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Lock out ruin and insta heals for events

Everybody runs this during the event and its annoying as hell


  • venom12784
    venom12784 Member Posts: 666
    Here is how to fix your issue 
    1 run small game 
    2 find hex  totem 
    3 pray to the enitity that it isn't haunted ground 
    4 cleanse totem 

  • Gamzello
    Gamzello Member Posts: 828
    Hex ruin isn’t even that bad though. It’s found pretty quickly but if it’s not I’ve had teams where people have pushed through it. It’s not that bad.

    At least it’s not hex: haunted grounds.
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    Lock out toolboxes and moris too.

    Survivors want toolboxes because gens aren't being done, but then killers see 4 toolboxes and want a mori to combat gen rush. It's daft.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321
    Might wanna start with noed. Virtually all bad killers came out of their caves to use it during this event combined with ruin and ebony mori. Luckily for me I've just unlocked the Feng skin so I can return to playing killer now. People will enjoy having a game without a tunneling, camping, mori, noed baby.
  • Tzeentchling9
    Tzeentchling9 Member Posts: 1,796
    Yamaoka said:
    Might wanna start with noed. Virtually all bad killers came out of their caves to use it during this event combined with ruin and ebony mori. Luckily for me I've just unlocked the Feng skin so I can return to playing killer now. People will enjoy having a game without a tunneling, camping, mori, noed baby.
    Again, the Survivors only have to rush gens for the event. NoED has literally been the only threat to me(outside of good Hillbillies) for this entire event so far because gens are getting done too fast.
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    @Yamaoka said:
    Might wanna start with noed. Virtually all bad killers came out of their caves to use it during this event combined with ruin and ebony mori. Luckily for me I've just unlocked the Feng skin so I can return to playing killer now. People will enjoy having a game without a tunneling, camping, mori, noed baby.

    I don't notice a difference, 95%+ of killers in the top 10 ranks ran NOED before the event anyway.

  • ForeheadSurviors
    ForeheadSurviors Member Posts: 154
    Lock out ruin? so Toolbox foreheads can gen rush , tbh i dont mind toolbox if i see 3-4 toolbox ebony mori is waiting for you.
  • Fenrir
    Fenrir Member Posts: 533
    Ah yes, make a survivor sided event even more survivor sided by completely ruining the killer's experience because you're "annoyed". Grow a pair and deal with whatever comes your way.
    I hope they nerf ruin

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Fenrir said:
    Everybody runs this during the event and its annoying as hell

    ruin? lel

  • Fenrir
    Fenrir Member Posts: 533

    lol Ruin and Insta heals, stop being a baby.

    Here we found an entitled killer main
  • Tzeentchling9
    Tzeentchling9 Member Posts: 1,796
    Fenrir said:
    Ah yes, make a survivor sided event even more survivor sided by completely ruining the killer's experience because you're "annoyed". Grow a pair and deal with whatever comes your way.
    I hope they nerf ruin

    I know right? They could make it so it could be completely nullified! Wouldn't that be great? 

    Oh wait...
  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582
    Fenrir said:
    qtSpiritMain said: 

    lol Ruin and Insta heals, stop being a baby.

    Here we found an entitled killer main
    Ruin is essential the only thing helping to combat genrush and even then if you're actually good at the game, you can work through it. Besides it'd be unfair to just outright ban a perk, especially for the side that's already at a severe disadvantage
  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428
    So, basically I cant play Killers with no map pressure during the event? Ok.
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @ClogWench said:
    Fenrir said:

    qtSpiritMain said: 

    lol Ruin and Insta heals, stop being a baby.

    Here we found an entitled killer main

    Ruin is essential the only thing helping to combat genrush and even then if you're actually good at the game, you can work through it. Besides it'd be unfair to just outright ban a perk, especially for the side that's already at a severe disadvantage

    Just give it up, you should know which fights you can win and which are lost from the beginning.
    You wouldnt try teaching math to a wall, would you? :smile:

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,018

    Why is there a fight going on about insta heals and ruin, run franklins and small game or detectives

  • Fenrir
    Fenrir Member Posts: 533
    Fenrir said:

    lol Ruin and Insta heals, stop being a baby.

    Here we found an entitled killer main
    "I want free and easy escapes in every single match I play and if you disagree with me you're an entitled killer main" 

    Real grown up response
  • Fenrir
    Fenrir Member Posts: 533
    Master said:

    @ClogWench said:
    Fenrir said:

    qtSpiritMain said: 

    lol Ruin and Insta heals, stop being a baby.

