So are we not suppose to play solo que no more?

This patch was something...
But it seems like there's no acknowledgment for solo que at all. So self-care having a high pick-rate justified it being gutted, stomped, and thrown to the dumpster? Oh okay sure.
Killers getting general improvements, but nothing to help solo's? The mini base-kit BT will do VERY little if not nothing in a solo group.
When can we expect to have changes that are suppose to bridge the gap between solo's and swf's? This gap is responsible for the balance too.
I was expect at least a kindred base kit but not even that.... This was just a disappointment all around.
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I want to know why they didn't acknowledge it. That would've been a good change, but oh well SMH.
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Again it's a step in the right direction. I still believe kindred being base kit is wayy too strong for killers. It literally removes the mystery and just shows what everyone is doing.
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This isn't a mystery game.
Your comment is bias, this is not a step in the right direction, unless you want more free kills, then yes.
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Unless they address the power imbalance between swf and solo queue this game will never be balanced.
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It wouldn't be strong against the killer.
Kindred at least helps people think and not run around like headless chickens and blaming others for X reasons. The list goes on.
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They'll never give solo something that SWF doesn't also benefit from, and they'll never nerf SWF in any way. They will never make solo balanced with SWF under those two conditions.
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Kindred basekit -> survivor aura? yes.
Killer aura? hell no
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like i stated before, all these heavy survivor nerfs gonna hit the solo survivals the most. how much time do we already waste by running after a hooked person whl another person who was also doing a gen does the same? and now with the added gen times and what not it will get only worse
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Showing the killer aura would only be bad for facecampers, so I really don't get why they shouldnt show the aura too.
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It's an advantage inherent to SWFs, and the goal should be to bridge the gap between soloQ and SWFs to make the game more fair and help aid balancing. They're actually severely widening that gap with this update.
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I honestly advice against it, either look for a group for SWF or switch entirely to Killer.
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No, it wouldn't. You see where is killer going. You don't see how is that good?
It's not just facecampers, those don't care if you know about them or not.
My friend is using Kindred with Open-Handed and it's really strong. It's good idea to bring killer close while looping, because you just can't be mind gamed.
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They don't care or otherwise would have. They're making enough money to not give an F. And hey if they lose some of their player base, it'll become free on Steam/Epic games again so they can fool others into wasting their time on this game.
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I actually do play SWF a lot, but I'm not going to ignore the fact there is a huge gap between solo and SWF. It should be addressed to help the game overall.
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BHVR has shown the way and its to sacrifice the poor sods who still play Solo, it is what it is we have to admit it.
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Sounds like an awful plan if you ask me.
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If we could just get survivor aura reading from Kindred being base-kit, then that would be fine for me tbh.
Knowing what others are doing is the most valuable thing for solo queue.
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Kindred being made base-kit is the biggest single change they could make to help bridge the gap between solo and SWF.
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Spine Chill and Self-Care nerfs were actually buffs for SoloQ
The worst teammates I've ever had in SoloQ use these perks because they do nothing all game and play for hatch
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I solo almost exclusively and it's not hard. The only negative are worthless teammates and what can BHVR do to minimize those players that wouldn't buff everyone else by large margins? SWF breaks the balance of the game completely, why should they make solo players as strong as SWF? How do killers compete against that?
I'm probably 60/40 survivor/killer but the only killers I use are M1 killers like Clown, Trapper, Nemesis, Wraith, Legion. Why in the world would I want SWF power survivors every game lol.
We are getting basekit borrowed time.
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Solo only sucks when someone DCs immediately or if the matchmaking is totally borked. It seems like if you solo queue you're super likely to get put in a full solo queue lobby and then get matched with a killer that has 5000 hours cause there aren't newbie killers anymore because the game is too stressful/unfun/unfair (grind) for newbs
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Spoiler Alert: Your teammates will continue to use Self-Care, they'll just spend longer wasting time in the corner now.
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I know, which is why my suggestion is to delete it entirely for the betterment of all mankind.
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i think solo q is improved! you cant just be farmed by idiot teammates and immediately die anymore
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people still think we run Spine Chill to run away from killers as soon as the cat lights on? lol...
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I was expecting solo Q buffs honestly it's a bit surprising, I think they're making a huge mistake by nerfing solo survivors even more and buffing killers but we'll see
In their "killing stats" do they even count killers that let people go ? I regularly don't kill the last one even if I could because I just don't want to ? how do you detect that in your stats ? They want higher kill rates but for what purpose ? It's already high
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survivors in general to have most of their toys gutted. I hope they gut you all more. You enjoy being in bully squads, you enjoy making the game not fun for killer mains, you enjoy trash talking, you enjoy tbagging every chance you get, you enjoy making the game more toxic than it needs to be. You caused this problem by being bigger villains than the actual killers are, and that says something. You've had your way for so long that now that your over powered bs toys are getting touched you all start crying. I really hope they completely gut all of your perks if this is the reaction it gets, it's so satisfying seeing all of these crying posts. Welcome to what killer has been dealing with for literally years at this point.
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Some people use it for the action speed but the majority don't.
They use Spine Chill to avoid taking any aggro from the killer. They usually have 0 hooks states by the time everyone else is dead, if there's 3 Spine Chills on your team don't bother touching a generator unless you can loop the killer for 5 gens by yourself, because he won't find anyone else to chase.
