Does the Dead Hard change effect using it around pallets?

Current DH works by making a Survivor immune to damage for .5 of a second and gains up to a 200% speed boost during that time. That short dash is what allowed Survivors to DH for distance to reach a window or pallet and effectively reset a chase.
The changed DH gives a Survivor the Endurance effect for 1 second without any speed boost. This doesn't exactly feel like it fixes using DH for distance, it feels like a buff to that effect. In most cases where using DH for distance now, you can use that 1 second of endurance to still reach most pallets post change.
The Killer can't hit the Survivor before reaching the pallet or they'll get a speed boost to either get away or drop said pallet and the Killer can't likely wait out the DH without eating a pallet stun.
Making DH an endurance effect does 100% fix the vast majority of issue with DH. Reaching windows, ignoring Killer powers such as bear traps, Nemesis whip, Demo shred, Deathslinger shots, and more with forcing the need for a Survivor to mend afterwards. That's most CERTAINLY one hell of a nerf!
But it feels like it does nothing to using DH for distance to reach pallets. Almost feels like a minor buff to one of the bigger reasons to use DH. .5 of a second at 200% speed is the same distance as 1 second at 100%. So you go to loop, press E, and make it to "safely" make it to a pallet to reset that chase.
Might just be over thinking it. The hit faster cool downs and shorter damage speed boost "should" do a hell of a lot on their own to reducing how effective DH for distance is. Add in all of the other nerfs from DH being endurance instead of immunity and it'll likely be fine in the end.
Still though. I don't see DH stopping being the #1 used Survivor perk as it's still gonna be a 3rd health state for the majority of cases outside of reaching windows or against Trapper and Deathslinger. Can even be a slight buff against instant down Killers if you keep wounded and use DH to gain the damage speed boost after getting hit from Tier 3 Shape or Billy's/Cannibal's saw or from being under the Exposed effect.
Like I said in another thread, DH for distance let you both get closer to the pallet and get further from the Killer simultaneously. Now it does neither (unless you get the Endurance hit). I imagine you can still use it to cover yourself at the pallet, but the window will be tighter.
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I think it's going to do a little to fix the problem but still seems like it is going to be problematic perk that isn't going anywhere. I'd have to see how it looks on the PTB but it's obviously still better. I just dislike that it still encourages the annoying walk behind survivor to bait it out gameplay. You can certainly use it to make a pallet drop when you're at it extra safe
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I think you're right about the nerf being in the right direction but the numbers definitely need tweaking.
The way it stands the update is actually a buff for reaching pallets, which they've stated they don't want people using the perk for.
With old dead hard hitting e gives you 2.2m of distance on the killer, so when combined with a pallet this essentially means if you're within 2.2 meters of the pallet a dead hard guarantees you make it and drop the pallet. (assuming a loop where there's a straight path to the pallet which isn't common)
With new dead hard you get 1 second of immunity which makes you immune for 4m of travel, effectively buffing that 2.2m guaranteed pallet drop to 4m. Not only that but now it doesn't matter what the orientation of the loop is, if you're 4m or less from the pallet you're getting a drop.
With windows/dropped pallets it's a little bit different. With old dead hard the surv would e to the window and then still have to vault where they can get grabbed or take a hit during or after the vault and go down.
Now they can pop dead hard as they reach the window, and if the killer is not in grab range they either make it through unscathed or get a speed boost and zoom away.
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Yup. Dead hard is still going to be busted and really unfun game design and still be a third health state. Surprise. It's fractionally worse but the major thing of getting a third health state on demand in scenarios where you should otherwise go down is still going to be there. I mean it could be just a band aid fix until they come up with a way to deal with Nurse because she is still a massive balance issue and Dead Hard is a good answer to her but it also punishes almost every other killer as much or more so.
Honestly I was really really hoping they'd absolutely dumpster it or better still change what it does entirely. Like going through breakable walls once per trial because seeing that animation used for that would be hilarious (not a serious suggestion, although I'd rather that then the current or 'nerfed' version). Every metric tells you it is so overwhelmingly overused and people are really done with it's nonsense and yet the show goes on.
Already made a prediction thread that it will still be the most used exhaustion perk and I will necro it when the time comes with a big 'TOLD YOU SO!'. I really hope I don't have to do that though, I'd rather the game work.
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Assuming the Endurance hit applies DW as per usual, dropping chase after a new DH to Pallet/Run Away still burns a little bit more time off the survivor clock which is leagues better (for the killer) than the impact of current DH, imo.
If it does not, I can see some potential issues with it being used to soak up window vault/pallet vault hits pretty easily....probably making it a better 'window' perk than Lithe.
I could be wrong, though - WHO KNOWS!?
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If you are using DH to get to a palette you are most likely not intending to drop it, since youd be banking on tanking the hit and being able to use that distance to make distance. The mindgame would become whether or not the killer swings, expecting to get stunned but at least trade a hit with deep wounds + get to remove a palette, vs. whether they wait it out and down you (potentially still getting to swing through the palette that the survivor is now dropping, realizing that the killer waited out the dead hard)
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I was thinking it would be a nerf for windows, but then I remembered, you can't even grab fast vaults. In fact, if a survivor wanted, they could prepare a super wide fast vault even if the killer is too close, and with that 1s timeframe they could get the fastvault and guaranteed chase extension. So basically, this nerf won't help at ALL when used to barely reach a resource.
It also won't help when you're somewhat CLOSE to a resource, and it's basically up to the killer to swing at the right time. We STILL have to breathe down their neck, and in fact the surv will gain even more distance if you swing.
AND, it certainly doesn't fix getting a successful mindgame robbed by a Dead Hard either. Overall, I hate this "nerf" and I hope it gets reworked again. Into something completely different. Having to sit and wait behind a surv to bait it out is exactly why people don't like Dead Hard, plus the guaranteed safety that this new version still provides.
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With how rare grabs are, or how buggy can be, I completely forgot that you can't grab someone fast vaulting a window. This kinda ######### my thinking that using post change DH to reach a window is no longer "safe". Might be able to land a hit, but it's almost certain to give a damage speed boost to reset a chase.
What exactly is being changed here with DH past a couple of Killer power interactions and needing to mend? It's sounding more and more like a damned buff! Trapper is still Trapper, Deathslinger is still slow to travel and is (personally) wonky to aim with, and needing to mend means little to nothing when your bleed out bar will never regress when near the Killer.
What if DH reduced your move speed? Yes it will be a 3rd health state and be very strong overall, but that "should" make it harder to fully reset a chase with it as you'd need to waste part of the now smaller damage speed boost after getting hit then have to mend. Being slower with an animation also makes it so a Killer has a chance to counter it by baiting/waiting DH out or simply taking the hit and maybe using the mend time to pressure someone else.