Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Which meta perk got the most undeserved nerf for the upcoming update?

Babadook83 Member Posts: 208

Which meta perk got the most undeserved nerf for the upcoming update? 89 votes

HorsePowerSlaughterhouse3brokedownpalaceanarchy753Blazelskimusstang62RoboMojoHellraisingPredator[Deleted User]WampiritashitmanN8dogHaunterofShadowsThatOneDemoPlayerAurelleBennett_They1ThemGillyBeannnXernotonduyguAna1661 21 votes
Hex: Ruin
Gibberish[Deleted User]Mattie_MayhemOGGlamourousLeviathanEmealValikFilthyLegionMainCrowmandugmanAdjathaferuisBransizzlingmario4[Deleted User]MewishisSquippitHuntressmain_1223DootLordSlan 19 votes
Iron Will
BlueberryAven_FallenTaigaAnnso_xCheeseAntonClarityOfWillHerachi_SakuraThr_ustFBD_WalterClements71DyingWish92BothSidesEnjoyerJUMPSCAREKILLERCybiljaymiechanJinxedTaxman232 16 votes
Borrowed Time
Babadook83 1 vote
Spine Chill
Aztreonam78MrPenguinDEMONANCEAyamirihateboonsValaryyn 6 votes
Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance
SacrilegeGGTurtleSushiTVINoLuvChikyLegendaryPainWeaverReaver42 6 votes
Dead Hard
Rawulf 1 vote
Decisive Strike
Mat_SellaMazoobioxygendreamsy10BwstedReverseVelocityhilapastaTurboTOneNathan13XendritchHitaribittercranberrytliff 13 votes
other, not listed
IlliterateGenocideSlowLorisViskodjesterkindIndigoWendigoFridayNightPizza 6 votes


  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,792
    Decisive Strike

    DS and it’s not even close.

  • Gibberish
    Gibberish Member Posts: 1,071
    Hex: Ruin

    It's a hex. That's enough of a downside already.

  • TurboTOne
    TurboTOne Member Posts: 349
    Decisive Strike

    i just didnt see a Problem with DS. decreasing the Stun duration is just gonna make it even easier for Nurse and Blight Players to catch up to you.

  • Valaryyn
    Valaryyn Member Posts: 76
    Spine Chill

    Spine Chill got nerfed into oblivion, at least how I interpreted it. No more vault speed was a fine change to make because the perk isn't supposed to be about better chase. But changing it to only activate when the killer has direct sight lines on you? Does that mean it no longer will trigger when a wall is between you and the killer? Or will it not trigger if a killer with undetectable is looking at you?

    Either way, super unnecessary. People at low ranks use the perk to avoid stealth killers which they typically have a tough time handling at first. This nerf hurts those players disproportionately.

  • dreamsy10
    dreamsy10 Member Posts: 142
    Decisive Strike

    Dstrike and spine chill. About ds is good what they do about end game but the stun duration should be 5 seconds, as 3 is too less. Spine chill is a good and fun perk, not as powerful as others .. like nowhere near.

  • FilthyLegionMain
    FilthyLegionMain Member Posts: 1,166
    Hex: Ruin

    Many issues are here with three perk changes involving: Hex: Ruin, Spine Chill and Decisive Strike. This'll be more directed towards the devs and I'll be sure to speak in a civilized manner about this subject considering the upcoming controversial changes.

    With Ruin, you could've went with one or the other but not both. We would have loved the fact that it would be disabled once a survivor is dead. It would incentivize spreading out the hooks. We would've also been sort of okay with it being brought down to 100% regression and that's it and yet you went too far and thought "Why not both?" I genuinely hope you guys rethink this and just go with the change of it discouraging tunneling.

    The only thing that made this Spine Chill change really bad was the reduction of vault speed. Since SC is more of a reaction to having the killer look at you from nearby, it would make sense that you would do everything in your power to get through a window just a little bit faster. Am I wrong?

    Ah Decisive... Simple one, really. All you need to do is change it back to the 5 second stun and we're good. I'm ecstatic that it gets disabled when all the gens are done but you really seem to be beating this into the ground.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,030
    other, not listed

    Calm Spirit. Like why nerf such medicore perk

  • GillyBeannn
    GillyBeannn Member Posts: 555

    nuff said, why on earth would you waste 45 seconds healing yourself when that can be spent on doing a gen? Self-care was always a very split perk in the community because of it's long healing speed, yet the stats showed for it to be the most popular perk to be used. I personally heard self-care was very meta on the Asian side of DBD. This perk will also make it worse for ppl who are brand new to the game and make solo q a nightmare since someone is bound to bring this. Healing efficiency going is whatever, that's okay, however increasing the speed penalty was just not it.