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SWF survivors definitely deserved a nerf but even now solo survivors are pretty weak.
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I noticed in the anniversary stream they made a comment about how they promised too many things in the previous years stream that didn't happen, and they weren't doing that again. Noticeably for me, the proposed solo buffs were mentioned in last year's stream but absent in this one. Seems they've dumped their plans to give solo queue a boost.
I'm at the point where I don't expect anything anymore. Even these survivor perk buffs aren't getting my hopes up because once they're abused by swfs they'll just get nerfed.
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To be fair Off the Record is the only buffed survivor perk that'll become meta. All the other buffed perks are a bit more fun but likely still won't be seen much.
Not certain about Lightweight though.
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you can't just nerf it for "if you're in a swf then...." because that doesn't stop survivors from being the threat. You have to gut both sides. Everything that needed to be hit got hit because even solo q survivors can use the same perks for the same reasons. I don't get it, survivors get hit in a way they should've been hit for years, and now they all come to the forums and cry in unison. You have no one but yourselves to blame for these major changes. The killer to survivor ratio is so screwed up, specially during prime time that you can legit insta que for hours on a weekday night as a killer. Know what you get when you do that? bully squad, gen rushing survivors, and it's not always a swf. You'd be surprised how often the stars align and you actually get good teammates in solo que.
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You certainly can get lucky and get good teammates, and yes even solo survs can bring busted perks and items. The issue, though, is that on average teams made up of 4 solos (or 2 solos and a duo) are just fairly weak right now. You can get lucky but more often than not you'll get mediocre teammates who don't even have a chance against a strong killer.
I agree that SWFs are too strong and so nerfs to perks and basekit were needed, but they should have come at the same time as a buff to solo survivors.
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Agreed. It's a simple change that could be SO beneficial.
Patient killers be like: NO
If they don't make plans to help solo Q soon, Idk what to think of anymore.
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Imagine people thinking you're real.
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I'd prefer Bond, actually.
Kindred is a ...bit strong, due to the killer aura reading.
I do want solos to get some love though.
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basekit kindred just shows survivors. perk kindred shows killer as well?
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off the record will be pretty good for solo q tbh
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I'm not really sure the direction that the devs want to be in tbh. Sure we're getting a meta shift but knowing BHVR, what else are they planning?
Yeah. If a killer is nearby a hook, survivors can see the killer's aura.
With that buff, I see it being used a lot. Good for solo as you said, but a lot more effective in a swf.
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Most players would want survivor aura-reading. Those who want killer aura reading basekit are delusional, that will just never happen nor should.
Thing is that kindred (survivor) wouldn't really help SWF, we know who is going to unhook very easily.
Bond basekit would be way bigger deal even for SWF. That is information that most SWF groups don't know how to share.
Kindred would actually help overall soloQ more imo, because it would remove situation where multiple / none survivors are going to unhook.
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You'll enjoy 15 minute killer queues when all the survivors leave. This game is old and players are leaving just because the game is old. Killer-players tend to be more tenacious about staying, so changes to them isn't going to affect much.
However, you make the game unfair for survivors, then you will see a mass exodus. Survivor-players are not so tied to this game as killer-players. Massive nerfs to survivors-players, like you see on this patch, is going to cause large numbers of survivor-players to move to other games.
This is just flat out bad for both sides. Sure, after this patch, you'll be 4king all the time but when killer-queue times start edging to 15 minutes, because survivor-players are going to games that are actually fair, then you'll be singing a different toon.
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Well yeah, if they'd do JUST the survivor auras for Kindred, sure.
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Definetely if solo would be history it would make a favour to the game.
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Solo Que is not the problem, majority of players are.
uh, I can just enjoy playing survivors without waiting for 20 minutes at that point, I don't see any problem there.
Hell, that's actually what I was waiting for.
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I'm really not sure why people keep saying solo queue is getting harmed unduly by this update. Longer generator times are going to hurt a little, sure, but solo players no longer have to rely on their teammates bringing BT, they have more viable perks available to them that don't require coordination with other survivors to use effectively, and they won't have to suffer through the slowdown meta making generator repair even more difficult.
Like, this update still mostly comes out in the killer side's favour if you really must measure it that way, but solo's looking pretty good too.
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Spine chill nerf is also a nerf to players who are hard of hearing so that's great. sigh.
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Playing solo queue, the only survivors who ever body block to help at exit gates or if I'm on death hook or something are the ones who need WGLF stacks (I assume they need stacks, they're running the perk). All the others just abandon me to die. And I'll be honest, if someone needs help, I'm a lot less likely to get involved if I don't have WGLF. The risks outweigh the rewards.
Some sort of reward for being a team player should've been made basekit. And Self Care is getting nerfed? The perk that takes too long to use but is still better than not getting healed at all? This is going to suck majorly.
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Solo queue will be fine.
Hell, it's fine now. Despite what most people here claim. Escape rates are higher then intended.
This won't change with basekit BT + SB.
I would even dare to say, that with the new tank builds, the escape rates will further increase.
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Run Kindred and Open Handed and you'll see how useful 32 metre aura reading is. Sure, it can't compete against the current meta perks but the point of the patch is to break up the meta.