
I dont know if cuz of devs languaje not being English they explain themselves too bad or they just think we are plain stupid.

For example

NOED description.

This perk makes for a very effective comeback tool, though it falls out of favour in high skill games. We like the way NOED encourages Survivors to pre-emptively cleanse Totems, so we are not looking to weaken its direct strength. Instead, Survivors will now see the Hex Totem’s aura within 4 meters upon activation. This range increases to 24m over the course of 30 seconds. 

We believe this change will keep NOED a strong choice for endgame builds, while encouraging Survivors to find the Totem and attempt that last second save. 

"We like the way NOED encourages Survivors to pre-emptively cleanse Totems"

"Survivors will now see the Hex Totem’s aura within 4 meters upon activation. This range increases to 24m over the course of 30 seconds."

If you like it encourage people to cleanse totems pre emptively why you show the aura of that totem?

If you like that effect encourage surv doing totems like while Hex:Noed is in game at the start of the match each surv can see 1 dull totem aura till cleansed.


  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    But for one side u like that part but for the other encourage to not do em and just let them wait 30 secs to find it and cleanse it.

    Thats what I dont get,you will encourage people to not doing totems.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,916

    no, it's offering the same choice people had before. Also waiting 30s is not always viable, doors may be open, EGC has already started counting down, the person hooked might not have 30s to wait, so survivors will go looking for the totem - the aura is only visible close by initially.

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    Imagine that situation in a solo Q i cleanse a totem in a corner of the map.

    My teammates did nothing so they think it may be in the place i did cleansed a totem.

    Meanwhile I went to opposite corner and cleansed another totem.So... we have 2 places where my team will search and lose time.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,610

    Except that they'll see the totem aura now. They don't have to run around blindly checking all totem spots, they can get within 24m of it- which is a pretty generous radius.

    And if you're still alive, you know those two spots were already cleansed. So, you can start checking other spots and probably find it faster.

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    I think that they maybe have enought time.

    1 Doors opened and the killer knock down one surv,they have roughtly 4 mins to find the totem.

    2 EGC already started so in which time becuz imagine someone is on hook when I knock down someone.

    First of all situations where there is only a minute to find a totem and rescue a surv are minimal.

    EGC idea was to make survs GTFO of trial.So if you are roaming around 1:30 you deserve no escape.

    3 The person may not have 30 secs.In that situation the common scenario is that surv got hooked previously someone opened the door and someone went to rescue and faced NOED.Be serious that guy that was hooked before its 100% dead.

    We wont have time to find NOED and cleanse even if i find the totem instantly We have roughtly 20 secs and we need to quit the time to reach that hook.

    That change will boost SWF to basically make NOED a minor inconvinience and not a punish for rushing.

    While on solo people will leave and those enought brave to rescue the surv will hook trade

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,499

    I kinda wonder if open handed effects this and plaything. I've never experimented with it.

  • keepingitril
    keepingitril Member Posts: 94

    "I dont know if cuz of devs languaje not being English they explain themselves too bad or they just think we are plain stupid."

    Your language, your tone and your attitude really lost me at your first sentence and you really shouldn't be lecturing anyone else on language usage.

    The language of the change was very clear.

    If you do or don't agree with the actual content you should say that not imply something else.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,916

    I believe Open Handed should definitely increase the aura range, the same as it does with other auras.

    Not really sure about what you mean with regards to Hex: Plaything, as that's independent of NOED and other aura readings?

  • Thanatos38
    Thanatos38 Member Posts: 37

    What I saw and maybe it isn't true at all is that with the rework when NOED becomes activated the killer will see the auras of all survivors until that totem is cleansed. If that is true then survivors seeing it from 4 meters then more after 30 seconds doesn't really mean anything if the killer can see survivors the whole time it's active.

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024
    edited June 2022

    It does becuz or they might explained themselves bad becuz its not their main languaje or they say I like you do X but I give you a tool that if u dont do X you have Y to do it later when game ends and doing X is completely useless.

    Basically instead of making totems also secondary objective of importance at the begining of the match lets do 1 at the end and hey we can see them now!

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,933

    Why aren't they called "Nevs" or Nevelopers because "Nevs" would mean "Sven" backwards.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,499
    edited June 2022

    The Aura of Hex: Plaything's Hex Totem is revealed to the Cursed Survivor within 24/20/16 metres

    Playthings text.

    Open-Handed increases all Aura-reading ranges by 8/12/16 metres.

    Open handeds.

    Sounds fairly similar to the new noed which reveals its aura within a certain meter range. Unless im reading wrong the hexed survivor should see it from farther?

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,916
  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    The irony in the first sentence.