  • Bennett_They1Them
    Bennett_They1Them Member Posts: 2,513

    maybe it could start out at regressing gens at 60% regression and then increase regression speed by 10% for each unique hook?

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,697
    Hex: Ruin


    While perks like Spine Chill, Iron Will, and DS are super hurt by their changes, I think Ruin is the most underserved nerf because it's already a hex perk. Hex perks are high risk, high reward and now ruin has like no reward. It's not even better than just kicking the gen. Obviously it can still be useful in situations where you can't get to a gen for a while, but that's not enough to justify bring ruin.

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842
    Decisive Strike

    DS was actually in a good place for the most part the endgame nerf is completely fair but nerfing the stun to 3 seconds just trashes a perk the BHVR supposedly thought was healthy for the game.

    Really don't get that one.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    It's between Self Care and DS. Self Care more so because it was already a bad perk, and now it's been nerfed into complete uselessness.

  • Cybil
    Cybil Member Posts: 1,163
    Iron Will

    They went too hard on Iron Will. The effect being nullified when exhausted was more than enough.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,343
    Decisive Strike

    Making it disable in endgame was enough without the shorter stun time imo

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096
    Hex: Ruin

    Ehhhhh no idea...Ruin? I guess

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    I'd say Self-Care, since it's probably the only perk in there that I don't see enough to be considered meta. TBH I don't remember the last time I saw it. CoH is the problematic self-care perk.

    I love the salt that's flowing around perks like Iron Will and Spine Chill. Like peoples' attitudes seem to be "It's acceptable that the meta perks I don't care about got heavily nerfed, but it's unacceptable that the meta perks I like got heavily nerfed!"

  • Wampirita
    Wampirita Member Posts: 809

    Both Self Care and Ruin didn't need those changes, an absolute overkill and people who'll proceed to use those after nerf, gonna be a target for laughs xD

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Tie between Self-Care and Hex: Ruin, but I think Self-Care bit the bigger bullet

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,557
    Decisive Strike

    Self-Care needs to be deleted, this is their way of saying "please stop picking this perk!"

    DS is undeserved because of the fact that they want to nerf tunneling, but by nerfing DS, they made it so that a killer can kill a survivor their tunneling far faster than before.

    The conspicuous condition means they arent working on anything, so whats the reason for its nerf other than to persuade the meta to shift to OTR?

  • Viskod
    Viskod Member Posts: 854
    other, not listed

    Pop Goes the Weasel.

    20% of *Current Progress* makes this perk kind of useless since you can't really wander the whole of the map looking for a well progressed generator to use it on.

    Better off just using Pain Resonance+Monstrous Shrine.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,230
    other, not listed


    The point was to make these perks less desireable so people run different builds. That requires nerfing them, and quite hard too. Maybe some of these will warrant cautiously buffing back up in the future, but for now, all of these nerfs were fully deserved- the only way they'd be a failure is if people still wanted to run the perk in question afterwards.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 2,002

    That's actually a good point. And following that, I think the only thing that needed more of a nerf would be BT because it actually gained a few seconds of endurance when added on to the basekit endurance

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 1,151
    edited June 2022
    Hex: Ruin

    Ruin was an overrated perk. I always felt that it's high usage was because of its fame from the OG Ruin and pre nerf Undying times. Since Undying nerf J never used Ruin again and now I have even less of a reason to do it.

    Post edited by GlamourousLeviathan on
  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,294
    Hex: Ruin

    A lot of these were botched changes, but ruin takes the cake.

    Cut its effectiveness in half? Basically unusable now.

    Make it destroy itself? That's very harsh.

    Both? Dude - it's not even that strong to begin with, chill.

    Imagine if Dead Hard got this treatment.

    'The distance/duration is halved. Instead of getting 0.5s of invincibility and traveling 4m - users will now gain 0.25s of invincibility and travel 2m'

    Then, as the cherry on top.

    'Once 3 gens are completed, this perk is deactivated for the rest of the trial'

    Like, dang - pick one. Either way it's an unfun change. It could have been nerfed far more eloquently. They took it to the back and did a number on it, they did. Slashing a perk's numbers in half and THEN making it destroy itself is pure vitriol and completely disconnected with the reality of gameplay.

  • N8dog
    N8dog Member Posts: 541

    I mean... You should NOT run self care without botany anyway...

  • FilthyLegionMain
    FilthyLegionMain Member Posts: 1,166
    Hex: Ruin

    I'll reference what I said earlier about having ruin disable when a survivor is killed. I think that's the healthy choice out of the two since it'll promote spreading out multiple hook states. You get to choose whether or not it goes away sooner or later.