    Here we found an entitled killer main

    Ruin is essential the only thing helping to combat genrush and even then if you're actually good at the game, you can work through it. Besides it'd be unfair to just outright ban a perk, especially for the side that's already at a severe disadvantage

    Just give it up, you should know which fights you can win and which are lost from the beginning.
    You wouldnt try teaching math to a wall, would you? :smile:

    Yes i would
  • Fenrir
    Fenrir Member Posts: 533
    PigNRun said:
    So, basically I cant play Killers with no map pressure during the event? Ok.
    Killers do fine without it
  • Hatty
    Hatty Member Posts: 121

    Imagine needing to search a totem to break ruin lol

    this post was made by the Great Skillcheck gang

  • Theluckyboi
    Theluckyboi Member Posts: 1,113

    @EntityDispleased said:
    Fenrir said:

    qtSpiritMain said:

    lol Ruin and Insta heals, stop being a baby.

    Here we found an entitled killer main

    "I want free and easy escapes in every single match I play and if you disagree with me you're an entitled killer main" 

    "look at me le epik wojak xD"

    Frick of mate, grow up

  • TrAiNwReCk
    TrAiNwReCk Member Posts: 246

    @Fenrir said:
    EntityDispleased said:

    Ah yes, make a survivor sided event even more survivor sided by completely ruining the killer's experience because you're "annoyed". Grow a pair and deal with whatever comes your way.

    I hope they nerf ruin

    They need to add another perk into the game that has good synergy with ruin. Like a perk that damages the player from healthy to injured anytime a skill check is failed :-)

  • starkiller1286
    starkiller1286 Member Posts: 889

    @Fenrir said:
    EntityDispleased said:

    Ah yes, make a survivor sided event even more survivor sided by completely ruining the killer's experience because you're "annoyed". Grow a pair and deal with whatever comes your way.

    I hope they nerf ruin

    They need to add another perk into the game that has good synergy with ruin. Like a perk that damages the player from healthy to injured anytime a skill check is failed :-)

    Yes, make thantophobia semi permanent 
  • Dokta_Carter
    Dokta_Carter Member Posts: 614
    Fenrir said:
    Ah yes, make a survivor sided event even more survivor sided by completely ruining the killer's experience because you're "annoyed". Grow a pair and deal with whatever comes your way.
    I hope they nerf ruin

    You realize nerfing Ruin(which is found pretty easily if you know what your doing as a survivor) is like giving survivors free reign on gens?
    If 50-60% of my games has a survivor cleanse it in the first min, i lose a perkslot i could have used for something else. 
    You can already power through it if your great with skill checks(or you can gen tap)

    In otherwords you juat want ruin out of the game because you dont like that exact perk
  • MaxiferPriest
    MaxiferPriest Member Posts: 189

    @Fenrir said:
    EntityDispleased said:

    Ah yes, make a survivor sided event even more survivor sided by completely ruining the killer's experience because you're "annoyed". Grow a pair and deal with whatever comes your way.

    I hope they nerf ruin

    here we found an entitled survivor main who cannot work through ruin.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,140
    edited February 2019

    If I'm dealing with ds/insta then u should deal with ruin too
  • Circlesho
    Circlesho Member Posts: 22

    @Yamaoka said:
    People will enjoy having a game without a tunneling, camping, mori, noed baby.

    lmao grow a pair. any survivor that complains about the perks you run is a massive jerk off that is ######### at the game. sorry that people use perks and offerings that give success, what torture that must be for you

  • Circlesho
    Circlesho Member Posts: 22

    @Fenrir said:
    qtSpiritMain said:

    lol Ruin and Insta heals, stop being a baby.

    Here we found an entitled killer main

    git gud kid, ruin isn't even that good if you aren't absolute ######### at skill checks

  • Lateral
    Lateral Member Posts: 77

    Ruin in an event like this is like saying:

    "I'm going to benefit from the enjoyment and fun of this event but I'm not going to let anyone else have that same enjoyment or benefit even though it costs me nothing to allow others to have fun"

    You know, the typical mentality / faulty personality type of the usual, boringly predictable neurologically defective sociopath that the killer attracts.

    And you know what? they don't see that there is a deeply fundamental flaw with that way of thinking and they never will because they simply don't have the mental facility to be able to see other peoples perspectives, it's all really quite sad.

  • nikstorm
    nikstorm Member Posts: 22

    Nerf Ruin for what. It is counterable. Only thing kilers have for slowing the game down and they only usually get les then a minute of it beign up.

