful at all
Iron Will
Because 75% isn't doing anything. Stealth is now not viable anymore
Another person explained the problem with this perk in another post
Spine chill
It's just useless now
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Iron Will is dead. It is all or nothing, 75% is not worth the Perk Slot.
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Iron will
Calm spirit
Spine chill
Self care
All these perks are receiving nerfs that make them useless or inferior
Also maybe decisive? Although the stun nerf shouldn't go through imo
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DS's stun nerf was SO unnecessary. You might as well bring Off the Record now.
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Ruin. Too many drawbacks while still being a hex perk now that surge/Jolt has been justly buffed.
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Ruin is dead. Mainly due to if 1 survivor dies it deactivates which is dumb.
Hex:Ruin = high risk no reward
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Since this is the way it goes a survivor could intentionally kill themselves to shut off your ruin
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A bunch of them.
But they did say that they were trying to change the meta, so killing some perks was kind of an expectation, no?
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Dead Hard - Sprint Burst was already competing for it before 'exhausted on the ground' was fixed, and now the amount of precision required to get use out of it makes picking SB a no-brainer. Even the other Exhaustion perks like Lithe, BL, and arguable even Overcome are just more consistent.
Iron Will - Useless at anything less than 100%
Self-Care - I've defended this perk so many times over the years, but now it is truly, truly a bad perk.
Calm Spirit - And it was never good to begin with...
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Should have asked for perks that won't die instead. Much quicker.
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Like others have said:
Calm Spirit: It was bad before, now it actively hinders you. Not a chance.
Ruin: 100% regression doesn't have an impact in fast-paced games, and there's far better alternatives with Pain Res and buffed Jolt and Overcharge.
Spine Chill: The perk literally does nothing your eyes can't tell you for free anymore.
Self-Care: It was already stigmatized and now you want to make it 45-second heals? No benefit to medkits? Yeah, no, this is blatantly a noob trap perk now.
Iron Will: When it comes to sound, it's all or nothing. Many players use headsets and will pick up on quiet sounds. Giving it a conditional 100% sound debuff would have been better for the perk's continued usage.
Decisive Strike: There is literally no reason to use this perk over the new Off The Record. Way too overnerfed, doesn't fit its own niche anymore.
Pharmacy: Forcing you to wait until you're injured makes it more likely that chests have already been opened by the time you can get to one.
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Off The Record and Knockout are going to be evil, evil perks now.
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Bbq, and Ruin are dead. DS, IW, and Self Care, and Spine Chill, and WGLF are dead.
Bbq because no bp means no reason to run.
Ruin, it's Call of Brine that can be lost.
DS is trash tier now. Pathetic stun with even more restrictions.
Iron Will lost it's entire reason to exist.
Self Care is by far the worst perk in the game now.
Spine Chill no longer does what is was there to do.
WGLF, same problem as BBQ.
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Good night sweet prince
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Wglf is now a cracked anti slugging perk
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Even without that, ruin doesn't do a lot more than just kicking gens yourself.
Kicking a gen: 1.8 seconds, removes 2.25 seconds of progress from the generator, and generator regresses at 0.25c/s.
Ruin: 0 seconds to start regression at 0.25c/s meaning it'll take 9 seconds (if my math is right) just to match the instant regression from the kick.
The only situation ruin is better is when survivors are letting go of gens you aren't near, but that only happens if you have multiple people dying or hooked where those survivors have to get off the gen to save their teammates. In which case, ruin really isn't needed.
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75% IF you're not exhausted. If you're exhausted is 0%.
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The Exhaustion-thingy is fair IMO. This alone would be an alright Nerf.
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Not really. Limited uses and is no different than running Soul Guard.
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Ruin, iron will, spine chill are all probably dead. BBQ might stay popular on a few killers.
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Dead perks:
Ruin - Not worth the risk at all.
Pop - Why run this instead of overcharge or call of brine?
