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Toxic killers in event

Like i don't mean to sound too complainy, but i've been playing more survivor than i usually would for the event, and ######### is up with the toxicity on killers side. Like out of the 8 games i've played, every single one has ended in a death, and though some of them were fair enough, 2 were face camps, and 1 was a lagswitcher, and most of the others i was tunnelled all game. Sure i tried hiding, but it's difficult when the killers on you the moment you're unhooked.I even had to start running DS just to last longer than 5 minutes. Like seriously, why are killers to toxic in the event


  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @Master said:
    Laggswitching (if it really was laggswitching which I doubt tbh) is of course bannable.

    All otehr thigns just mean that the killer was doing his objective. And yes, if you play with DS, then you will not have fun in my lobbies, I can tell you that

    If the survviors dont follow my unwritten killer rules, then I dont see a reason to follow their unwritten rules

    Firstly yes it was DEFINITELY lag switching, im not just doing some salty accusation, secondly i quite clearly said that i was only running DS because i was face camped or tunnelled multiple times, running Ds didn't change that, but at least it made my games last longer. Thirdly sure, they are doing their objectives, in quite a boring playstyle to play against, and being face camped or tunneled every round just because i know how to loop is not fun at all. It doesn't even make any sense as killers would be better off going for the worse survivor, but i guess they just get salty that they got their time wasted

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @BigBadPiggy said:
    Survivors are no better. I played around 10+ games and in at least 4 of them a Survivor disconnected when I downed them. Don't always be blinded by one side of the coin, play killer for bit and realize survivors are just as toxic.

    I have played killer lol, i spent all yesterday playing trapper, nurse and spirit. Was boring as (especially with nurse and spirit) i was 4king almost every game, and i wanted to change the game up a bit.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @fcc2014 said:
    @No_Cluie_Louis Events bring out the worst in both sides. This event is especially garbage with lack of bloodpoint rewards.

    @Master look how quick people use any exploit available to them. It does happen.

    Ye but this event was actually balanced for once (in the sense that both teams have an equal chance of winning - the coin rewards aren't balanced), so i thought people wouldn't be toxic, if anything i thought killers would camp less as they go for lanterns, ik i did when i was playing killer

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @No_Cluie_Louis I honestly don't think the killer should have to look for Lanterns. They don't have time and to be honest. Solo play as a survivor during this event sucks. You either do all the work while some gets out with a lantern because they hid all game or grab a lantern and waited for the hatch. It has been some of the worst game play i have seen.

    Killers scoring should be upped based on hooks 4 points per hook. Survivors based on generators 5 points. The lantern should be a bonus if you escape with it 100% bonus Bloodpoints. Killer gets a stack for every hooked survivor with a lantern. Once hooked the lantern breaks. 25% stack for each lantern broke up to 7. You want more balanced Lobbies that fixes it and it isn't a 1vs1vs1vs1vs Killer game

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @fcc2014 said:
    @No_Cluie_Louis I honestly don't think the killer should have to look for Lanterns. They don't have time and to be honest. Solo play as a survivor during this event sucks. You either do all the work while some gets out with a lantern because they hid all game or grab a lantern and waited for the hatch. It has been some of the worst game play i have seen.

    Killers scoring should be upped based on hooks 4 points per hook. Survivors based on generators 5 points. The lantern should be a bonus if you escape with it 100% bonus Bloodpoints. Killer gets a stack for every hooked survivor with a lantern. Once hooked the lantern breaks. 25% stack for each lantern broke up to 7. You want more balanced Lobbies that fixes it and it isn't a 1vs1vs1vs1vs Killer game

    Really? I completely disagree. i've found this event really fun as both killer, and solo survivor. Weirdly enough the part i hate most about it is the coins... I love the concept of the lanterns. I honestly believe they should integrate these into the real game as a secondary objective, but rather than giving u points or coins, it directly affects the game, for example, for every lamp broken, the killer receives some kind of buff, and for every lantern carried, the survivors receive some kind of buff

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @No_Cluie_Louis everyone has their own opinion. I got my 3 coins on my main gonna get my 3 on a sub account i use and i'm out. I did the first solo playing and will do the other 3 playing swf maybe that will improve my disposition with the event since i won't be stuck with ######### teammates.

  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,119

    Yeah I don't like how the event is dependent on objectives that can be taken far from your control. I wish simply playing during the event was enough, say if you got a bunch of points for generators, or hooks, and that was it. Most games work like that I think, and in MMOs you just do a low-level quest or two and can gain rewards. I don't think they should just be given for logging in, but it's going to be very difficult for even average players to earn all rewards (and maybe that's the point) but since they're also available in store, it seems like this was to encourage people to just make a purchase rather than play the game.