  • ihateboons
    ihateboons Member Posts: 167
    Spine Chill

    Self care was nerfed to try and promote DLC sales for COH

    Spine Chill should have just been to remove the vault speed/bonuses. They just gave a middle finger to hard of hearing players across the board.

    DS/DH I could care less about since I don't use them, so I cant join that debate.

    Pain Res was needed because -EVERY- game is Pain Res and DMS

    All in All, I feel like the perk changes are going to shift Solo players to SWFs or just quit all together. Which is what Killer Main's biggest gripe was about.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,294
    Hex: Ruin

    I'd disagree on a fundamental level - but I hope we can agree that both hard-nerfing the efficacy of the perk on TOP of putting a kill-switch into it is... a bit much.

    Also, I don't think any hex perk should self destruct, as it's a hex perk. Survivors can either remove or trigger hexes by cleansing them, it removes the perk permanently. Hex perks have about a 40% chance of spawning near a survivor's initial spawn. It's high risk high reward. Removing the reward is one thing, but even with the reward in place - turning the 'high risk' mechanic into a 'high risk + guaranteed flop' is extremely questionable.

    If they wanted to make it shut down, they should pull it from being a hex perk, right? But, in truth, there are two far more eloquent solutions to the Ruin problem that would balance it without all of this malarky:

    1.) Ruin triggers once cleansed, not until cleansed. Like Haunted Grounds or Retribution - Ruin only activates when cleansed, which would play into the high-risk-high-reward mentality, and could provide an interesting new approach to the perk's effects. For instance, you could have generators regress at 300% speed for 64/128/192 seconds. This makes it less oppressive in many games, would certainly lower the pick-rate, and would only spell the demise of survivors in the mid/late game, while scarcely effecting the early game unless a zealous (or overzealous) survivor goes for a quick cleanse. This would change how Ruin works and put the fear of the Entity into survivors while also giving killers a steep enough reward to risk the hex perk.

    2.) Simply keep ruin as-is and build in a 4-8 second delay on activation. When a generator is left alone for longer than 8 seconds, ruin begins to regress it at 200% speed. Not only does this save charges for survivors (up to 4 seconds worth of progress) but it also starves killers of much of their passive oppression and information (Surveillance combo would become useless). Survivors that are able to coordinate could more effectively fight through the hex, provided it remains active. By simply adding a delay to the perk's activation at each instance - the overall value of the perk steeply declines. It remains a powerful perk, but as all Hex perks go - it can be removed from the match.

    Putting a self-destruct into a perk is like the developers saying 'you've had your fun, time to go home'. it's adversarial and completely artificial - it lacks an organic touch. They should either change the perk's relation to Hex totems, or just add an activation delay to slow its potential effectiveness. Making a perk doubly volatile doesn't make it less viable - it just makes it less fun.

    This is the Dead By Daylight equivalent of your Dungeon's & Dragons DM deciding your character is suddenly unable to use their favorite weapon. "Why?" you might ask, much to their chagrin. They look up at you from their notebook, "Because it would break the encounter I set up.". You ball your hands into fists in frustration, "Why? Why didn't you just make the encounter a bit harder, or change the nature of the encounter to oppose my weapon? You could have selected enemies that countered me or applied a different approach to reach the same means... why didn't you do any of those things - why are you telling me that my character simply cannot have their weapon?"

    The DM smirks, "Because I'm in charge and you are not."

    It's literally breaking the established rules to remove a player's favorite toy from their hands.

    It is bending and breaching the conventions of Hexes and prospects of perks themselves to punish killer players that bring the perk.

    insult to insult and injury to injury. Taking the perk away from players that are doing their job and playing well is the epitome of poor design and is not helped by how spiteful such a change comes off as.

  • FilthyLegionMain
    FilthyLegionMain Member Posts: 1,166
    Hex: Ruin

    I can only talk about the first one in regards to putting the fear of the entity into survivors. I'm curious to see how it would really make things scary by doing 400% or doing the overcharge thing to it as well.

  • Slan
    Slan Member Posts: 357
    Hex: Ruin

    Ruin's nerf is pointless. Since the rework it was a rather simple perk with some counter that does not involve cleansing/blessing, and they said they wanted to Nerf slowdown perks, but ruin is more like a time-saving perk since the rework for me, as it does not affect repair speed in any way unless you manage to have a gen untouched for quite a while, and now they want to extend that time. If they keep going this way with nerfs with no sense to this perk, it may stop being worthy of being a hex, as hexes are supposed to be OP in some way when active, and ruin is starting to lack some power.