  • Dokta_Carter
    Dokta_Carter Member Posts: 614
    Lateral said:

    Ruin in an event like this is like saying:

    "I'm going to benefit from the enjoyment and fun of this event but I'm not going to let anyone else have that same enjoyment or benefit even though it costs me nothing to allow others to have fun"

    You know, the typical mentality / faulty personality type of the usual, boringly predictable neurologically defective sociopath that the killer attracts.

    And you know what? they don't see that there is a deeply fundamental flaw with that way of thinking and they never will because they simply don't have the mental facility to be able to see other peoples perspectives, it's all really quite sad.

    Erm... You realize that the survivors rush gens(and only rush gens) in this event? A killer who is playing to have fun with non meta perks can get screwed and have a 4-5 minute match... I get you want the gens... But if killers let survivors have free reign.... The killers have no fun.

    Because lets be honest right here and now if you say "then the killers a crappy killer" that can apply just as much as to people and ruin on this event. Just saying, you can't say its one side who ruins the fun when it can be both
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    edited February 2019
    Lateral said:

    Ruin in an event like this is like saying:

    "I'm going to benefit from the enjoyment and fun of this event but I'm not going to let anyone else have that same enjoyment or benefit even though it costs me nothing to allow others to have fun"

    You know, the typical mentality / faulty personality type of the usual, boringly predictable neurologically defective sociopath that the killer attracts.

    And you know what? they don't see that there is a deeply fundamental flaw with that way of thinking and they never will because they simply don't have the mental facility to be able to see other peoples perspectives, it's all really quite sad.

    Lol what?

    Ruin is annoying in every game but it's understandable why they bring it. The devs just put out a bounty on gens, 4 points for every generator done, 25 points if you make it out with a lantern.

    Gen rush is real right now. Your post could apply to all the survivors bringing toolboxes to rush gens against killer.

    My only issue is that in the majority of games gens arent touched because claudettes are hiding at the edge of the map. 8/10 games are like that. The other 2/10 though are hard gen rush.
  • Dead_by_David
    Dead_by_David Member Posts: 270

    Ruin is annoying if it is every game but it is good for shaking things up normally. Ruin games are the ones I practice hitting great skill checks.

    If we are locking things out can we please lock out lockers. I am very tired of people just hiding in them all game!

  • Thatbrownmonster
    Thatbrownmonster Member Posts: 1,640

    afraid of ruin?
    bring small game
    afraid of insta heal?
    franklins demise

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    If you really don't want ruin to last that long bring Small Game or even Detective's Hunch. Both help greatly at finding totems.

  • Lateral
    Lateral Member Posts: 77
    edited February 2019

    @EntityDispleased said:
    Lateral said:

    Ruin in an event like this is like saying:

    "I'm going to benefit from the enjoyment and fun of this event but I'm not going to let anyone else have that same enjoyment or benefit even though it costs me nothing to allow others to have fun"

    You know, the typical mentality / faulty personality type of the usual, boringly predictable neurologically defective sociopath that the killer attracts.

    And you know what? they don't see that there is a deeply fundamental flaw with that way of thinking and they never will because they simply don't have the mental facility to be able to see other peoples perspectives, it's all really quite sad.

    I always find it hilarious how you try too hard to sound intelligent but the argument you're putting forward is just hypocritical, ironic and stupid beyond belief.

    You're saying killers that use ruin don't want gens being done so they can win, which in turn ruins the progress of the survivors. I have to let you in on a little secret here but don't tell anyone: that's literally the entire point of a pvp game, one side wins while the other loses.

    I can also use your argument against you, "survivors who destroy the ruin totem during the event only care about their own fun while ruining the killer's fun" or "survivors who loop and use DS during the event to deny the killer hook points only care about themselves. You try to use big boy words and talk about mental stuff and all that bullshit but I highly doubt you have the mental capacity to process the hypocrisy and irony in all your survivor biased posts.

    Wow, it's as if this meme was made just for you!

    I mean it wasn't but if the shirt fits why not.

    Oh and well then there's this:

    Killer crutchlords get so touchy when you pull them up on their toxic cheasymode hand-holding they /cried so hard to get. Quite sad really.