    And again, they gave Feng lipstick, making the Huntress choice easy. At least I only have one outfit to work toward, the rest of you have two or three interests!

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867
    edited February 2019

    I dared try another survivor match and ented a 2v1. Killer hit us with 1-shot hatchet, then sat there striking me on the hook shaking his head around. Got all swole in post-game chat like he was the man. Wow, this kid needs a girlfriend. Second match (have a daily to heal 3) was a Freddy that hard tunneled. 3rd Match, was another 2v1 and a face camp by LF who also seemed ot have a head-shaking issue. Stated that he loved seeing survivors get no points at the end. lol These kids need help.

    Got my third heal, so back to running Trapper.

  • Fenrir
    Fenrir Member Posts: 533

    I dared try another survivor match and ented a 2v1. Killer hit us with 1-shot hatchet, then sat there striking me on the hook shaking his head around. Got all swole in post-game chat like he was the man. Wow, this kid needs a girlfriend. Second match (have a daily to heal 3) was a Freddy that hard tunneled. 3rd Match, was another 2v1 and a face camp by LF who also seemed ot have a head-shaking issue. Stated that he loved seeing survivors get no points at the end. lol These kids need help.

    Got my third heal, so back to running Trapper.

    Needs to be heavy punishment for this crap
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Warlock_2020 said:
    I dared try another survivor match and ented a 2v1. Killer hit us with 1-shot hatchet, then sat there striking me on the hook shaking his head around. Got all swole in post-game chat like he was the man. Wow, this kid needs a girlfriend. Second match (have a daily to heal 3) was a Freddy that hard tunneled. 3rd Match, was another 2v1 and a face camp by LF who also seemed ot have a head-shaking issue. Stated that he loved seeing survivors get no points at the end. lol These kids need help.

    Got my third heal, so back to running Trapper.

    Well if those guys wanted to farm coins, then they would be playing survivors.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    @Master said:

    @Warlock_2020 said:
    I dared try another survivor match and ented a 2v1. Killer hit us with 1-shot hatchet, then sat there striking me on the hook shaking his head around. Got all swole in post-game chat like he was the man. Wow, this kid needs a girlfriend. Second match (have a daily to heal 3) was a Freddy that hard tunneled. 3rd Match, was another 2v1 and a face camp by LF who also seemed ot have a head-shaking issue. Stated that he loved seeing survivors get no points at the end. lol These kids need help.

    Got my third heal, so back to running Trapper.

    Well if those guys wanted to farm coins, then they would be playing survivors.

    Not really. I've made much more coins as a killer. The survivors are so toxic it is nearly impossible to get away, and your lucky to get 8 coins. Once 2 gens are done, it is a contest to outlast each other for the hatch. I lose because I keep trying to do know the objective. I've been playing Trapper and getting more than 20 points a match easy.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Warlock_2020 said:

    @Master said:

    @Warlock_2020 said:
    I dared try another survivor match and ented a 2v1. Killer hit us with 1-shot hatchet, then sat there striking me on the hook shaking his head around. Got all swole in post-game chat like he was the man. Wow, this kid needs a girlfriend. Second match (have a daily to heal 3) was a Freddy that hard tunneled. 3rd Match, was another 2v1 and a face camp by LF who also seemed ot have a head-shaking issue. Stated that he loved seeing survivors get no points at the end. lol These kids need help.

    Got my third heal, so back to running Trapper.

    Well if those guys wanted to farm coins, then they would be playing survivors.

    Not really. I've made much more coins as a killer. The survivors are so toxic it is nearly impossible to get away, and your lucky to get 8 coins. Once 2 gens are done, it is a contest to outlast each other for the hatch. I lose because I keep trying to do know the objective. I've been playing Trapper and getting more than 20 points a match easy.

    Are you playing at rank 20 where the survivors still havent understood the concept of genrushing?

    Ah you only got 20 points, as survivor I get easily twice the amount while eating :lol:

  • Lenown
    Lenown Member Posts: 15

    @Master said:
    Laggswitching (if it really was laggswitching which I doubt tbh) is of course bannable.

