Is there any plans for improving solo?

So uh.
I'm glad for killers, the basekit changes were pretty darn nice. A good bit of the perk changes were good, some made sense, a couple were bad and a few were outright baffling (please remove that knife from DS's back, OTR).
But solo queue, oh solo queue..
Nothing solos got that SWF won't use to about 10x higher effectiveness. Nothing to bridge the information gap, and while the basekit BT was nice, 5 seconds sure as hell won't be stopping someone who can count in about 98% of situations. Which means nothing really changed, and i'm probably still gonna be laying dying curses on the people who won't run BT.
Still gotta do 50 more seconds of Gens, still getting our pallets broken faster, still getting caught up to quicker. Camping has become much more effective. Perk reliance and unfun tactics haven't been fixed, I daresay they've been incentivized. DS, BT, DH, UB? Try OTR, BT, SB, UB. I'm calling it now.
It's going to be an experience, that's for sure.
Couldn't even give us survivor aura kindred. Or some kind of Bond. Just, like.. anything. Are there plans to add anything like that? Something specifically meant to bridge the solo/SWF gap?
They mentioned some HUD icons a while back to see what your teammates are doing, as their attempt at bridging the gap between solos and swf. When are we going to get them? Who knows. Kinda bummed it hasn't been mentioned since they announced them.
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I really hope they are still planning to introduce the HUD icons and just didn't mention them, because it's early. I want to have those HUD icons.
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They were silent on that front. Safe to assume the answer is no.
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I stopped to learn Killer because I was tired of bully squad, but I guess I have to get use to it now because solo Q is gonna be the most unfun thing ever.
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No idiot they hate yo gosssssh - in my napoleon voice
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RIP solo queue. Most of the perks that were helpful to solo q'ers (such as myself) are getting the crap nerfed out of them. I honestly feel like this is the patch that will make many solos (like myself) just not want to play much anymore. SQ is already a bit of a nightmare but there was always that chance of saving yourself with a decent build no matter how crappy your teammates are. Now that many of those solo q favored options are no longer available I don't see how this game is as viable for SQ survivors with killer perks being buffed the way they are.
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I don't think we are getting them. They were announced in the 5th year anniversary stream, and in this year's stream they acknowledged they talked about some ideas they didnt end up implementing and they won't do that again. So the fact that these icons weren't mentioned in this year's stream suggests they're not happening any time soon (or at all)
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I'm *trying* to reserve judgement until PTB comes out. I'm a casual player and have a pretty average escape rate, and that's with only one meta perk (Iron Will). I don't really see anything in this update that will increase my chances of doing well as a solo player, but I see plenty that will certainly decrease it.
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I mean.. ideally, there's some kind of change from now to PTB, and from PTB to Live.
There's absolutely 0 way OTR makes it to live the way they say.
But it ain't looking good.
I hope they're quietly workshopping something instead of sitting in a fire and telling everyone it's fine.
It really wouldn't be that hard to give Solos something.
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I'd say OTR is probably the only really decent thing for solo players in this update. But there's no way it's surviving as is, i agree. It will get abused by coordinated teams with body blocking and be nerfed.
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I’ve given up hope completely at this point.
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I like to believe.
They already went through the trouble of changing all this, there has to be more on the way.
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If there was so much change I’m sure they could have at least made a little more effort to make something as basic as kindred base kit. They don’t care. This game is just for SWF and killers.
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I think people are kinda underestimating the whole 5 seconds thing
It's not just 5 seconds of endurance. But a speed boost on top of it that makes normal killers roughly half as fast to catch up
But also more importantly you are faster then other survivors. It should be very easy for the unhooker to get in a position to bodyblock.
You should in most scenario's be able to reach a tile. At which point all is fair game in my book
Especially if you concidder some of the new perks
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It's definitely not nothing, but it's still something that SWFs are most certainly going to get more use and coordination out of.
I was hoping for more of something specifically meant to bridge the Solo/SWF gap, like.. some auras, status icons, something informational.
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I'm afraid it's a big fat "no" all around. The only nice thing we got was the 5s basekit BT, and even that is really not that strong.
At least we got a calm spirit nerf, the rest of survivor's op perks should watch out! They're coming for poised and up the ante next!
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hahah they dont give a flying ######### about people who play SOLO.