  • Lateral
    Lateral Member Posts: 77

    Wow, quite sad really, don't all the easy-mode, hand-held, babied, killer crutchlords get touchy when you call them out on their toxic OP krap (that ruins the health, well being and future of their very own game for the sake of ego and pride) that they cried so hard to get.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321
    Circlesho said:

    @Yamaoka said:
    People will enjoy having a game without a tunneling, camping, mori, noed baby.

    lmao grow a pair. any survivor that complains about the perks you run is a massive jerk off that is ######### at the game. sorry that people use perks and offerings that give success, what torture that must be for you

    What if I told you I can get a 4k in 9 out of 10 cases without tunneling, camping, mori, noed? It's called BEING GOOD AT THE GAME. 
  • Hatty
    Hatty Member Posts: 121

    @Yamaoka said:
    Circlesho said:

    @Yamaoka said:

    People will enjoy having a game without a tunneling, camping, mori, noed baby.

    lmao grow a pair. any survivor that complains about the perks you run is a massive jerk off that is ######### at the game. sorry that people use perks and offerings that give success, what torture that must be for you

    What if I told you I can get a 4k in 9 out of 10 cases without tunneling, camping, mori, noed? It's called BEING GOOD AT THE GAME. 

    not-so related comment but, 70% of the people that i heard saying this, are Spirit players, maybe is just a coincidence but hey, i'm a Spirit main too, and i don't have that problem either!

    If you can't use your eyes, use your ears kappa

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321
    I actually play all killers as I get bored quickly but Spirit and Billy if I want to have a somewhat casual game with an easy 3k-4k. 
  • Fenrir
    Fenrir Member Posts: 533
    Fenrir said:
    Ah yes, make a survivor sided event even more survivor sided by completely ruining the killer's experience because you're "annoyed". Grow a pair and deal with whatever comes your way.
    I hope they nerf ruin

    I know right? They could make it so it could be completely nullified! Wouldn't that be great? 

    Oh wait...
    Your right thats a great idea!!!
  • Lateral
    Lateral Member Posts: 77

    Holy ######### the sociopath ego in this game is real. Quite a funny yet sadly predictable little social experiment this, still I suppose it's best they ply their wares of misery on a forum or in game than in real life. Too many of these sorry excuses for human beings get away with destroying peoples lives for their own petty amusements.

    All good, once genetic engineering is mastered these neurologically defective 'human' outcasts will have their corrosive dna left by the wayside like the worthless sacks of meat encrusted organs they are. No place in society or the human gene pool for you! =D

  • BoxingRouge
    BoxingRouge Member Posts: 606
    edited February 2019
    Ruin skill checks are easy even if you’re on console most of the time.
  • UwU
    UwU Member Posts: 50

    This would be extremely stupid lmao, don't tell me your serious.

  • Lateral
    Lateral Member Posts: 77

    @EntityDispleased said:

    @Lateral said:

    @EntityDispleased said:
    Lateral said:

    Ruin in an event like this is like saying:

    "I'm going to benefit from the enjoyment and fun of this event but I'm not going to let anyone else have that same enjoyment or benefit even though it costs me nothing to allow others to have fun"

    You know, the typical mentality / faulty personality type of the usual, boringly predictable neurologically defective sociopath that the killer attracts.

    And you know what? they don't see that there is a deeply fundamental flaw with that way of thinking and they never will because they simply don't have the mental facility to be able to see other peoples perspectives, it's all really quite sad.

    I always find it hilarious how you try too hard to sound intelligent but the argument you're putting forward is just hypocritical, ironic and stupid beyond belief.

    You're saying killers that use ruin don't want gens being done so they can win, which in turn ruins the progress of the survivors. I have to let you in on a little secret here but don't tell anyone: that's literally the entire point of a pvp game, one side wins while the other loses.

    I can also use your argument against you, "survivors who destroy the ruin totem during the event only care about their own fun while ruining the killer's fun" or "survivors who loop and use DS during the event to deny the killer hook points only care about themselves. You try to use big boy words and talk about mental stuff and all that bullshit but I highly doubt you have the mental capacity to process the hypocrisy and irony in all your survivor biased posts.

    Wow, it's as if this meme was made just for you!

    I mean it wasn't but if the shirt fits why not.

    Oh and well then there's this:

    Killer crutchlords get so touchy when you pull them up on their toxic cheasymode hand-holding they /cried so hard to get. Quite sad really.

    I was waiting for this post to get approved thinking you actually tried to argue back but you actually went on imgflip to make a meme about it. I am quite disappointed to say the least.

    Well yeah you cried hard to the devs for your easy-mode, hand-held, babied, pandered to killer crutch fest, now a permanent fixture in a -multiplayer- game of all things (the mind boggles) so there's no real point in discussing any of it. well done, good job you killed dbd. Enjoy your empty lobby simulator.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    Ruin and insta-heals? That's just the ordinary game when there's no event. You should be used to it.

    Be happy that you still can get event points way easier and faster as a survivor than as a killer.