Dead hard - killers will easily bait it out. Not worth using.
Decisive strike - not strong enough for a once per use, disabled in end game perk
Self care - 45 second heal with no secondary effect.
Spine chill - got eyes? Then this perk is useless. Blind? You can't tell this perk is going off anyway!
Calm spirit - the buff is offset by the nerf. Why?
Sole survivor - nobody used it, nobody will still use it. Absolutely pointless.
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- Calm spirit: Was never used and got nerfed, wth BHVR?
- Iron Will: 75% means the killer can still hear you, and it won't work when you use your exhaustion perk or if the killer runs exhaustion perks / add-ons
- Spine Chill: Only works when you can see the killer with your eyes, useless.
- Pharmacy: Was barely used and now you need to be injured for it to work, which also lessens the chances of finding a closed chest
- DS: Was already nerfed hard, the stun duration will bury it
- Hex Ruin: Making it desactivate after someone is dead while keeping it a hex is just too much
- BBQ: Isn't the best aura reading perk out there, no BP = no point in running it
- WGLF: Most people only run it for the BP bonus
- Self-care: It won't die but it will definitely kill your entire team
- (Saboteur - won't die but will not be used more)
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Why not both? BT now extends the haste duration.
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Ruin: Is it deactivated by cleansing the totem or by a survivor dying? Pick one. It was already weak since Undying's nerf.
BBQ: Not a bad perk but many people only used it for the bloodpoint bonus.
Dead Hard: Sounds like it will require the most skill out of any exhaustion perk.
Decisive Strike: It's definitely frustrating to get DS'd in endgame but they brought their perk for a reason, y'know? Also they reduced the stun for some reason. Killers already ate the stun and dealt with it anyway.
Borrowed Time: People will likely bring Off the Record instead since it benefits yourself.
Iron Will: No one uses T2 Iron Will for a reason, and the exhaustion part is overkill.
Spine Chill: Along with Ruin and Iron Will, this perk was also nerfed twice. If Killer has line of sight then you should already see them and not need Spine Chill. They also are trying to kill the vault speed build, making Resilience less useful as well.
Dead Man's Switch: Not directly nerfed but lost its synergy with Pain Resonance.
Calm Spirit: It is literally a nerf. Why would you be opening a chest or cleansing a totem within audible range of a killer in the first place? Now people who brought the perk before can't even bring it without a penalty.
Self Care: Also nerfed twice for no reason, they could've nerfed the medkit efficiency aspect and it would've been fine, but now they killed the perk.
Pharmacy: If I am reading this right, Pharmacy will only activate when you are injured. It is more efficient to already have a medkit and start healing, not wander around injured searching for a medkit.
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Perks try the whole game lol im sure jrm and ayrun and anyone who loops is gonna be done with this game. Gens cannot get done without loopers.
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WGLF allows you to make aggressive plays to pick up a fellow survivor. Which is far more reliable to accomplish than hoping someone else is ready to pick you up with Soul Guard.
Plus Soul Guard needs other perks to be reliable (even then killer still needs to slug you) such as unbreakable or boon: exponential for self pick ups or hope the killer has an active hex. Where as you only need WGLF for both faster pick up and granting the picked up survivor endurance.
Plus technically WGLF isn't limited. You can body block for an injured or carried survivor for a stack and there's no real limit to how many times you can do that.
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Actually when this was polled a while back half the killers who use BBQ responded they use it for its aura reading alone and don’t need the bloodpoints, and half said they use it mainly for bloodpoints and won’t use it without that. So if that holds up BBQ won’t be a top pick perk but there will still be a fair number of people who use it. (Personally I like other perks better but that’s just me.)
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With the lethal pursuer buff, BBQ + Lethal Pursuer is now a great combo for just getting into chases back to back.
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I do like the sound of that Lethal Pursuer buff, it could open up some cool loadouts. 🙂
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The Devs weren't 1,000% clear in the language surrounding Hex Ruin and Jolt.