    All otehr thigns just mean that the killer was doing his objective. And yes, if you play with DS, then you will not have fun in my lobbies, I can tell you that

    If the survviors dont follow my unwritten killer rules, then I dont see a reason to follow their unwritten rules
    Is that lag switching? Happened all game

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    @Master said:

    @Warlock_2020 said:

    @Master said:

    @Warlock_2020 said:
    I dared try another survivor match and ented a 2v1. Killer hit us with 1-shot hatchet, then sat there striking me on the hook shaking his head around. Got all swole in post-game chat like he was the man. Wow, this kid needs a girlfriend. Second match (have a daily to heal 3) was a Freddy that hard tunneled. 3rd Match, was another 2v1 and a face camp by LF who also seemed ot have a head-shaking issue. Stated that he loved seeing survivors get no points at the end. lol These kids need help.

    Got my third heal, so back to running Trapper.

    Well if those guys wanted to farm coins, then they would be playing survivors.

    Not really. I've made much more coins as a killer. The survivors are so toxic it is nearly impossible to get away, and your lucky to get 8 coins. Once 2 gens are done, it is a contest to outlast each other for the hatch. I lose because I keep trying to do know the objective. I've been playing Trapper and getting more than 20 points a match easy.

    Are you playing at rank 20 where the survivors still havent understood the concept of genrushing?

    Ah you only got 20 points, as survivor I get easily twice the amount while eating :lol:

    I'm playing solo survivor at rank 8. It is nothing but sandbagging SWFs and tunneling killers. Glad you are having better luck. I've been doing great as killer, so no worries.

  • starkiller1286
    starkiller1286 Member Posts: 889

    @Master said:

    @Warlock_2020 said:

    @Master said:

    @Warlock_2020 said:
    I dared try another survivor match and ented a 2v1. Killer hit us with 1-shot hatchet, then sat there striking me on the hook shaking his head around. Got all swole in post-game chat like he was the man. Wow, this kid needs a girlfriend. Second match (have a daily to heal 3) was a Freddy that hard tunneled. 3rd Match, was another 2v1 and a face camp by LF who also seemed ot have a head-shaking issue. Stated that he loved seeing survivors get no points at the end. lol These kids need help.

    Got my third heal, so back to running Trapper.

    Well if those guys wanted to farm coins, then they would be playing survivors.

    Not really. I've made much more coins as a killer. The survivors are so toxic it is nearly impossible to get away, and your lucky to get 8 coins. Once 2 gens are done, it is a contest to outlast each other for the hatch. I lose because I keep trying to do know the objective. I've been playing Trapper and getting more than 20 points a match easy.

    Are you playing at rank 20 where the survivors still havent understood the concept of genrushing?

    Ah you only got 20 points, as survivor I get easily twice the amount while eating :lol:

    I'm playing solo survivor at rank 8. It is nothing but sandbagging SWFs and tunneling killers. Glad you are having better luck. I've been doing great as killer, so no worries. 

    Sub 15 isn't that good just ran into a 4 mam swf all event feng as wraith on coldwin farm only got 1 hook and vessel before all gems were done with their bull, would have hooked the last one out after they used decisive but they disonnected then caused me of lagswitching. Bloody great

  • Bug_Reporter
    Bug_Reporter Member Posts: 673

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:
    Like i don't mean to sound too complainy, but i've been playing more survivor than i usually would for the event, and ######### is up with the toxicity on killers side. Like out of the 8 games i've played, every single one has ended in a death, and though some of them were fair enough, 2 were face camps, and 1 was a lagswitcher, and most of the others i was tunnelled all game. Sure i tried hiding, but it's difficult when the killers on you the moment you're unhooked.I even had to start running DS just to last longer than 5 minutes. Like seriously, why are killers to toxic in the event

    Sorry, none of us knew that actually playing the game was considered toxic.

    Why survivors keep repairing gens and running around pallets? Why the ######### they even run away from me? I dont wanna waste time running after them, they should stand still as soon as they get seen so i can land my hits easier, if they dont, all of them are just TOXIC PESTS!

  • TrAiNwReCk
    TrAiNwReCk Member Posts: 246

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:
    Like i don't mean to sound too complainy, but i've been playing more survivor than i usually would for the event, and ######### is up with the toxicity on killers side. Like out of the 8 games i've played, every single one has ended in a death, and though some of them were fair enough, 2 were face camps, and 1 was a lagswitcher, and most of the others i was tunnelled all game. Sure i tried hiding, but it's difficult when the killers on you the moment you're unhooked.I even had to start running DS just to last longer than 5 minutes. Like seriously, why are killers to toxic in the event

    For the reasons you probably want to play survivor for the event. Maybe they feel forced to play killer because of long wait times and what not. If you are forced to play something you don't want, some might see that as an excuse to be overly campy and try hard.

    I play survivor for this event as the event points are very much in the survivors favor. Though I don't blame any killer that wants to camp/tunnel/be a pain. This event has brought out the worst in killers/survivors alike.

  • nikstorm
    nikstorm Member Posts: 22

    survivors are even worse when all they need to do is gen rush. So yeah it a toxic game you can say welcome to DBD

  • Broosmeister
    Broosmeister Member Posts: 281
    edited February 2019
    I love when someone complaints about killer that people immediately rush to say : "survivors are no better hurrdurrdurr DS burrdurrhurr instaheal T-Bag hurrdurrdurr" 

    He's talking about toxic killers. We all know survivors can be toxic but many killers are no better than any toxic survivor. By just making it about survivors being toxic then you completely wave toxic behaviour by killers away, which seems a bit hypocritical to me.
  • Marvett
    Marvett Member Posts: 159

    In this event, the only killers I consider toxic are those who equip Ebonies.
    I mean, it is counterproductive >_<

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Camping and tunneling is not being toxic, it's a strategy. Also, lagswitching is VERY rarely actually happening. It's usually just normal lag and you can see the pings going in.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321
    Blueberry said:

    Camping and tunneling is not being toxic, it's a strategy. Also, lagswitching is VERY rarely actually happening. It's usually just normal lag and you can see the pings going in.

    Camping and tunneling is not toxic? Ok then. Think of these words next time I tunnel you off the hook using spirit so you can't possibly get near a window or pallet. Don't forget to be nice and say "gg" after I tunneled you to death in less than 1 minute. 😊 Also enjoy waiting 15 minutes for me to open the next lobby so I can camp/tunnel you to death again in less than 3 minutes total. If that's the definition of fun to you then so be it! 
  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:
    Like i don't mean to sound too complainy, but i've been playing more survivor than i usually would for the event, and ######### is up with the toxicity on killers side. Like out of the 8 games i've played, every single one has ended in a death, and though some of them were fair enough, 2 were face camps, and 1 was a lagswitcher, and most of the others i was tunnelled all game. Sure i tried hiding, but it's difficult when the killers on you the moment you're unhooked.I even had to start running DS just to last longer than 5 minutes. Like seriously, why are killers to toxic in the event

    Welcome to every event ever in DBD. Killers need to focus people down to get points and Survivors need to survivor to get points, therefore EVERYONE wants to maximize their point gains.

    Survivors are going to rush gens
    Killers are going to tunnel kills

    Its not "toxic" its poor event design.

    (Sure some people are truly just in it to ruin peoples lives but those players are not as common as people tend to claim they are.)

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    what i think is a toxic killer is yes

    @Marvett said:
    In this event, the only killers I consider toxic are those who equip Ebonies.
    I mean, it is counterproductive >_<


    also tho who hook the one with the Lantern and don't bother breaking it i seen killer walk right by it when it red. it like they trying to ruin this event for people who are trying.

    that's what i find toxic on the killers side

    but they are killers who help with this event i thank them when i got what i want this event playing killer just let survivors have at it.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050

    Bruh everyone been toxic

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    @Swiftblade131 said:
    Bruh everyone been toxic

    this is also true.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @MegaWaffle said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:
    Like i don't mean to sound too complainy, but i've been playing more survivor than i usually would for the event, and ######### is up with the toxicity on killers side. Like out of the 8 games i've played, every single one has ended in a death, and though some of them were fair enough, 2 were face camps, and 1 was a lagswitcher, and most of the others i was tunnelled all game. Sure i tried hiding, but it's difficult when the killers on you the moment you're unhooked.I even had to start running DS just to last longer than 5 minutes. Like seriously, why are killers to toxic in the event

    Welcome to every event ever in DBD. Killers need to focus people down to get points and Survivors need to survivor to get points, therefore EVERYONE wants to maximize their point gains.

    Survivors are going to rush gens
    Killers are going to tunnel kills

    Its not "toxic" its poor event design.

    (Sure some people are truly just in it to ruin peoples lives but those players are not as common as people tend to claim they are.)

    But my whole point is for once the event was't badly designed, as you only need to hook for points, not kill, so if anything camping is counter productive as less people get hooked again and go into struggle instead

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @Yamaoka said:
    Blueberry said:

    Camping and tunneling is not being toxic, it's a strategy. Also, lagswitching is VERY rarely actually happening. It's usually just normal lag and you can see the pings going in.

    Camping and tunneling is not toxic? Ok then. Think of these words next time I tunnel you off the hook using spirit so you can't possibly get near a window or pallet. Don't forget to be nice and say "gg" after I tunneled you to death in less than 1 minute. 😊 Also enjoy waiting 15 minutes for me to open the next lobby so I can camp/tunnel you to death again in less than 3 minutes total. If that's the definition of fun to you then so be it! 