Basically, there is a small chance Hex Ruin might be Entity blocked until a 1K is confirmed, then it dies automatically.
Basically, there is a small change Jolt is now map-wide as well.
It is pretty safe to assume both of the above are not true, but it's not 100% confirmed either. Especially with Hex Ruin. Hex Ruin was strong in Low MMR, meh-to-solid in Average MMR, and weak in High MMR. If they import this new Hex Ruin, it would just be weak in every MMR level except maybe being meh-to-solid in the Lowest of MMR's. So it would make sense if there's a sneaky addition of a (weaker) Hex Ruin being Entity blocked until a 1K is confirmed. And if it is not so, and that Hex Ruin can be cleansed even before the 1K, I really recommend changing that to like "Protected by the Entity for the first 3-6 minutes of a match, or when a 1K occurs, whichever is first."
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You make it sound like its hard when both of them have said before how bored they are of this game already. Like pre-nerf and they want to stream other games.
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Soul guard only applies to yourself, wglf applies to the guy you pick up
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Yes that's the point they're trying to nuke the meta
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It is not because it still requires a stack to activate.
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Dead Hard, Iron Will, DS, Calm Spirit, Spine Chill, Ruin, Self Care. All made completely useless for no reason.
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What perks? I think you meant the whole game lol this game will have a 30 min killer que time after this update.
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Sole survivor will be used for one and one purpose only. A single achievement that’s still somehow completable from a version of DBD from 5 years ago.
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Its pretty damn good
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Iron Will: Didn't think this one deserved the reduced effect. If anything it shoulda been based on movement like it was before
Calm Spirit: No one really used this as is but now the downside seems to outweigh the good
Spine Chill: That line of sight thing is kinda brutal. Considering how if the killer is looking at you it is probably to late to move
Corrupt: This just felt like it punished killers for playing optimal. I could see lowering the time but not this
We're Gonna Live Forever: With the bloodpoints being removed its other effect can't be justified running over a reworked Botany Knowledge. At least BBQ has aura reading
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I mean, as a killer main that's exactly what it looks like it's gonna happen. Oh well, time to check if something on my Steam wishlist is on sale.
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To be fair wasn't DS buffed because old enduring reduced the stun time? If that's true this is a change that should have happened a long time ago, that is if I'm remembering it correctly feel free to correct me on that one because I don't recall.
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Iron will
Bbq users on killers that aren't movement based or Huntress will be classified as a endangered species
Spine chill(they should've just removed the vault buff and make it not work if the killer undetectable also i feel bad for the members who have hearing issues as this was actually a good perk for them)
Deadhard(thank you)
Self-care(again thank you I hated having teammates who just ran that as a healing perk)
Ruin I don't use hex perks outside of devour hope and noed and even I think that ruin has been killed
Also It won't kill the perk usage but I hate the nerf to corruption as it prevented 3/2 gens in a way but now there's a higher chance that 3/2 gen games are going to happen now with the nerf
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Keep in mind that Off The Record isnt staying as it is. Otz just told them that its "a massive issue" and they will definitely listen to him.
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not only that, it will simply deactives while exhausted. this has been nerfed way way wayyyy too hard. it really angers me
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Iron will should be 100% but only if you dont move, otherwise it should be 75% imo.
Also it should still work while exhausted.
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Resilience is also dead as well, as the only reason to run it was to combine it with Spine Chill for Vault Speed
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Iron will, spine chill have been gutted :/
self care seems worst then before I didn’t no it was possible
corrupt intervention seems pointless
were going to live forever I like that I can put it on and get extra bp survior bp is really bad
i have used iron will for like 5 years it’s always been my go to perk due to the fact I hate hearing my surviour moan all the time
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this proposal is already 10000x better than what these devs had years for to think of. it baffles me to no extent how clueless they are
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yeah that iron will change angers me so much. i need to use it just for the annoying sounds to be muted.