    Ikr, why do so many people try and justify tunnelling survivors off a hook when in reality, it just isn't fun, not even really for the killer

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @Broosmeister said:
    Blueberry said:

    Camping and tunneling is not being toxic, it's a strategy. Also, lagswitching is VERY rarely actually happening. It's usually just normal lag and you can see the pings going in.

    It's a strategy, so is DS and instaheals. All part of the strategy. Being a P3 Claudette with Urban Evasion and hiding everytime you hear a heartbeat is also a strategy.

    We are not stupid, we know when camping and tunneling is needed. Camp the last guy all you want, i get it. Only 2 gens left with 4 survivors? Sure tunnel me, i get it.

    But camping and tunneling the first survivor you hooked with 5 gens left? Fck you, it's not even a strategy, it's being toxic garbage.

    Lol that's the worst. Like sure we all get salty and sometimes we just want to secure that kill on the annoying t-bagging Claudette but when they camp fro no reason other than it's their 'preferred playstyle', its actually disgusting

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @Broosmeister said:
    I love when someone complaints about killer that people immediately rush to say : "survivors are no better hurrdurrdurr DS burrdurrhurr instaheal T-Bag hurrdurrdurr" 

    He's talking about toxic killers. We all know survivors can be toxic but many killers are no better than any toxic survivor. By just making it about survivors being toxic then you completely wave toxic behaviour by killers away, which seems a bit hypocritical to me.

    Ikr, people say im complaining too much about camping when literally every dev stream the chat is screaming nerf DS

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @TrAiNwReCk said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:
    Like i don't mean to sound too complainy, but i've been playing more survivor than i usually would for the event, and ######### is up with the toxicity on killers side. Like out of the 8 games i've played, every single one has ended in a death, and though some of them were fair enough, 2 were face camps, and 1 was a lagswitcher, and most of the others i was tunnelled all game. Sure i tried hiding, but it's difficult when the killers on you the moment you're unhooked.I even had to start running DS just to last longer than 5 minutes. Like seriously, why are killers to toxic in the event

    For the reasons you probably want to play survivor for the event. Maybe they feel forced to play killer because of long wait times and what not. If you are forced to play something you don't want, some might see that as an excuse to be overly campy and try hard.

    I play survivor for this event as the event points are very much in the survivors favor. Though I don't blame any killer that wants to camp/tunnel/be a pain. This event has brought out the worst in killers/survivors alike.

    I really doubt at rank 1 killer, they are being forced to play something they don't want, and if they main survivor, they probably are rank 1 where there is very little wait time

  • TrAiNwReCk
    TrAiNwReCk Member Posts: 246

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @TrAiNwReCk said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:
    Like i don't mean to sound too complainy, but i've been playing more survivor than i usually would for the event, and ######### is up with the toxicity on killers side. Like out of the 8 games i've played, every single one has ended in a death, and though some of them were fair enough, 2 were face camps, and 1 was a lagswitcher, and most of the others i was tunnelled all game. Sure i tried hiding, but it's difficult when the killers on you the moment you're unhooked.I even had to start running DS just to last longer than 5 minutes. Like seriously, why are killers to toxic in the event

    For the reasons you probably want to play survivor for the event. Maybe they feel forced to play killer because of long wait times and what not. If you are forced to play something you don't want, some might see that as an excuse to be overly campy and try hard.

    I play survivor for this event as the event points are very much in the survivors favor. Though I don't blame any killer that wants to camp/tunnel/be a pain. This event has brought out the worst in killers/survivors alike.

    I really doubt at rank 1 killer, they are being forced to play something they don't want, and if they main survivor, they probably are rank 1 where there is very little wait time

    I have sense changed my mindset on playing survivor (rank 1) I played 8 or so games in a row with 3 different killers, but with the same type of game play and perks/strategy making it impossible to escape a trial, which is the only way to get those bonus +25 event points as survivor.

    Killers running Whispers, Hex Ruin, BBQ and a random 4th and slugging the 3rd to make sure the 4th doesn't get hatch makes it impossible seemingly to escape.

    I won't bash killers or survivors for anything, but the event is encouraging tough game play. I admit to swapping to killer (rank 1) as I can hardly get 8 event points as survivor anymore. Usually 1-2 gens get done before the game ends. So many survivors are playing so stealthy, so focused on surviving with the lamp they don't play the objective near as much, slowing the game down, which only helps the killer.

  • Stompa
    Stompa Member Posts: 154

    my fix was just not to play during events, no shiny cosmetic in the world can bring me to but up with this